Do The Rich Pay Their Fair Share?

The middle class pays the highest percentage of their income to taxation. So, obviously the wealthy are not paying their fair share.
Let's ask bill and Hillary and Chelsea, with their secret evil foundation, if they pay their fair share.

The bar for who is rich, is low, while the bar for poverty gets raised.

The whole system is unfair.
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
couldn't find any honest Injeuns for your Cause?
I don't have a "cause"

I'm not the one whining about the financial status of others, YOU are.
i knew that with your first fallacy.

Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
When you decide to stop speaking for those you don't know & decide to speak only for yourself I MIGHT take you seriously.

Until then Derp on
I have no need. Show Me where the article is advocating for cutting taxes to the rich.

Listen fuckwit. I'm asking the Poster what he supports.
Which poster? The OP cited an article rebutting the notion of 'fair share' as defined by those who use the term as a means of controlling debate.

The author simply points out specific instances of alleged 'fairness' and the metrics in how they are used. No where did the OP or the author of the article advocate for the cuttting or raising of taxes.

My reply was to anther poster and was simply an exercise in mathemtaics, outlineing the fact that if (look up the word if you need to) everyone paid 20k in taxes, then the budget shortfall would go away and we'd achieve balance. At no time did I advocate that we should do this.

Any other deflections you wish to introduce?

I enthusiastically endorse the idea that Republicans should run on a platform of raising taxes on the poor and lowering taxes on the rich.
Probably not a great idea. How about we start out eliminating tax refunds for people who pay no Income tax?

The earned income credit was a Republican idea to encourage work.

How about we replace most programs for the poor with a guaranteed income for everyone, at a basic level?
How about we get something of value in return?
This statement was in the original OP and a recent post [Note: The word "to" was added after "seem" below.]:

"Fair would seem to be that the group of taxpayers who earn 10% of the country's income would pay 10% of the country's taxes; the group who earned 20% would pay 20% of the taxes and so on. "

I don't agree with this statement, although I do agree with the sentiment that the rich are paying more than their fair share. Fair would be an equal payment made by all who share in the services provided. Many are too conditioned by years of looking at tax rates and what percentage of income someone pays to comprehend what constitutes "fair." For those interested, here is what's fair: Who pays their fair share of Federal taxes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Making people who earn more pay more in absolute dollars is passive robbery. Because you've been robbed though a seemingly democratic process doesn't make it less wrong. Why is our tax system like this? It's practical. Money can only come from those who have it.

Full disclosure: I pay less than my fair share of taxes. But I'm honest enough to say, "Thank you!" to those who pay much more than their fair share instead of clamoring for them to pay more.
The main reason tax rates are progressive is that those paying the highest rates have the fewest votes. Presently 47% pay no federal income tax. They will vote for people that will give them more of another person's money.
Remember, the top 1%, while controlling massive wealth only controls 1% of the vote. What you have is essentially 47 thugs shaking down one rich guy in a dark alley.
This statement was in the original OP and a recent post [Note: The word "to" was added after "seem" below.]:

"Fair would seem to be that the group of taxpayers who earn 10% of the country's income would pay 10% of the country's taxes; the group who earned 20% would pay 20% of the taxes and so on. "

I don't agree with this statement, although I do agree with the sentiment that the rich are paying more than their fair share. Fair would be an equal payment made by all who share in the services provided. Many are too conditioned by years of looking at tax rates and what percentage of income someone pays to comprehend what constitutes "fair." For those interested, here is what's fair: Who pays their fair share of Federal taxes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Making people who earn more pay more in absolute dollars is passive robbery. Because you've been robbed though a seemingly democratic process doesn't make it less wrong. Why is our tax system like this? It's practical. Money can only come from those who have it.

Full disclosure: I pay less than my fair share of taxes. But I'm honest enough to say, "Thank you!" to those who pay much more than their fair share instead of clamoring for them to pay more.
The main reason tax rates are progressive is that those paying the highest rates have the fewest votes. Presently 47% pay no federal income tax. They will vote for people that will give them more of another person's money.
Remember, the top 1%, while controlling massive wealth only controls 1% of the vote. What you have is essentially 47 thugs shaking down one rich guy in a dark alley.
We don't live in a democracy. Votes matter very little here, but money matters, a lot. Democracy for the few.
A fair share is to divide the national budget by the number of citizens of voting age, and that is the amount each citizen owes. That's the only formula that calculates a fair share.

Therefore the people who are not paying at least that amount in federal taxes are the only ones that are not paying their fair share.
I'll tell my 85 year old Mom in law to kick in more...
How much does she earn?
At least enough to enjoy a thread bare existence....Her pension was lost in the crash of 2008...The one she worked 40 years for and they forced her to retire from..
I feel sorry for her, but just how did her pension get swallowed up?
The school system invested in a real estate developer, one that had been in the area 40 years...
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
Drunk already?
so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
Drunk already?

Yeah, no shit... what does that even mean?
it means that you don't have a clue or a Cause; and it shows in your arguments.
This statement was in the original OP and a recent post [Note: The word "to" was added after "seem" below.]:

"Fair would seem to be that the group of taxpayers who earn 10% of the country's income would pay 10% of the country's taxes; the group who earned 20% would pay 20% of the taxes and so on. "

I don't agree with this statement, although I do agree with the sentiment that the rich are paying more than their fair share. Fair would be an equal payment made by all who share in the services provided. Many are too conditioned by years of looking at tax rates and what percentage of income someone pays to comprehend what constitutes "fair." For those interested, here is what's fair: Who pays their fair share of Federal taxes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Making people who earn more pay more in absolute dollars is passive robbery. Because you've been robbed though a seemingly democratic process doesn't make it less wrong. Why is our tax system like this? It's practical. Money can only come from those who have it.

Full disclosure: I pay less than my fair share of taxes. But I'm honest enough to say, "Thank you!" to those who pay much more than their fair share instead of clamoring for them to pay more.
The main reason tax rates are progressive is that those paying the highest rates have the fewest votes. Presently 47% pay no federal income tax. They will vote for people that will give them more of another person's money.
Remember, the top 1%, while controlling massive wealth only controls 1% of the vote. What you have is essentially 47 thugs shaking down one rich guy in a dark alley.
We don't live in a democracy. Votes matter very little here, but money matters, a lot. Democracy for the few.
No, we live in a republic that continues to elect Robin Hoods.
The wealth isn't shared but the national debt is? Interesting.

Tell you what, let's adjust the national debt shares based on income. Go...

The national debt was incurred, in the name of ALL the people, with your permission. Sorry --- you owe the same amount I do.

My wealth, on the other hand, was earned by my actions - you don't get any, because you don't deserve it.
Debt you want shared evenly, but not income. Got it.

What a deal for the rich eh? As usual...
My wealth is of my doing, not yours. YOU have no claim to it and it is irrelevant to your situation. If you want wealth comparable to mine, earn it yourself.
You make it here, we allow that, you owe some of it back to us. It's a pay to play game so stop bitching about the bill, it should be far higher.
You still refuse to justify why I should pay 500 times what you pay.
You saying so doesn't mean shit.

Convince me. Go ahead. I'll read your explanation.

You won't get an answer.

He's saying so because his side is saying so and that's his conviction without knowing why.

Kudos for trying, though.
A fair share is to divide the national budget by the number of citizens of voting age, and that is the amount each citizen owes. That's the only formula that calculates a fair share.

Therefore the people who are not paying at least that amount in federal taxes are the only ones that are not paying their fair share.
I'll tell my 85 year old Mom in law to kick in more...
How much does she earn?
At least enough to enjoy a thread bare existence....Her pension was lost in the crash of 2008...The one she worked 40 years for and they forced her to retire from..
I feel sorry for her, but just how did her pension get swallowed up?
The school system invested in a real estate developer, one that had been in the area 40 years...
Sounds like they put all their eggs in one basket. Unfortunate and likely illegal.
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
Drunk already?
so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
Sober up guy and come back when you can make sense.
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
Drunk already?
so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
Sober up guy and come back when you can make sense.
let me know when you get some clue and some Cause.
The rich pay MORE more than their fair share. All the drivel saying otherwise is just ignorance on display by ignorant people.
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
Drunk already?
so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
Sober up guy and come back when you can make sense.
let me know when you get some clue and some Cause.
Let me know when you admit that you're powerless over alcohol and your life has become unmanageable.
With that long rant, what you're admitting is everyone receives the same services and protections.

Debt you want shared evenly, but not income. Got it.

What a deal for the rich eh? As usual...

And we are right back to "what extra services do the rich get that you do not from the federal government"?
Why should they get anything at all? What do they need, besides an army and the infrastructure we paid for that they use to make the big bucks. Do you want us to name a stealth bomber after them? The bill on that is two bil a piece. That two million they pay doesn't pick up the gas tab in that case.

What gave you the idea that because you pay more you should get more? How many apples can you eat? Same as a poor man right. So, how many government services can you suck up when you can pay for better yourself? Where did you little morons get this whole life should be fair idea, Ayn Rand books?

If they are not receiving more, why should they pay more? And some who are receiving the same protection and services pay nothing?
Life can be unfair. Now you know.

So making it fair isn't a proper government function?
Only the Right prefers to appeal to ignorance of Capitalism regarding being Taxed what one is worth in favor of the Socialism of equality.
Drunk already?
so, according to the Right, the wealthiest need the affirmative action of socialism via equality simply because they are not worth it under capitalism; some on the left get it.
Sober up guy and come back when you can make sense.
let me know when you get some clue and some Cause.
Let me know when you admit that you're powerless over alcohol and your life has become unmanageable.
The evil drug empire won a long time ago; it was called no Thing but Repeal of that bad idea in modern times; only the right is that cognitively dissonant in modern times with our modern Information Age.

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