Do Masks Work?

Literally, multiple legit studies show masks work.

Also, vaccines are still working too.

Show me a study that shows vaccines are only 50% effective against serious illness and death due to later variants.
You are moving the goal posts now. I have said numerous times that vaccines are great at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. But, they are only 50% effective at stopping the spread of Delta or even stopping you from getting sick. People are fooling themselves if they think the vaccinated aren't spreading Delta. Therefore, vaccine passports are not needed anywhere because the vaccinated spread the virus just as much as the unvaccinated do and that is why Delta cases are rising everywhere, because the vaccinated are spreading the virus.
You are moving the goal posts now. I have said numerous times that vaccines are great at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. But, they are only 50% effective at stopping the spread of Delta or even stopping you from getting sick. People are fooling themselves if they think the vaccinated aren't spreading Delta. Therefore, vaccine passports are not needed anywhere because the vaccinated spread the virus just as much as the unvaccinated do and that is why Delta cases are rising everywhere, because the vaccinated are spreading the virus.
I guess masks (which work) combined with vaccinations area good idea then. Much better than doing nothing, even by your standards.
You are moving the goal posts now. I have said numerous times that vaccines are great at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. But, they are only 50% effective at stopping the spread of Delta or even stopping you from getting sick. People are fooling themselves if they think the vaccinated aren't spreading Delta. Therefore, vaccine passports are not needed anywhere because the vaccinated spread the virus just as much as the unvaccinated do and that is why Delta cases are rising everywhere, because the vaccinated are spreading the virus.
You just said the vaccines are 50% effective against Delta, then said that vaccinated people are spreading delta just as fast.

Better get your propaganda in order before posting again.

Tell you what...the next time you or anyone you love has surgery...insist nobody wears a mask. Ok?

Are they 100% effective? No. You do a better job of protecting yourself with proper PPE than you do without.
Great example of masker logic.

Tell you what...the next time you or anyone you love has surgery...insist nobody wears a mask. Ok?

Are they 100% effective? No. You do a better job of protecting yourself with proper PPE than you do without.
The mask is for the doctor! You’re too stupid
The party of science deniers is clearly the republiKKKans.
Dumbass .....

Americans are laughing at you Leftist sick fucks who think science is men having babies.

Common Sense SCREAMS who the Party of Science DENIERS actually is ...
AMA: Masks are effective
Mayo clinic: masks are effective
All 50 State medical associations: Masks are effective
CDC: Masks are effective
American Society for Virology: masks are effective
Society for Epidemiologic Research: masks are effective

Nonscientist, right wing Trump appointee: masks are not effective

Oh gee, i am so confused! :spinner:

How about you provide links where that list of masks can be purchased.

It’s all a control tactic. The CDC wants you to wear a mask because they get off on that shit. Libertarians are the true experts when it comes to viruses. Let freedumb reign
Hey dumbass .....

N95's are mask ... and part of the topic of your OP.

I am talking about them in context to your bullshit OP.

Yeah, I already pointed that out. Might not want to call someone else a dumbass when you can't read.
You mean a paid foreign agitator don't you? Just a typical foreign commie POS.


Again, I live in America. I've travelled all over the world. Because you believe everyone who criticised republicans is a communist clearly indicares you would have barely travelled outside your state.
You're problem is republicans think they own these forums and should never be challenged. You don't have a birth right for that but your ignorance and stupidity appears hereditary.

Go away and digest that idiot. You don't intimidate me in the least. If you get another rush not blood to your head, take another swing at me and I'll tear you down again.
Every time you reply I get another whack at deriding you. Get it?
My mother was a nurse for 45 years, I was one for 5 and with my scope of knowledge I would say they can help marginally. They can help prevent spread from droplets like during sneezing or violent coughing but do nothing to stop the virus itself.

Improper hand washing I would guess is the result of 85% of the spread of covid.
The only study on masks and Covid spread that I am aware of with proper RCT's showed no statistically significant benefit to masking.

That said, if you want to wear a mask go right ahead, but stop with the mandate nonsense. The pro-maskers make the claim that it helps. The burden of proof, therefore, is on them. After 19 months they should produce that evidence or just STFU and let people make their own decisions.
The only study on masks and Covid spread that I am aware of with proper RCT's showed no statistically significant benefit to masking.

That said, if you want to wear a mask go right ahead, but stop with the mandate nonsense. The pro-maskers make the claim that it helps. The burden of proof, therefore, is on them. After 19 months they should produce that evidence or just STFU and let people make their own decisions.
That's the thing about mandates... Nobody has to explain shit to you. And the only reason we need mandates in the first place is because people are too stupid or too stubborn to understand and do the right thing on their own.

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