Do liberals even like this country?

Can no one see the frustration? you put forth a point of view & what you get back is anger , is there no room for reasoned debate? even if we never agree. would it be better if we understood why that person held that point of view. I get the why of many points of view, what I can't except is my way is the only way. some how our founders managed to Hear each other & find a middle ground. why not us .

Because we are too polarized today. There is very little if any middle ground left.

The Republicans are working with an in-fued between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea partiers are constitutionalists.

On the Democrat side, their second choice for the presidential nomination is an admitted Socialist, and maybe if not for rigging the election, he might have been the nominee. The US Communist Party endorsed their last three presidential candidates as well as Sanders.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none, and things will get worse before it gets better.
Conservatives SAY they love America . But what do they love about it ?

The hate virtually ALL the people in the US . They hate the physical country . They want to do away with environment protection and pave over our forests .

Really, the only thing they love is the American dollar .

So, you're a "conservative". Who knew?

Depends on the subject .

Oh, I also forgot that the right hates the US government too.

The only thing the right hates are liberal socialist policies. Trying to prevent the spread of that (which is available in other countries) shows we love this country.

How about an example?

Like so : righties want to take marriage rights from gay couples . And pretty much any rights for gays . They want them to be second class citizens so they can oppress gays.

Nobody is oppressing you gays and there is no "right" to marriage; the word isn't even in our Constitution.

Gays have been marrying for years. If they found a religion that would marry them, then they got married and not one Republican tried to stop them. They didn't recognize the marriage, but not recognizing it is not preventing it either.

However states rights is in the Constitution and the order by the SC that states are forced to recognize gay marriage is not only a violation of states rights, but a violation against the will of the people since most states voted to keep marriage the way it was.
That's so funny that you would still believe that after all the recent court decisions about gay rights and gay marriage
Guess that is what makes you conservative
Stuck in the 1950s
63% of all registered democrats are on some form of government assistence not including social security
People who do not do much like to complain about the unfair advantages of those who do a lot and foot the bill
Though it went right over your head, yes, it is the same thing
Adopting something someone else is doing is not an admission of your own ineptness. It is what our brightest innovators do every day

Went over my head? It seems that's what happened to my comment. So let me put it another way:

Using a medical procedure created in another country will not duplicate a government or social system. It won't change a thing in our society outside of those who receive the treatment. It won't take over one-sixth of our economy either.

You think we invented healthcare? You think we are not already using insurance practices implemented around the world?

Our founding fathers used political ideas that were developed in France, England, the Greeks, the Romans
Borrowing from other countries built this country

What they did was change those concepts to create a new government and country like no other around the world. They removed the faults of those political ideas before introducing them here.
Now you are getting it

You look at what other countries are doing and pick what works and ignore what doesn't. It is how innovation works

Liberals really know what they are doing don't they?

No, that's why we try to stop their socialist polices; so we don't end up like another socialist country that you on the left love so dearly.
Socialism is controlling the means of production, prices

Doing things that help your people is not socialism
despite the fact our political system is now catering to only wealthy folk and corporate powers america has the hardest working most productive work force in the world. ITS TOO BAD WE CANT FIGURE OUT a healthcare system that works for shouldnt be this difficult...what is wrong with this picture.
63% of all registered democrats are on some form of government assistence not including social security
People who do not do much like to complain about the unfair advantages of those who do a lot and foot the bill

Can I get a link ?

How is "government assistance " defined?
Went over my head? It seems that's what happened to my comment. So let me put it another way:

Using a medical procedure created in another country will not duplicate a government or social system. It won't change a thing in our society outside of those who receive the treatment. It won't take over one-sixth of our economy either.

You think we invented healthcare? You think we are not already using insurance practices implemented around the world?

Our founding fathers used political ideas that were developed in France, England, the Greeks, the Romans
Borrowing from other countries built this country

What they did was change those concepts to create a new government and country like no other around the world. They removed the faults of those political ideas before introducing them here.
Now you are getting it

You look at what other countries are doing and pick what works and ignore what doesn't. It is how innovation works

Liberals really know what they are doing don't they?

No, that's why we try to stop their socialist polices; so we don't end up like another socialist country that you on the left love so dearly.
Socialism is controlling the means of production, prices

Doing things that help your people is not socialism

No, socialism is taking from people and redistributing it to others. Doing things that help your people is called charity--not government. Government is supposed to govern.
63% of all registered democrats are on some form of government assistence not including social security
People who do not do much like to complain about the unfair advantages of those who do a lot and foot the bill

Can I get a link ?

How is "government assistance " defined?
Do your own work. Links are often lies and you know full well what government assistence is but nice try
So, you're a "conservative". Who knew?

Depends on the subject .

Oh, I also forgot that the right hates the US government too.

The only thing the right hates are liberal socialist policies. Trying to prevent the spread of that (which is available in other countries) shows we love this country.

How about an example?

Like so : righties want to take marriage rights from gay couples . And pretty much any rights for gays . They want them to be second class citizens so they can oppress gays.

Nobody is oppressing you gays and there is no "right" to marriage; the word isn't even in our Constitution.

Gays have been marrying for years. If they found a religion that would marry them, then they got married and not one Republican tried to stop them. They didn't recognize the marriage, but not recognizing it is not preventing it either.

However states rights is in the Constitution and the order by the SC that states are forced to recognize gay marriage is not only a violation of states rights, but a violation against the will of the people since most states voted to keep marriage the way it was.
That's so funny that you would still believe that after all the recent court decisions about gay rights and gay marriage
Guess that is what makes you conservative
Stuck in the 1950s

Yeah, that's what normalcy is, stuck in the 1950's.
I'm sure they far left loves this country. It's full of Useful Idiots who never read the Bill of Rights.
Even third worlders from down south, seem to know federalism better than most of the right wing, in the US.

Doubtful. Based on the alleged reasons why the left protests, they don't understand the Bill of Rights, are totally ignorant of what it says, or are enemies of the COTUS.
Most of those countries south of our federal border, are also federal republics. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Apparently you don't understand this is a constitutional republic. It's OK. Lots of folks are ignorant about our COTUS.

Another example of one who is ignorant of the COTUS.
Can no one see the frustration? you put forth a point of view & what you get back is anger , is there no room for reasoned debate? even if we never agree. would it be better if we understood why that person held that point of view. I get the why of many points of view, what I can't except is my way is the only way. some how our founders managed to Hear each other & find a middle ground. why not us .

Because we are too polarized today. There is very little if any middle ground left.

The Republicans are working with an in-fued between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea partiers are constitutionalists.

On the Democrat side, their second choice for the presidential nomination is an admitted Socialist, and maybe if not for rigging the election, he might have been the nominee. The US Communist Party endorsed their last three presidential candidates as well as Sanders.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none, and things will get worse before it gets better.
the right wing has nothing to do with the Constitution, just socialism on a national basis and blaming the left for, "being communist".
I'm sure they far left loves this country. It's full of Useful Idiots who never read the Bill of Rights.
Even third worlders from down south, seem to know federalism better than most of the right wing, in the US.

Doubtful. Based on the alleged reasons why the left protests, they don't understand the Bill of Rights, are totally ignorant of what it says, or are enemies of the COTUS.
Most of those countries south of our federal border, are also federal republics. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Apparently you don't understand this is a constitutional republic. It's OK. Lots of folks are ignorant about our COTUS.
we have a federal form of government. Every federal form of government has a Constitution. Only the right wing is, habitually, clueless and Causeless.
You think we invented healthcare? You think we are not already using insurance practices implemented around the world?

Our founding fathers used political ideas that were developed in France, England, the Greeks, the Romans
Borrowing from other countries built this country

What they did was change those concepts to create a new government and country like no other around the world. They removed the faults of those political ideas before introducing them here.
Now you are getting it

You look at what other countries are doing and pick what works and ignore what doesn't. It is how innovation works

Liberals really know what they are doing don't they?

No, that's why we try to stop their socialist polices; so we don't end up like another socialist country that you on the left love so dearly.
Socialism is controlling the means of production, prices

Doing things that help your people is not socialism

No, socialism is taking from people and redistributing it to others. Doing things that help your people is called charity--not government. Government is supposed to govern.
No, that is called living in a civilized society
What they did was change those concepts to create a new government and country like no other around the world. They removed the faults of those political ideas before introducing them here.
Now you are getting it

You look at what other countries are doing and pick what works and ignore what doesn't. It is how innovation works

Liberals really know what they are doing don't they?

No, that's why we try to stop their socialist polices; so we don't end up like another socialist country that you on the left love so dearly.
Socialism is controlling the means of production, prices

Doing things that help your people is not socialism

No, socialism is taking from people and redistributing it to others. Doing things that help your people is called charity--not government. Government is supposed to govern.
No, that is called living in a civilized society

Yeah, a civilized society if you're a taker. When you're a giver, you look at it as theft.
This week is "Made In America Week" and of course, Dems are VERY angry

Makes sense because they hate everything that has to do with America
Now you are getting it

You look at what other countries are doing and pick what works and ignore what doesn't. It is how innovation works

Liberals really know what they are doing don't they?

No, that's why we try to stop their socialist polices; so we don't end up like another socialist country that you on the left love so dearly.
Socialism is controlling the means of production, prices

Doing things that help your people is not socialism

No, socialism is taking from people and redistributing it to others. Doing things that help your people is called charity--not government. Government is supposed to govern.
No, that is called living in a civilized society

Yeah, a civilized society if you're a taker. When you're a giver, you look at it as theft.
You miss the point of civilization
There is both give and take

As a whole, everyone is better off

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