Do The Rich Pay Their Fair Share?

Drunk already?
so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
Sober up guy and come back when you can make sense.
let me know when you get some clue and some Cause.
Let me know when you admit that you're powerless over alcohol and your life has become unmanageable.
The evil drug empire won a long time ago; it was called no Thing but Repeal of that bad idea in modern times; only the right is that cognitively dissonant in modern times with our modern Information Age.
I recommend a 30 day in-patient rehab.
The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income to taxation. So, obviously the wealthy are not paying their fair share.

Did you know 80% of statistics are made up on the spot? You know, like that statistic I just made up. And the statistic you made up as well.

The top 1% earn 20% of income and pay 40% of taxes. The top 5% earn under 30% of income and pay 60% of taxes. You need to learn to google IRS data before making shit up
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Let's put it this way, I wish my taxes were as low as Mitt Romney's...

You don't pay taxes.

And why Mitt as opposed to Warren Buffett? You know the guy who advocates higher taxes while hiring an army of accountants to evade them?

Just kidding, obviously I know why. It's your endless partisan bickering war with the GOP, that's why you picked Romney.
The US income tax system is substantially more progressive - meaning that income tax rates rise as income rises -- than other advanced countries, including Germany and Sweden.

I hate the "tax the rich more" assholes as much as anyone, but on this point the author is full of shit.

Personal Income Tax in Germany CFE portal


Sweden Does Soak Its Rich

Countries like Sweden have less progressive tax systems, not because they tax the rich less than us (they in fact tax them more), but because they tax the non-rich more than us.


In country A, the effective tax rate of the poorer person is 1% and the effective tax rate of the richer person is 10%. This means that the poorer person gives up $100 in taxes while the richer person gives up $10,000 in taxes. Because the effective tax rate of the rich person is 10x the effective tax rate of the poor person, this would score as a very progressive tax system.

In country B, however, the effective tax rate of the poorer person is 15% while the effective tax rate of the richer person is 30%. At these rates, the poor person would give up $1,500 in taxes while the richer person would give up $30,000 in taxes. The rich person's tax rate is only 2x that of the poor person's and so this is seen as much less progressive than country A.

Would it be correct to conclude from this that country A soaks the rich and country B doesn't? No that's manifestly absurd. Country B extracts triple the amount of taxes from the rich person as country A does.
The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income to taxation. So, obviously the wealthy are not paying their fair share.
Let's ask bill and Hillary and Chelsea, with their secret evil foundation, if they pay their fair share.

The bar for who is rich, is low, while the bar for poverty gets raised.

The whole system is unfair.

Funny - we never ask if Al Sharpton is paying "his fair share" or if George Soros is "paying his fair share".....nope. Those guys always seem to get a pass. The Koch bros? HELL NO!!!!! But in reality, the rich rarely pay their "fair" share. It's always been that way - now? It's gotten ridiculous:

But again - it is estimated that Soros has a 13-16 BILLION dollar tax bill ahead of him and good old "MSNBC Al" who cozies up to Obama on a regular basis? 10 Million. But what the hell....who's counting, right? However, let YOU or ME owe that money and we will be sharing a cell at Leavenworth with Bubba.....
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so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
Sober up guy and come back when you can make sense.
let me know when you get some clue and some Cause.
Let me know when you admit that you're powerless over alcohol and your life has become unmanageable.
The evil drug empire won a long time ago; it was called no Thing but Repeal of that bad idea in modern times; only the right is that cognitively dissonant in modern times with our modern Information Age.
I recommend a 30 day in-patient rehab.
only if i have cute chics who insist they are tired of me not clamoring for a serious relationship in modern times.
A fair share is to divide the national budget by the number of citizens of voting age, and that is the amount each citizen owes. That's the only formula that calculates a fair share.

Therefore the people who are not paying at least that amount in federal taxes are the only ones that are not paying their fair share.
I'll tell my 85 year old Mom in law to kick in more...

Tell her not to worry about it...someone else is paying more than their fair share to pick up the slack.
Okay, take the entire wealth of the nation, divide by citizens eligible to vote, send me my share each year and the bill for paying the debt off in ten years. That bill I will gladly pay with my generous new income.
The entire wealth of the nation is essentially zero or more like negative 17 trillion dollars. Taxpayers own infrastructure, federal land parks etc. All other wealth is owned by the private sector. It is not subject to division to the masses or redistribution in your quest to buy votes for your Socialist masters.

PLEASE PLEASE read the proof regarding the idiocy of your statement "negative 17 trillion dollars"!!!

THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week.
It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Total Assets of ALL households: $95.4 trillion...

Total DEBTS of all households: $14.0 trillion...

NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion.

Do you understand the above???
The entire assets of all households: $95. 4 trillion.. total DEBTS $14 Trillion... Net worth $81.5 Trillion!
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week.

Most of that gain has been concentrated in the top 1 percent.

That's why it says "net worth" and not income. Income has been stagnant.

So if you want to compare "net worth" to our federal debt, then you are opening the door to taxing net worth, which gives Bernie Sanders a hardon.
The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income to taxation. So, obviously the wealthy are not paying their fair share.
Let's ask bill and Hillary and Chelsea, with their secret evil foundation, if they pay their fair share.

The bar for who is rich, is low, while the bar for poverty gets raised.

The whole system is unfair.

Funny - we never ask if Al Sharpton is paying "his fair share" or if George Soros is "paying his fair share".....nope. Those guys always seem to get a pass. The Koch bros? HELL NO!!!!! But in reality, the rich rarely pay their "fair" share. It's always been that way - now? It's gotten ridiculous:

But again - it is estimated that Soros has a 13-16 BILLION dollar tax bill ahead of him and good old "MSNBC Al" who cozies up to Obama on a regular basis? 10 Million. But what the hell....who's counting, right?

Warren Buffett says we should tax the rich more while hiring an army of accountants to manipulate a loophole to be paid in capital gains rather than income and keep his taxes artificially low.

Bill Gates gives billions to charity to bypass the estate taxes he supports

Charlie Rangle committed tax fraud by not declaring overseas income. He said he didn't know he had to. He headed ... the tax writing committee in the house. Jesus, every investor and business man knows that.

Tom Daschle got perks he didn't pay taxes on, Timothy Geither, head of the IRS, didn't pay taxes due until it became a political issue. He said it was a "careless mistake." Try telling the IRS that...

Obama says he should pay a higher tax rate. So he dosn't ... why?

The Democrat response to all this? Yawn.

This would be the same Democrats who think Republicans should have no morality issues because morality is their issue. High tax Democrats holding them to a high standard on paying taxes? Not so much
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.

you're just ugly. and a parrot.... good for Ignore
you are just full of fallacy and can't handle discovering sublime Truth (value) even if only to be Faithful to our State Motto: Eureka!
The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income to taxation. So, obviously the wealthy are not paying their fair share.
Let's ask bill and Hillary and Chelsea, with their secret evil foundation, if they pay their fair share.

The bar for who is rich, is low, while the bar for poverty gets raised.

The whole system is unfair.

Funny - we never ask if Al Sharpton is paying "his fair share" or if George Soros is "paying his fair share".....nope. Those guys always seem to get a pass. The Koch bros? HELL NO!!!!! But in reality, the rich rarely pay their "fair" share. It's always been that way - now? It's gotten ridiculous:

But again - it is estimated that Soros has a 13-16 BILLION dollar tax bill ahead of him and good old "MSNBC Al" who cozies up to Obama on a regular basis? 10 Million. But what the hell....who's counting, right?

Warren Buffett says we should tax the rich more while hiring an army of accountants to manipulate a loophole to be paid in capital gains rather than income and keep his taxes artificially low.

Bill Gates gives billions to charity to bypass the estate taxes he supports

Charlie Rangle committed tax fraud by not declaring overseas income. He said he didn't know he had to. He headed ... the tax writing committee in the house. Jesus, every investor and business man knows that.

Tom Daschle got perks he didn't pay taxes on, Timothy Geither, head of the IRS, didn't pay taxes due until it became a political issue. He said it was a "careless mistake." Try telling the IRS that...

Obama says he should pay a higher tax rate. So he dosn't ... why?

The Democrat response to all this? Yawn.

This would be the same Democrats who think Republicans should have no morality issues because morality is their issue. High tax Democrats holding them to a high standard on paying taxes? Not so much

Indeed. But that's nothing new. Remember that democrats are the party of "do as I SAY, not as I DO". After all, they know what's best for you and I. God bless them. Those evil old republicans, on the other hand, only want to rob from you and I. Steal Grandma's Social Security and take welfare away from those who don't want to work. Damn republicans.....

Democrats are worthless pieces of human excrement.
A fair share is to divide the national budget by the number of citizens of voting age, and that is the amount each citizen owes. That's the only formula that calculates a fair share.

Therefore the people who are not paying at least that amount in federal taxes are the only ones that are not paying their fair share.
I'll tell my 85 year old Mom in law to kick in more...

Tell her not to worry about it...someone else is paying more than their fair share to pick up the slack.
Okay, take the entire wealth of the nation, divide by citizens eligible to vote, send me my share each year and the bill for paying the debt off in ten years. That bill I will gladly pay with my generous new income.

The nation has no wealth - again, your rhetoric is empty.

I know you don't pay attention to the posts because you are a very ignorant LIP!!!
READ AGAIN the following:

THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Total Assets of ALL households: $95.4 trillion...

Total DEBTS of all households: $14.0 trillion...

NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion.

Net in case you don't have enough financial sense to understand the above...
A) Add up all the assets of all households TOTAL value $95.4 TRILLION!
B) Add up all the debts the households OWE total amount: $14.0 Trillion!
C) When you cash in all the assets and pay off all the debts the amount
LEFT OVER NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion!!!
Anyone talking about a "fair share" should be required to give a number. Otherwise, it just means "More".
Fair share? 50% of everything over 500K. Make as much as you like.

How did you determine that is "fair?"
Sharing my little infant. Half for them, half for society that makes such an income possible.

We make income for society possible. You are a parasite, you make nothing possible
The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income to taxation. So, obviously the wealthy are not paying their fair share.
Let's ask bill and Hillary and Chelsea, with their secret evil foundation, if they pay their fair share.

The bar for who is rich, is low, while the bar for poverty gets raised.

The whole system is unfair.

Funny - we never ask if Al Sharpton is paying "his fair share" or if George Soros is "paying his fair share".....nope. Those guys always seem to get a pass. The Koch bros? HELL NO!!!!! But in reality, the rich rarely pay their "fair" share. It's always been that way - now? It's gotten ridiculous:

But again - it is estimated that Soros has a 13-16 BILLION dollar tax bill ahead of him and good old "MSNBC Al" who cozies up to Obama on a regular basis? 10 Million. But what the hell....who's counting, right?

Warren Buffett says we should tax the rich more while hiring an army of accountants to manipulate a loophole to be paid in capital gains rather than income and keep his taxes artificially low.

Bill Gates gives billions to charity to bypass the estate taxes he supports

Charlie Rangle committed tax fraud by not declaring overseas income. He said he didn't know he had to. He headed ... the tax writing committee in the house. Jesus, every investor and business man knows that.

Tom Daschle got perks he didn't pay taxes on, Timothy Geither, head of the IRS, didn't pay taxes due until it became a political issue. He said it was a "careless mistake." Try telling the IRS that...

Obama says he should pay a higher tax rate. So he dosn't ... why?

The Democrat response to all this? Yawn.

This would be the same Democrats who think Republicans should have no morality issues because morality is their issue. High tax Democrats holding them to a high standard on paying taxes? Not so much

Indeed. But that's nothing new. Remember that democrats are the party of "do as I SAY, not as I DO". After all, they know what's best for you and I. God bless them. Those evil old republicans, on the other hand, only want to rob from you and I. Steal Grandma's Social Security and take welfare away from those who don't want to work. Damn republicans.....

Democrats are worthless pieces of human excrement.

I agree especially about "do as I say not as I do"
Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 1.09.23 PM.png
Warren Buffett says we should tax the rich more while hiring an army of accountants to manipulate a loophole to be paid in capital gains rather than income and keep his taxes artificially low.

Reason #793 for why we need to ban all tax expenditures.
A fair share is to divide the national budget by the number of citizens of voting age, and that is the amount each citizen owes. That's the only formula that calculates a fair share.

Therefore the people who are not paying at least that amount in federal taxes are the only ones that are not paying their fair share.
I'll tell my 85 year old Mom in law to kick in more...

Tell her not to worry about it...someone else is paying more than their fair share to pick up the slack.
Okay, take the entire wealth of the nation, divide by citizens eligible to vote, send me my share each year and the bill for paying the debt off in ten years. That bill I will gladly pay with my generous new income.
The entire wealth of the nation is essentially zero or more like negative 17 trillion dollars. Taxpayers own infrastructure, federal land parks etc. All other wealth is owned by the private sector. It is not subject to division to the masses or redistribution in your quest to buy votes for your Socialist masters.

PLEASE PLEASE read the proof regarding the idiocy of your statement "negative 17 trillion dollars"!!!

THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week.
It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Total Assets of ALL households: $95.4 trillion...

Total DEBTS of all households: $14.0 trillion...

NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion.

Do you understand the above???
The entire assets of all households: $95. 4 trillion.. total DEBTS $14 Trillion... Net worth $81.5 Trillion!
Yes in private hands. The federal government owns nothing other than a note for 17 trillion. Do you understand that?

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