Do liberals think the black lives matter folks are getting out of hand?

The unwarranted consternation on the part of most rightists concerning Black Lives Matter further demonstrates just how much conservatives don't get it.

It's also further confirmation of the contempt most conservatives have for issues important to African Americans, and the unwillingness most on the right have to listen to those concerns, even if they disagree with them.
I'm sorry but many of the black lives matter protesters(notice how I'm not generalizing an entire group) are shouting down guys like O'mally when they say all lives matter. They make it seem like it's a systemic racist problem, much like you claim the right sees a Muslim and a terrorist as one in the same. I'm sorry I cannot stand with that kind of rhetoric. When I see something that's wrong, like Eric garner, I will stand with them on that issue. I don't think the problem is based on race (which is the entire premise of black lives matter) I think it is based on pretty much shoot first training, and the use pain compliance as soon as there's a sign of hesitation.

It is also the same rhetoric that led to two officers being shot and killed. The only effective thing that this rhetoric is doing is galvanizing the country.
"Do liberals think the black lives matter folks are getting out of hand?"

Do most conservative not know what constitutes a loaded question fallacy, this thread being one of many examples.
Don't use terms like 'loaded question' that you don't understand. The concept of the loaded question is not difficult, but likely beyond your cognitive abilities.
Looks like the Dems are going to have a difficult time getting the black racist voters to the polls to vote for one of their white geriatric depends wearing liberal establishment candidates.

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