Do you agree with your president?

I think if they find a way to harness all the whining, fake news, and fake selective outrage coming out of the Dems, that alone would be enough to power up half the country. :clap2:
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump. Seriously??

Does the wind blow ALL the time where you live? I have a windy day here RARELY. We can go weeks and months without a windy day.

Big deal. Are you dumb enough to think the conversion will happen over night, and we will be left with periods of no electrical power? That's just ridiculous. Alternative sources will be phased in with existing sources, and more expensive existing sources will be phased out as the cheaper, more efficient sources take over. A sane person would know that.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump. Seriously??

Does the wind blow ALL the time where you live? I have a windy day here RARELY. We can go weeks and months without a windy day.

Big deal. Are you dumb enough to think the conversion will happen over night, and we will be left with periods of no electrical power? That's just ridiculous. Alternative sources will be phased in with existing sources, and more expensive existing sources will be phased out as the cheaper, more efficient sources take over. A sane person would know that.

Seriously someone hack your account?

California Power Outages Map




$300 Billion War Beneath the Street: Fighting to Replace America’s Water Pipes

$300 Billion War Beneath the Street: Fighting to Replace America’s Water Pipes

CreditDerek Brahney

CreditCreditDerek Brahney

By Hiroko Tabuchi

  • Nov. 10, 2017
Bursting pipes. Leaks. Public health scares.

America is facing a crisis over its crumbling water infrastructure, and fixing it will be a monumental and expensive task.

Two powerful industries, plastic and iron, are locked in a lobbying war over the estimated $300 billion that local governments will spend on water and sewer pipes over the next decade.

It is a battle of titans, raging just inches beneath our feet.

“Things are moving so fast,” said Reese Tisdale, president of the water advisory firm Bluefield Research. And it’s a good thing, he says: “There are some pipes in the ground that are 150 years old.”

How the pipe wars play out — in city and town councils, in state capitals, in Washington — will determine how drinking water is delivered to homes across America for generations to come.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump. Seriously??

Does the wind blow ALL the time where you live? I have a windy day here RARELY. We can go weeks and months without a windy day.

Big deal. Are you dumb enough to think the conversion will happen over night, and we will be left with periods of no electrical power? That's just ridiculous. Alternative sources will be phased in with existing sources, and more expensive existing sources will be phased out as the cheaper, more efficient sources take over. A sane person would know that.

Then you're calling Obama insane? Because he was the one saying in 2008 how he was going to put the coal industry out of business, the place where we get most of our electricity, long before we had good reliable alternatives. How would we switch back to it in times of need when there was no wind if it wasn't even there?
USMB should set up a forum called USMB Gold where we can revisit the best examples of idiocy ever produced on here.
This whole thread could be placed in it.

The lack of vision on here is staggering.

Look at the evolution of the mobile phone, or computers or cars or pretty much anything we use. Things get better because people are smart. It looks to have a political agenda as well.
It won't work because the capability isn't there to meet our power needs.

That's why we use multiple sources of power now and in the future. Gasoline is useless to meet our need for electricity, so using your logic, it won't work because the capacity isn't there to meet our needs.

Bullfrog, You are showing some stupid ….Again ! Nobody uses gasoline to create electricity! Most electric turbines are steam powered which are fueled by...……. Coal, Hydroelectric power generation, and Nuclear Power are other sources of electric power. Gasoline is for Your car and lawn mower. Can we move on to 4th grade now???:desk:

That's kinda my point dumb ass. We need multiple sources now. No reason we can't add sources to that list, and remove the ones that aren't efficient enough to keep up as the newer ones improve. We know the newer ones will greatly improve as usage increases.

Think about what 873,000 power generating wind turbines would do to the Environment. That's how many we need to generate the Power needed at the current usage. Idiots don't realize that High Voltage can not be stored like Coal or diesel fuel, and is only dependable as long as the generator is running. Trump was actually correct " No wind no power"! So since California and New York and other Large Metro Areas use much more electric power than Paduka, Ky. They will be required to pay more for the Infra structure to support that Increased use right. Or does everyone else suffer with the eyesores to supply energy to the big metro areas. I can't imagine putting enough wind power generators in Manhattan or La to support the enormous power draw. Stupid Ideas by stupid short sighted people! Believe if you can!
Just a few years ago, there was nothing set up to handle millions of computers connected to the internet.

People were willing to pay for the Internet because it gave them something they never had before. Mostly porn and cat videos, but they still paid for it.

Our entire existing power infrastructure is based on our ability to generate that amount of power needed on demand, less when it's not needed, more when it is. Put too much power into the system and it shuts down, draw too much power out, it shuts down.

To move to a power grid where the primary source is solar / wind will be very expensive and take decades to implement.

If you're going to start charging people more to pay for a new infrastructure to give them what they've been getting all of their lives for less ... let's just say you're going to have a fight on your hand.


Most people didn't have cars when we started paying more in taxes to build roads, but the country invested because it knew the payback would be massive. Same with the railroads and bringing lights to rural farms. We were paying for telephone lines to be strung across the country long before most people ever heard of a telephone. We enjoy all of those things, as well as better medicines and that computer you are reading this on because we, as a country, invested our tax money to help startup industries before the market would support them. The payback from cheaper and more dependable energy sources will improve our lives at least as much as those other things. Nobody is saying our current energy sources will be eliminated before the new sources are able to take over, so what is your problem? Why don't you want things to get better? You don't believe in investing for our future

Most people believe in things that are reasonable. Green New (steal) Deal not reasonable, achievable, or believable. except to completely indoctrinated socialists.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump. Seriously??

Does the wind blow ALL the time where you live? I have a windy day here RARELY. We can go weeks and months without a windy day.

Big deal. Are you dumb enough to think the conversion will happen over night, and we will be left with periods of no electrical power? That's just ridiculous. Alternative sources will be phased in with existing sources, and more expensive existing sources will be phased out as the cheaper, more efficient sources take over. A sane person would know that.
Shove it up your stanky azz. We see enough fluctuations in energy price and bills as it is. Easily gasoline will rise to 10 bucks a gallon just to start.m You evil ph uks never are removed from history. You exist as locusts.
It won't work because the capability isn't there to meet our power needs.

That's why we use multiple sources of power now and in the future. Gasoline is useless to meet our need for electricity, so using your logic, it won't work because the capacity isn't there to meet our needs.

Bullfrog, You are showing some stupid ….Again ! Nobody uses gasoline to create electricity! Most electric turbines are steam powered which are fueled by...……. Coal, Hydroelectric power generation, and Nuclear Power are other sources of electric power. Gasoline is for Your car and lawn mower. Can we move on to 4th grade now???:desk:

That's kinda my point dumb ass. We need multiple sources now. No reason we can't add sources to that list, and remove the ones that aren't efficient enough to keep up as the newer ones improve. We know the newer ones will greatly improve as usage increases.

Think about what 873,000 power generating wind turbines would do to the Environment. That's how many we need to generate the Power needed at the current usage. Idiots don't realize that High Voltage can not be stored like Coal or diesel fuel, and is only dependable as long as the generator is running. Trump was actually correct " No wind no power"! So since California and New York and other Large Metro Areas use much more electric power than Paduka, Ky. They will be required to pay more for the Infra structure to support that Increased use right. Or does everyone else suffer with the eyesores to supply energy to the big metro areas. I can't imagine putting enough wind power generators in Manhattan or La to support the enormous power draw. Stupid Ideas by stupid short sighted people! Believe if you can!

Nobody said wind power would be our only source of power, and nobody expects the transition to other energy sources to happen before most of the supply concerns are worked out. Sane people don't need that explained to them. Trump supporters don't understand it no matter how many times they have it explained to them..
Just a few years ago, there was nothing set up to handle millions of computers connected to the internet.

People were willing to pay for the Internet because it gave them something they never had before. Mostly porn and cat videos, but they still paid for it.

Our entire existing power infrastructure is based on our ability to generate that amount of power needed on demand, less when it's not needed, more when it is. Put too much power into the system and it shuts down, draw too much power out, it shuts down.

To move to a power grid where the primary source is solar / wind will be very expensive and take decades to implement.

If you're going to start charging people more to pay for a new infrastructure to give them what they've been getting all of their lives for less ... let's just say you're going to have a fight on your hand.


Most people didn't have cars when we started paying more in taxes to build roads, but the country invested because it knew the payback would be massive. Same with the railroads and bringing lights to rural farms. We were paying for telephone lines to be strung across the country long before most people ever heard of a telephone. We enjoy all of those things, as well as better medicines and that computer you are reading this on because we, as a country, invested our tax money to help startup industries before the market would support them. The payback from cheaper and more dependable energy sources will improve our lives at least as much as those other things. Nobody is saying our current energy sources will be eliminated before the new sources are able to take over, so what is your problem? Why don't you want things to get better? You don't believe in investing for our future

Most people believe in things that are reasonable. Green New (steal) Deal not reasonable, achievable, or believable. except to completely indoctrinated socialists.

I've heard the discussions on fox. All the hand wringing about eliminating cows, and air travel really make the right sound stupid. Are you really dumb enough to think that is what was being proposed?
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump. Seriously??

Does the wind blow ALL the time where you live? I have a windy day here RARELY. We can go weeks and months without a windy day.

Big deal. Are you dumb enough to think the conversion will happen over night, and we will be left with periods of no electrical power? That's just ridiculous. Alternative sources will be phased in with existing sources, and more expensive existing sources will be phased out as the cheaper, more efficient sources take over. A sane person would know that.
Shove it up your stanky azz. We see enough fluctuations in energy price and bills as it is. Easily gasoline will rise to 10 bucks a gallon just to start.m You evil ph uks never are removed from history. You exist as locusts.

Whine baby Whine.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


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Sorry what don’t you agree with?


wind generators create and STORE electricity for current (? I made a joke!) and future use.

The power doesn't go out when the wind stops blowing.

Are you just using it for one thing?? Lol seriously are you clueless?


so far I believe YOU have proven to be the DUMBEST of the cons on this board!

The WIND GENERATORS generate/create energy which is STORED for future use.

THAT is how it works.

From -

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy
The main advantage of wind power is the availability of free energy from moving air, without creating pollution from burning fuel. The main disadvantage is the unreliability of the winds; when the wind doesn't blow, the investment in turbines isn't paying off and the grid must work around an intermittent power supply. Systems not on the power grid need a storage device like a battery to hold generated power when there isn't enough wind. National Geographic reports on problems with turbines killing winged wildlife, and the difficulties in adopting new designs to fix the problems. Noise and even shadows from the turbines also cause problems.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sorry what don’t you agree with?


wind generators create and STORE electricity for current (? I made a joke!) and future use.

The power doesn't go out when the wind stops blowing.

Are you just using it for one thing?? Lol seriously are you clueless?


so far I believe YOU have proven to be the DUMBEST of the cons on this board!

The WIND GENERATORS generate/create energy which is STORED for future use.

THAT is how it works.

From -

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy
The main advantage of wind power is the availability of free energy from moving air, without creating pollution from burning fuel. The main disadvantage is the unreliability of the winds; when the wind doesn't blow, the investment in turbines isn't paying off and the grid must work around an intermittent power supply. Systems not on the power grid need a storage device like a battery to hold generated power when there isn't enough wind. National Geographic reports on problems with turbines killing winged wildlife, and the difficulties in adopting new designs to fix the problems. Noise and even shadows from the turbines also cause problems.

As expected, a work in progress.

Thanks for posting the info!

I go to a flea market (boot sale) and there are 2 wind turbines close by. Most of the time they are both spinning (slowly!). This year I'll take a walk up to them and check them out.
Wind power won’t work because the wind doesn’t blow all the time, according to Trump.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not 10 minutes ago I posted in another thread that rampant stupidity would be the end of us all.

Not 10 minutes ago I posted in another thread that rampant stupidity would be the end of us all.

You leave that poor taco bar girl alone.
It's not her fault her parents let her eat paint chips.

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