Do Democrats Know Anything Besides Hatred And Division

The GOP currently is the lesser of the two evils.

The Dems are 100% evil.

The GOP is only 99%.
Brainwashed functional moron. None of your phony scandals ever made it to a courtroom or real journalism. The entire respected world thinks you are insane. Change the channel.
The fact that the FBI publicly announced they had recovered over 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary tried to destroy ('Obstruction'), each one an official document Hillary was legally required to turn in but criminally chose not to, is completely, hilariously ignored by you because Obama, Comey, and Lynch protected her from prison.

The fact that you and other snowflakes can actually look at the evidence / the FBI declaring this and claim as long as she was protected and got away with it then it means it never happened, makes you a lying, deceitful, reality-denying imbecile.
The GOP currently is the lesser of the two evils.

The Dems are 100% evil.

The GOP is only 99%.
Brainwashed functional moron. None of your phony scandals ever made it to a courtroom or real journalism. The entire respected world thinks you are insane. Change the channel.
The fact that the FBI publicly announced they had recovered over 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary tried to destroy ('Obstruction'), each one an official document Hillary was legally required to turn in but criminally chose not to, is completely, hilariously ignored by you because Obama, Comey, and Lynch protected her from prison.

The fact that you and other snowflakes can actually look at the evidence / the FBI declaring this and claim as long as she was protected and got away with it then it means it never happened, makes you a lying, deceitful, reality-denying imbecile.
Which in the end didn't mean a thing, just like all her other emails, super duper.
The American people also don't care what you think.
The American people, that is The Dupes of the GOP in your mind, have no clue what's going on.

I know we control the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS hence the American people trust us more than your ilk. Bro you need to reboot your party its in shambles.
Big deal all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich LOL and screwing the rest of us. Nothing's going to change until the Democrats get full control and can do some reform, super duper. Until then, just more and more inequality and suffering while the greedy idiot GOP rich laugh all the way to the bank, super duper ....

Explain why the American people chose us to lead instead of Dems. :itsok:
30 years of garbage character assassination and BS and Hate propaganda, Big Mouth James Comey, and Hillary was a passive wreck keeping quiet and not showing her real personality. I hope she comes back as a fact-checking real candidate laughing at your idiocy... Mean doesn't make it.

Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
The American people, that is The Dupes of the GOP in your mind, have no clue what's going on.

I know we control the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS hence the American people trust us more than your ilk. Bro you need to reboot your party its in shambles.
Big deal all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich LOL and screwing the rest of us. Nothing's going to change until the Democrats get full control and can do some reform, super duper. Until then, just more and more inequality and suffering while the greedy idiot GOP rich laugh all the way to the bank, super duper ....

Explain why the American people chose us to lead instead of Dems. :itsok:
30 years of garbage character assassination and BS and Hate propaganda, Big Mouth James Comey, and Hillary was a passive wreck keeping quiet and not showing her real personality. I hope she comes back as a fact-checking real candidate laughing at your idiocy... Mean doesn't make it.

Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.
Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...
-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security

-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico

-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs

...and on and on and on...

Every election or Confirmation hearing they dust off the pages of their 'Pokitics of Personal Destruction Playbook', march out a bunch of lying Socialist Liberal Activists with whom to try to 'Herman Cain' another GOP candidate, and attempt to destroy everything in their lives rather than making an argument for why Americans should vote for them instead.

Every time they lose they ratchet up the intolerance, the hate, and violent propaganda, engage in obstruction, conspiracy, sedition, and even treason...launch investigations based on false accusations, and the DNC, Soros, or the Russians pay the liberal activists to karch, manipulate the people, and divide America.

They can't just accept.

They can't just accept the fact they lost.

They can't just accept they've been rejected

They can't just accept they are not in control

They can't accept that as not being in control they don't get to make the rules

They miss, want, and need power as much as they need air...and they will absolutely do anything, say anything, break any law, manipulate anyone, betray anyone, of F* over anyone to get it back...

For the last several years they have been driven by hate and have been fueling that hate and division.

BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took Russian money to spread racial hatred and division.

Mueller and the Democrats have been doing this for the last 2+ years in their witch hunt against the President...

Feinstein and the Democrats did this against Kavanaugh..

Pelosi is now fanning the flames of hatred and division, bitter after being unable to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a Justice, declaring how she promises to impeach both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh for no other reason than hatred and political partisanship if the Democrats retake the House / Senate...

Do Democrats know anything else but hatred, intolerance, partisanship, and insatiable lust for power and to rule others?

After Kavanaugh confirmation, Pelosi vows to unearth FBI docs as Dems demand impeachment inquiry


Coming from the party of Mexicans are going to kill your family

We are Mexicans voting Not Democrat...... what says you?
I know we control the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS hence the American people trust us more than your ilk. Bro you need to reboot your party its in shambles.
Big deal all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich LOL and screwing the rest of us. Nothing's going to change until the Democrats get full control and can do some reform, super duper. Until then, just more and more inequality and suffering while the greedy idiot GOP rich laugh all the way to the bank, super duper ....

Explain why the American people chose us to lead instead of Dems. :itsok:
30 years of garbage character assassination and BS and Hate propaganda, Big Mouth James Comey, and Hillary was a passive wreck keeping quiet and not showing her real personality. I hope she comes back as a fact-checking real candidate laughing at your idiocy... Mean doesn't make it.

Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.

The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
Big deal all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich LOL and screwing the rest of us. Nothing's going to change until the Democrats get full control and can do some reform, super duper. Until then, just more and more inequality and suffering while the greedy idiot GOP rich laugh all the way to the bank, super duper ....

Explain why the American people chose us to lead instead of Dems. :itsok:
30 years of garbage character assassination and BS and Hate propaganda, Big Mouth James Comey, and Hillary was a passive wreck keeping quiet and not showing her real personality. I hope she comes back as a fact-checking real candidate laughing at your idiocy... Mean doesn't make it.

Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.

The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
That's because they are journalists and the GOP is totally fos.
Explain why the American people chose us to lead instead of Dems. :itsok:
30 years of garbage character assassination and BS and Hate propaganda, Big Mouth James Comey, and Hillary was a passive wreck keeping quiet and not showing her real personality. I hope she comes back as a fact-checking real candidate laughing at your idiocy... Mean doesn't make it.

Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.

The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
That's because they are journalists and the GOP is totally fos.

Those rascally GOP'ers eh, lol
30 years of garbage character assassination and BS and Hate propaganda, Big Mouth James Comey, and Hillary was a passive wreck keeping quiet and not showing her real personality. I hope she comes back as a fact-checking real candidate laughing at your idiocy... Mean doesn't make it.

Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.

The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
That's because they are journalists and the GOP is totally fos.

Those rascally GOP'ers eh, lol
The GOP is a totally bought off give away to the rich and can only do it because of you silly dupes.
Franco 95% of the media are totally in the tank for the Dem's, your side has an overwhelming advantage to spin the narrative in favor of Democrats and you still lost the House and Senate, and that's with Obama in the White House. Come to grips with the fact that Dem policies are not popular.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.

The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
That's because they are journalists and the GOP is totally fos.

Those rascally GOP'ers eh, lol
The GOP is a totally bought off give away to the rich and can only do it because of you silly dupes.

The Democrat Mob has been bought off to the point it is causing violence in the streets.
People don't even know what they are, what wit the GOP propaganda machine spending all their time making up phony scandals about Democrats, and corporate media following along for the controversy... Most GOP voters believe they are for open borders and higher taxes for everyone.

What you mean is, 95% of the media are journalists and the rest are bought off propagandists.

The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
That's because they are journalists and the GOP is totally fos.

Those rascally GOP'ers eh, lol
The GOP is a totally bought off give away to the rich and can only do it because of you silly dupes.

The Democrat Mob has been bought off to the point it is causing violence in the streets.
Total b******* propaganda. Some pissed off sexual assault victims yelled at some bought off assholes and they're done. Meanwhile the only spike in violence is trumper's attacking Muslims Jews blacks and gays.
Its clear the OP is very upset at many actions taken by countless people and to be honest if you were to look at all of the bafoonary recently it makes sense.

Both sides are to blame for all of the actions taken recently and we must take the time required to reflect and move on for we must keep focusing on what the step next logical step is.

It's really concerning to see so many people worried and upset right here, on the news, and abroad but it makes complete sense why certain people in certain political groups would want to be completely done with current leadership and colletive membership of some or most partys and gatherings as a whole.

I'd also like to think it's noteworthy to state that I think its very sad to see such weak leadership skills being shown across the board at the top ever since the last presidential election and if our elected officials only realized how powerful the internet and social media is then they would finally realize that you could instantly bring hundreds of millions together in unison as long as we provided the correct information and data. If they learned how powerful we could be as one instead of many only then they could learn how to teach and help us follow that same path of logic and reason.

But on top of the numbers we cannot forget that every human being must be filled with the motivation and hope that is required to work harder than ever before. We all must be encouraged day in and day out to grow as bright as the sun light provides and only through the self-realization that collective intelligence is key towards maximum success will we be able to achieve what no other before us has.

Even so, Despite all the crazy mayhem happening all over the country the past year, let alone week, I feel confident that we as U.S citizens will be more than capable of proving we do have the intelligence and strength to prove we can change for the better, eternally.

Luckily though I have strong confidence in my own political affiliation and fellow leadership as we are working hard to unite our fellow brothers and sisters here at home and aboard so that peace and prosperity can be brought to all levels of society for decades to come.

Over everything I am confident in being a U.S citizen and am proud to be fighting hard to preserve peace and freedom for all good willed people throughout the world. Only through our strngeth and faith in humanity will we be able to overcome the inachievble.
The "GOP propaganda machine" didn't I just tell you the media favors Dem's 95% to 5%. Franco your rhetoric is opposite of the facts.
That's because they are journalists and the GOP is totally fos.

Those rascally GOP'ers eh, lol
The GOP is a totally bought off give away to the rich and can only do it because of you silly dupes.

The Democrat Mob has been bought off to the point it is causing violence in the streets.
Total b******* propaganda. Some pissed off sexual assault victims yelled at some bought off assholes and they're done. Meanwhile the only spike in violence is trumper's attacking Muslims Jews blacks and gays.

Propaganda? What validation do have that it is propogabda besides what lies between your ears?
Its hard for Dem's to get elected running on higher taxes, shit jobs, and millions of illegals flooding into our country. Hate and division is their only chance.
Higher taxes only on the bloated rich, investment in training for good jobs that are going begging, real solutions to the illegal problem instead of paralysis..
Hilariously ironic considering your brainwashed beliefs about everything Hillary the foundation Obama the FBI etc etc a million scandals based on no evidence, only the BS brainwash, never retracted and never go anywhere. A disgrace.
Even after the results you have seen from the taxes that were cut you are still calling for higher taxes?

Why do snowflakes hate every rich person ... ... except for the ones who lie to them, manipulate them, spy on them, target them, abandon them, use them.....?
I see very little like everyone in the world outside your bubble of b*******. I love the rich who are not a****** Republicans. Tax rates should be Progressive as they have always been everywhere except in brainwashed GOP America, super duper. The country and the middle class have been going to hell for 30 years. Now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in Any modern country, super dupe.
The Democrats have shut on the middle class for decades, attempting to eliminate the middle class, to expand the dependent lower, poorer class.

They have seen a successful country and more independence means citizens who are harder to control and manipulate...which is why they are no longer in power.
We have had GOP tax rates for 35 years, a giveaway to the rich with cuts in all services for the rest, so now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history. So glad everything is wonderful in Fox Rush world LOL.

Because those poor helpless democrats can't change tax rates when they're in charge. Is it because they've forgotten how, or is it because they instinctively know raising taxes is a suicide move?
Do Democrats Know Anything Besides Hatred And Division

Like most totalitarian-oriented groups, they know well how to turn the mob.

Americans must be prepared to counter-resist, and hard.
New trumpanzee talking point: protesters are a mob.

There's nothing new about it.

Protestors are not a mob.

Those who interfere with others' exercise of constitutional rights are a mob.

Democrats in general do not protest, but interfere and disrupt. They employ mob tactics. They are the mob.

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