Do you agree with your president?

But the wind needs to blow in order to replenish inevitably used stored supply.


But it DOES blow.

You only need ;

"A typical modern turbine will start to generate electricity when wind speeds reach six to nine miles per hour (mph), known as the cut-in speed. Turbines will shut down if the wind is blowing too hard (roughly 55 miles an hour) to prevent equipment damage.

Over the course of a year, modern turbines can generate usable amounts of electricity over 90 percent of the time. For example, if the wind at a turbine reaches the cut-in speed of six to nine mph, the turbine will start generating electricity. As wind speeds increase so does electricity production."

Personally I would use a multi-prong attack on ENERGY and the ENVIRONMENT;

use ONLY US oil (stop paying other countries for it)
ENCOURAGE (through tax breaks?)(government $ coupons)(cheaply priced generators) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY sources

wind, solar, water...

I was reading of these neat water turbine/generators that are small and light, can be moved and placed in a small stream by 2 people! and produce MORE than enough power for your whole house and family!

Imagine that: one time payment for a water generator, hook it up to your house and go off grid!

if we used ONLY US oil, and started a national movement to perfect and utilize alternatives, energy problems would be solved (and cheapened) within a decade! or something.

I'm done

It is time for you to ridicule me and call me names!

Have fun!
As soon as it becomes practical enough to sufficiently replace current forms of energy sourcing you have nothing but a bunch of socialist propaganda duping.

I do appreciate your informed opinion!

However most of these alternatives are working sufficiently already and are improving every year!

I am not sure why you want conservatives to keep giving muslims money for oil but these alternatives are ALREADY SUFFICIENTLY usable and would greatly reduce (and eventually END) our dependency or need for MUSLIM OIL!
You’re leaving out one of the most important problems; the raping of the landscape. 100’s of miles of Texas landscape and the aesthetic of beautiful lush farmland in Minnesota, etc, destroyed by wind turbines.
All in the name of condescending Marxist duping.

I find it troubling that every time someone actually tries to make things better SOME people get all fkn bent out of shape and IMMEDIATELY claim MARXISTS DUPES are destroying our country! the conservative "fkn marxist dupes are ruining our country with these new fangled cars!"

1980....computers....bill the conservative..."fkn marxist dupes are destroying America with these fkn computers"

I believe I have posted the information.

WInd/Solar/Water power alternatives exist and could end our need for MUSLIM oil and minimze our use of our OWN oil.

no money to muslims

but you go ahead and argue with it.....

I find it troubling that every time someone actually tries to make things better SOME people get all fkn bent out of shape and IMMEDIATELY claim MARXISTS DUPES are destroying our country!

It's not the conservatives whining about nuclear power.
Just a few years ago, there was nothing set up to handle millions of computers connected to the internet.

People were willing to pay for the Internet because it gave them something they never had before. Mostly porn and cat videos, but they still paid for it.

Our entire existing power infrastructure is based on our ability to generate that amount of power needed on demand, less when it's not needed, more when it is. Put too much power into the system and it shuts down, draw too much power out, it shuts down.

To move to a power grid where the primary source is solar / wind will be very expensive and take decades to implement.

If you're going to start charging people more to pay for a new infrastructure to give them what they've been getting all of their lives for less ... let's just say you're going to have a fight on your hand.


Most people didn't have cars when we started paying more in taxes to build roads, but the country invested because it knew the payback would be massive. Same with the railroads and bringing lights to rural farms. We were paying for telephone lines to be strung across the country long before most people ever heard of a telephone. We enjoy all of those things, as well as better medicines and that computer you are reading this on because we, as a country, invested our tax money to help startup industries before the market would support them. The payback from cheaper and more dependable energy sources will improve our lives at least as much as those other things. Nobody is saying our current energy sources will be eliminated before the new sources are able to take over, so what is your problem? Why don't you want things to get better? You don't believe in investing for our future

Most people believe in things that are reasonable. Green New (steal) Deal not reasonable, achievable, or believable. except to completely indoctrinated socialists.

I see you are badly informed from FAKE FOX news!

Seems there is a stubbornness in "stupid" people. A dedication to ignorance!

The wind turbines and solar panels I pass on the hiways are ALL working fine and HELPING to diminish oil consumption. They are NOT fake.

Just because you hate liberals is no good reason to continue to
1. buy oil from muslims
2. deplete our own oil reserves
3. keep polluting the air
4. wage war on progress

Why do cons hate earth so much?
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


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Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Too frakin' easy to check.

List of power stations in Scotland - Wikipedia

Stunning Bulldog even typed that. The first thing I did was Google it and it took 10 seconds to prove it wrong. smh Liberals. lol
USMB should set up a forum called USMB Gold where we can revisit the best examples of idiocy ever produced on here.
This whole thread could be placed in it.

The lack of vision on here is staggering.

Look at the evolution of the mobile phone, or computers or cars or pretty much anything we use. Things get better because people are smart. It looks to have a political agenda as well.

Look at the evolution of the mobile phone, or computers or cars or pretty much anything we use. Things get better because people are smart.

All because of private people investing their own money. Not because of government mandates.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Too frakin' easy to check.

List of power stations in Scotland - Wikipedia

Thank you for the info.
My source said differently

Your source sounds more credible because it includes other "green" alternative energy sources.
Just a few years ago, there was nothing set up to handle millions of computers connected to the internet.

People were willing to pay for the Internet because it gave them something they never had before. Mostly porn and cat videos, but they still paid for it.

Our entire existing power infrastructure is based on our ability to generate that amount of power needed on demand, less when it's not needed, more when it is. Put too much power into the system and it shuts down, draw too much power out, it shuts down.

To move to a power grid where the primary source is solar / wind will be very expensive and take decades to implement.

If you're going to start charging people more to pay for a new infrastructure to give them what they've been getting all of their lives for less ... let's just say you're going to have a fight on your hand.


Most people didn't have cars when we started paying more in taxes to build roads, but the country invested because it knew the payback would be massive. Same with the railroads and bringing lights to rural farms. We were paying for telephone lines to be strung across the country long before most people ever heard of a telephone. We enjoy all of those things, as well as better medicines and that computer you are reading this on because we, as a country, invested our tax money to help startup industries before the market would support them. The payback from cheaper and more dependable energy sources will improve our lives at least as much as those other things. Nobody is saying our current energy sources will be eliminated before the new sources are able to take over, so what is your problem? Why don't you want things to get better? You don't believe in investing for our future

Most people believe in things that are reasonable. Green New (steal) Deal not reasonable, achievable, or believable. except to completely indoctrinated socialists.

I see you are badly informed from FAKE FOX news!

Seems there is a stubbornness in "stupid" people. A dedication to ignorance!

The wind turbines and solar panels I pass on the hiways are ALL working fine and HELPING to diminish oil consumption. They are NOT fake.

Just because you hate liberals is no good reason to continue to
1. buy oil from muslims
2. deplete our own oil reserves
3. keep polluting the air
4. wage war on progress

Why do cons hate earth so much?

The wind turbines and solar panels I pass on the hiways are ALL working fine and HELPING to diminish oil consumption. They are NOT fake.

Ummm…..there is about 0% of our electricity generated by burning oil.
Wind and solar aren't reducing oil consumption at all.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


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Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Too frakin' easy to check.

List of power stations in Scotland - Wikipedia

Stunning Bulldog even typed that. The first thing I did was Google it and it took 10 seconds to prove it wrong. smh Liberals. lol

Again. I acknowledge my mistake and thank you for the correction. I hate being wrong, but I will admit being wrong before I argue something I know to not be true. Scotland's electrical power is supplied with a combination of wind and other "green" alternative sources of energy
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


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Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Scotland produces a lot of renewable energy. But your statement is just not true.

I just google it and as of mar 2018

Scotland has become a world leader in sourcing its electricity from renewables, after a record year in 2017 for creating eco-friendly energy, figures show.

The nation got more than two-thirds – 68.1 per cent – of its electricity from green schemes last year – an increase of 26 per cent on the year before.

The figure was a rise of 14.1 percentage points from the 54 per cent reached in 2016.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Too frakin' easy to check.

List of power stations in Scotland - Wikipedia

Stunning Bulldog even typed that. The first thing I did was Google it and it took 10 seconds to prove it wrong. smh Liberals. lol

Again. I acknowledge my mistake and thank you for the correction. I hate being wrong, but I will admit being wrong before I argue something I know to not be true. Scotland's electrical power is supplied with a combination of wind and other "green" alternative sources of energy

It's a good discussion. Honestly I didn't know Scotland was a leader in renewable energy. I learned something tonight.
Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Too frakin' easy to check.

List of power stations in Scotland - Wikipedia

Stunning Bulldog even typed that. The first thing I did was Google it and it took 10 seconds to prove it wrong. smh Liberals. lol

Again. I acknowledge my mistake and thank you for the correction. I hate being wrong, but I will admit being wrong before I argue something I know to not be true. Scotland's electrical power is supplied with a combination of wind and other "green" alternative sources of energy

It's a good discussion. Honestly I didn't know Scotland was a leader in renewable energy. I learned something tonight.

Proof that alternative sources of energy are viable.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well it is Trump logic about the same as a 5 year old

obviously it doesn't create wind when the wind isn't strong enough

obviously there are other sources of energy that would compensate for when it is not producing electricity

still trump should produce enough wind for those times when mother nature won't cooperate
Scotland supplies 100% of their electrical power by wind.

Too frakin' easy to check.

List of power stations in Scotland - Wikipedia

Stunning Bulldog even typed that. The first thing I did was Google it and it took 10 seconds to prove it wrong. smh Liberals. lol

Again. I acknowledge my mistake and thank you for the correction. I hate being wrong, but I will admit being wrong before I argue something I know to not be true. Scotland's electrical power is supplied with a combination of wind and other "green" alternative sources of energy

It's a good discussion. Honestly I didn't know Scotland was a leader in renewable energy. I learned something tonight.

Proof that alternative sources of energy are viable.

I'm all for it.

Per the OP. I think we're just saying there has to be multiple sources of alternative source. So Trump was technically right about wind. Although I'm sure his delivery wasn't the most cordial. It never is.

Stunning Bulldog even typed that. The first thing I did was Google it and it took 10 seconds to prove it wrong. smh Liberals. lol

Again. I acknowledge my mistake and thank you for the correction. I hate being wrong, but I will admit being wrong before I argue something I know to not be true. Scotland's electrical power is supplied with a combination of wind and other "green" alternative sources of energy

It's a good discussion. Honestly I didn't know Scotland was a leader in renewable energy. I learned something tonight.

Proof that alternative sources of energy are viable.

I'm all for it.

Per the OP. I think we're just saying there has to be multiple sources of alternative source. So Trump was technically right about wind. Although I'm sure his delivery wasn't the most cordial. It never is.

I don't think Trump really cares either way, but he will bend any way his craziest supporters want. They want a return of coal jobs, and he will promise them even though they will never come back.
It won't work because the capability isn't there to meet our power needs.
And the tech to store that power is not here yet either.

Once storage is achieved, we can generate power however we want and store it till we need it.

The Sun's corona is the key.
CptKaos, I am serious.

The Suns core is around ten million kelvin, but its 'surface' is down to around 6,000 Kelvin. Somehow, some process causes the Sun to heat up once again in its corona to a couple of million Kelvin. That is the heat that really warms us and it is not fusion as we normally think of fusion.

If we can figure out what it is, maybe we can replicate it here on Earth.

Sun - Wikipedia
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Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


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Sorry what don’t you agree with?


wind generators create and STORE electricity for current (? I made a joke!) and future use.

The power doesn't go out when the wind stops blowing.

That's not how it works. When the wind stops blowing, electricity needs are supplemented by traditional means of power generation such as coal and nuclear.

These idiots don’t understand that wind power has always been used as EXTRA power.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


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Wind energy can power an entire city? Really?

111,000 Mwh per day just for Private Electric use. New York city alone. Can someone tell me how many Wind turbines tit would take to produce that amount of energy every single day. (Doesn't include business and manufacturing use.) Just wondering I bet it's a lot! :huddle:

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