Do liberals even like this country?

Doesn't seem like it...which I don't understand because it is becoming more and more liberal
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

No...we didn't hate the U.S. when obama was in power...we hated the way he was trying to destroy everything this country was with his stupid policies........that is the difference.......he hated this country, and as many conservative pundits pointed do not "Fundamentally change" that which you love...... you don't tell your wife, I love you...but I want to fundamentally change who you are....
Remember when the Democratic party wanted their kids to have a better, more affluent life than they had. Bigger house, more money, better retirement. Today's Dem party is all about the liberal agenda which shits on the middle class, middle class jobs, and slaves them out working shit jobs for less than their parents earned.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment, Obamacare

Conservatives want to end them all

Maybe because our Constitution doesn't require our federal government to provide.

That is the beautiful thing about the Constitution......We the People get to decide what we want from our Government

No, what the federal government is required to provide is listed in the Constitution. If it were to provide anything we wanted, why would the founders have made a list of what they were to provide?
Our founding fathers were smarter than to try to restrict what future generations were allowed to do. Thomas Jefferson said it best

I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
So what does that have to do with my question?
Obviously the people who look to other countries are doing so to show alternatives to how we do things here.
Obviously that's obvious.

The fact is we became number one for a reason, post modern liberals do not like that reason, they are anti-capitalist totalitarian power freaks. Most probably don't sit around dreaming about socialism but that is the driving force behind leftist policies and ideals.

The power players know full well what they are doing and getting filthy stinking rich in the process. Global socialism is the ultimate goal and American conservative are an anathema to it. We stubbornly stand in their way, clinging to archaic things like freedom, self reliance, individualism and entrepreneurship. We need government but we don't need them to run our lives.
Doesn't seem like it...which I don't understand because it is becoming more and more liberal

No, it's not. If anything, just the opposite.

It's like when a peacock fans it's feathers to make it look larger in preparation to fight. The liberal media wants you to think there are more of them than us, but it's far from the truth. We now have a Republican Congress, Senate, White House, and most governorships across the country. Don't believe the liberal media, their brainwashing techniques should only effect the liberals--not us.
You want to see what America looks like under Dem rule, look no further than the black communities in Dem cities across the country that's what liberal policies produce.
Global socialism is the ultimate goal and American conservative are an anathema to it.
Globalism was brought about by capitalism and American conservatives aided and abetted it's rise. It's comical watching you people struggle with reality.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment, Obamacare

Conservatives want to end them all

Maybe because our Constitution doesn't require our federal government to provide.

That is the beautiful thing about the Constitution......We the People get to decide what we want from our Government

No, what the federal government is required to provide is listed in the Constitution. If it were to provide anything we wanted, why would the founders have made a list of what they were to provide?
Our founding fathers were smarter than to try to restrict what future generations were allowed to do. Thomas Jefferson said it best

I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

Actually I think James Madison said it best:

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Now look at our budget and debt, and tell me we would be anywhere near our situation today had we only adhered to the words of Madison. Because much of our spending is exactly what Madison warned us about--benevolence.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment, Obamacare

Conservatives want to end them all

Maybe because our Constitution doesn't require our federal government to provide.

That is the beautiful thing about the Constitution......We the People get to decide what we want from our Government

No, what the federal government is required to provide is listed in the Constitution. If it were to provide anything we wanted, why would the founders have made a list of what they were to provide?
Our founding fathers were smarter than to try to restrict what future generations were allowed to do. Thomas Jefferson said it best

I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

There is a process for making changes. It is the only viable process short of arbitrary government.
Doesn't seem like it...which I don't understand because it is becoming more and more liberal

No, it's not. If anything, just the opposite.

It's like when a peacock fans it's feathers to make it look larger in preparation to fight. The liberal media wants you to think there are more of them than us, but it's far from the truth. We now have a Republican Congress, Senate, White House, and most governorships across the country. Don't believe the liberal media, their brainwashing techniques should only effect the liberals--not us.
I mean more liberal in law. Gay marriage, etc
You want to see what America looks like under Dem rule, look no further than the black communities in Dem cities across the country that's what liberal policies produce.

And if you want to look further, Kim Jong Un can help.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.
If you believe we have the greatest country in the world.......why elect someone who wants to make America great again?
Doesn't seem like it...which I don't understand because it is becoming more and more liberal

No, it's not. If anything, just the opposite.

It's like when a peacock fans it's feathers to make it look larger in preparation to fight. The liberal media wants you to think there are more of them than us, but it's far from the truth. We now have a Republican Congress, Senate, White House, and most governorships across the country. Don't believe the liberal media, their brainwashing techniques should only effect the liberals--not us.
I mean more liberal in law. Gay marriage, etc

We have made some mistakes in the past like nominating judges claiming to be constitutionalists, but let's hope we learn from our mistakes. We have a commie lib judge that is trying to override the US Supreme Court, but again, they are the minority not the majority. I trust Trump will make some good decisions in getting the right judges to make decisions--and not liberal decisions either.
what determines left from right? i consider the us a fine place to raise a family and it has many great things. As far as this lovey dovey over the top mumbo jumbo patriotic nauseum fake's fake. It's the hard working middle cladd that built this nation.we have the hardest working most productive least complaining workforce in the world. and we can't figure out how to provide healthcare for them. That is frankly sick that something as simple as healthcare cent be figured out. The two major political parties and how they do their business disgust me. Take out the big money and restart it.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.
If you believe we have the greatest country in the world.......why elect someone who wants to make America great again?

Because the fundamental changes Obama actually managed to squirt out of his ass really fucked the place up.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment, Obamacare

Conservatives want to end them all

Maybe because our Constitution doesn't require our federal government to provide.

That is the beautiful thing about the Constitution......We the People get to decide what we want from our Government

No, what the federal government is required to provide is listed in the Constitution. If it were to provide anything we wanted, why would the founders have made a list of what they were to provide?
Our founding fathers were smarter than to try to restrict what future generations were allowed to do. Thomas Jefferson said it best

I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

There is a process for making changes. It is the only viable process short of arbitrary government.
Sure there is a process. It mostly involves passing laws and legislation and seeing if they pass constitutional muster
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.

Well Ray there are some on both sides that hate this country when their political party is not in power...

Now what is wrong with looking at other nations to see if they are doing it better than us?

Nothing wrong with change for the better, as long as it's our way of changing and not another countries way.

There is no hate on the right. That's why we never compare any other country to ours. We believe we have the greatest country in the world in spite of it's problems. We want to make a better USA, and the liberals want to make it an entirely different USA.
If you believe we have the greatest country in the world.......why elect someone who wants to make America great again?

What's wrong with that? His motto was not Make America into France, or Make American into Germany. He said make America great again.

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