Do liberals think the black lives matter folks are getting out of hand?

The black lady on MTP just said this is the one year anniversary of the murder of Michael Brown....her observation went unchallenged...pathetic.
It is their right to protest and if the candidates can't handle them do we really want them in office?
I don't think BLM has the right to disrupt an event whether it's for Sanders or Trump. They should have been shoved off the stage by security who looked more like crossing guards. A judge should issue an injunction against their activities. The leftists are going too far and need to be reigned in.
So freedom of speech should be abridged? Why do you hate freedom?

If they love free speech so much why not get a permit and organize their own event....
Then they can Hands up don't shoot or black lives matter all day long.

The purpose of what these folks did was to disrupt,force a confrontation where they push someone and when pushed
back then they can claim racism or brutality....

They could give a rats ass about black lives matter.
This is all about black privilige where a handful of agitators shut down an event
because everyone is so afraid to stand up to these people....
Black privilege? LMFAO. Where is the ignore button?
You don't have the gravitas to declare anyone should be ignored here. Go hangout at Huffington Post where there are those who agree with you.
Yes. All lives matter.

The incredible ability of Humans to re-fight long settled debates is unmatched in nature. One would think we'd be smarter.
Love it when lefties get bitch-slapped by their own stupid ideas.

If Hillary is behind this then it only proves what we all already knew; that left wing policies are nothing but bull shit designed to keep the sheep in line and maintain the power of the left wing elite.
The voices behind "black lives matter" mean "black lives matter-MORE". Liberals are in a bind... If they say, " all lives matter", they get slapped on the wrist. Therefore, they need to appease, as usual, to keep the peace....and the votes.
Well good thing LBJ handled the negroes when they got uppity.

In his own words

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”
Read more at Civil Wrongs Lyndon B. Johnson The Black Sphere

Please provide the original source for that quote. You know....where he said it and exactly when. Maybe a transcript or a recording. I'd like to verify its authenticity. As should you.
I respect that you are calling for verification. Granted this is an alleged quote of LBJ but he had the undeniable voting record against, and delaying civil rights to back up the alleged feelings in this quote.

The City Square LBJ vs. the Civil Rights Act of 1957

You did the same thing. I am asking for original source material. Please provide.
Voting record, or the book inside the whitehouse?

No. I'm asking for the original source material for the quote that you attributed to LBJ. When, where and to whom did he say those words? Or...if he wrote them, please provide the original source document.

Two books, Kessler inside the White House, and Bartlett wrong on race or something. Does not change his voting record. Or the fact he had no problem with the n word.
Protesters drove Bernie Sanders from one Seattle stage. At his next stop 15 000 people showed. - The Washington Post

Personally I am concerned about a rising police state. I think most cops are good, but I think the career does attract power hungry people who abuse that power. But I think the black lives matter people only hurt the cause, not help. Especially when shouting down people who say all lives matter, crying foul in cases like Michael brown, and not looking at cold hard stats. They are creating their own straw man for people who back police no matter what.

So what do liberals think? Are they getting out of hand?

To be honest I think that these protesters could possibly be Hilary attack dogs scaring the black vote away from sanders.
Not sure yet.
Why don't you tell us what racist assholes think?
Couldn't tell you, I don't give a flying f what color you are, if your a douch bag, or a dick to people, I probably don't like you. But I guess disagreement is now racist, and apparently being white (or Asian in my case, close enough) Is inherently racist and inherently privileged (which is itself a racist statement).

You are asian? Then it is not possible for you to be racist.
That is a racist statement. Based on my skin color I am not capable racism?

I said nothing about skin color. I have no idea what color your skin is.
"You are asian? Then it is not possible for you to be racist."
Are you going to split that hair? So based on my race then? Which is racist is it not
Not sure yet.
Why don't you tell us what racist assholes think?
Couldn't tell you, I don't give a flying f what color you are, if your a douch bag, or a dick to people, I probably don't like you. But I guess disagreement is now racist, and apparently being white (or Asian in my case, close enough) Is inherently racist and inherently privileged (which is itself a racist statement).

You are asian? Then it is not possible for you to be racist.
That is a racist statement. Based on my skin color I am not capable racism?

I said nothing about skin color. I have no idea what color your skin is.
"You are asian? Then it is not possible for you to be racist."
Are you going to split that hair? So based on my race then? Which is racist is it not

You are too smart for me, pal. Too bad your standard for substantiation of claims is so poor.

LBJ never said those words. You have been duped.
Well......after all.....they are negroes. Of course they will get out of hand. That's the kind of thing that caused the thugs who started this whole mess to get shot.

Exactly! Just like this young man who went innocently to shop for a new vehicle and had his intentions flagrantly misinterpreted by the police.

News from The Associated Press

The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.
Well......after all.....they are negroes. Of course they will get out of hand. That's the kind of thing that caused the thugs who started this whole mess to get shot.

Exactly! Just like this young man who went innocently to shop for a new vehicle and had his intentions flagrantly misinterpreted by the police.

News from The Associated Press

The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot
Well......after all.....they are negroes. Of course they will get out of hand. That's the kind of thing that caused the thugs who started this whole mess to get shot.

Exactly! Just like this young man who went innocently to shop for a new vehicle and had his intentions flagrantly misinterpreted by the police.

News from The Associated Press

The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot

He didn't fight police, he tried to run. For a property crime, trying to run shouldn't get one shot.

He was unarmed. Police can try to use nonlethal means to stop him, but shooting him dead is wrong. I think the cop should be charged, but he won't because it's Texas.

This man being shot shows the appropriateness of the Black Lives Matter message.

But they're idiots for still riding the Michael Brown train. That shooting was justified because he was attacking the lone police officer who feared for his life.
Obama has brought all this down us. AND it was Intentional with the help of REV. loudmouth Sharpton.. he didn't visit our white house 60 times to give prayers to that thug.......
what a joy of electing a black thug community Agitator to the office of President eh?
Well......after all.....they are negroes. Of course they will get out of hand. That's the kind of thing that caused the thugs who started this whole mess to get shot.

Exactly! Just like this young man who went innocently to shop for a new vehicle and had his intentions flagrantly misinterpreted by the police.

News from The Associated Press

The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot

He didn't fight police, he tried to run. For a property crime, trying to run shouldn't get one shot.

He was unarmed. Police can try to use nonetheless means to stop him, but shooting him dead is wrong. I think the cop should be charged, but he won't because it's Texas.

This man being shot shows the appropriateness of the Black Lives Matter message.

But they're idiots for still riding the Michael Brown train. That shooting was justified because he was attacking the lone police officer who feared for his life.

I tried to work up a tear for him but it just wouldn't come. If he had stayed out of the dealership he'd still be alive. Fact
Exactly! Just like this young man who went innocently to shop for a new vehicle and had his intentions flagrantly misinterpreted by the police.

News from The Associated Press

The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot

He didn't fight police, he tried to run. For a property crime, trying to run shouldn't get one shot.

He was unarmed. Police can try to use nonetheless means to stop him, but shooting him dead is wrong. I think the cop should be charged, but he won't because it's Texas.

This man being shot shows the appropriateness of the Black Lives Matter message.

But they're idiots for still riding the Michael Brown train. That shooting was justified because he was attacking the lone police officer who feared for his life.

I tried to work up a tear for him but it just wouldn't come. If he had stayed out of the dealership he'd still be alive. Fact

Hey, he took the chance with his life and he paid dearly for it. tsk tsk
You don't want to do the time or lose your LIFE don't do the damn crimes
Exactly! Just like this young man who went innocently to shop for a new vehicle and had his intentions flagrantly misinterpreted by the police.

News from The Associated Press

The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot

He didn't fight police, he tried to run. For a property crime, trying to run shouldn't get one shot.

He was unarmed. Police can try to use nonetheless means to stop him, but shooting him dead is wrong. I think the cop should be charged, but he won't because it's Texas.

This man being shot shows the appropriateness of the Black Lives Matter message.

But they're idiots for still riding the Michael Brown train. That shooting was justified because he was attacking the lone police officer who feared for his life.

I tried to work up a tear for him but it just wouldn't come. If he had stayed out of the dealership he'd still be alive. Fact

If the cops weren't overzealous when crimes involve a black man he'd be alive ... fact.
The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot

He didn't fight police, he tried to run. For a property crime, trying to run shouldn't get one shot.

He was unarmed. Police can try to use nonetheless means to stop him, but shooting him dead is wrong. I think the cop should be charged, but he won't because it's Texas.

This man being shot shows the appropriateness of the Black Lives Matter message.

But they're idiots for still riding the Michael Brown train. That shooting was justified because he was attacking the lone police officer who feared for his life.

I tried to work up a tear for him but it just wouldn't come. If he had stayed out of the dealership he'd still be alive. Fact

If the cops weren't overzealous when crimes involve a black man he'd be alive ... fact.

You have your opinion, I have mine
The lesson learned here is don't break into car dealerships and smash windshields and you won't get air holed. Sadly they will not learn the valuable life lesson

Is that a crime that deserves the death penalty?

He shouldn't have been shot dead. That's police brutality.

Break into a dealership then fight with police? Yeah you're probably going to get air holed. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the idiot

He didn't fight police, he tried to run. For a property crime, trying to run shouldn't get one shot.

He was unarmed. Police can try to use nonetheless means to stop him, but shooting him dead is wrong. I think the cop should be charged, but he won't because it's Texas.

This man being shot shows the appropriateness of the Black Lives Matter message.

But they're idiots for still riding the Michael Brown train. That shooting was justified because he was attacking the lone police officer who feared for his life.

I tried to work up a tear for him but it just wouldn't come. If he had stayed out of the dealership he'd still be alive. Fact

If the cops weren't overzealous when crimes involve a black man he'd be alive ... fact.

oh sure, overzealous trying to protect our businesses and livelihoods from people I doubt the OWNERS cares what their skin color is. you people are so pathetic.

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