Do you really want to go to "Heaven" when you die?

It's funny how Hell is a Pagan concept that the Jews didn't really discuss or adopt until the (alleged) time of Jesus.

Just re-read Genesis with that in mind. It doesn't mention Lucifer (the son of the morning, which is the planet Venus) or Satan (which is a Hebrew word meaning "accuser" or "adversary"), or "devil" (from Greek diabolos, meaning nearly the same as Satan, "accuser" or "slanderer").

The serpent in Genesis was just a snake. Nothing more.

"The satan" to the Jews, was one of the sons of their god Yahweh (or YHWH, pronounced yo-hey-vav-hey). The satan's job was to prosecute the Jews to prove themselves to Yahweh.

Hell comes from the Anglo-Saxon word "helle" which is the Norse Pagan world of the dead, but is not like the Christian hell. That concept is a rip-off of the Greek pagan Relm of Hades, but was somewhat bastardized from meaning what Christians know as purgatory, which is a place where souls go after death (and the place where Jesus allegedly went after his crucifixion) to mean a final place where damned souls go for eternity.

So, do y'all see how fucked up Christianity is? It does nothing but borrow a bunch of shit from pagan religions. Even the concept of a savior predates Christianity.

So much of Christianity is borrowed from pagan beliefs, why not just revert back to paganism, die in battle, and go to Valhalla?
You should refrain from commenting on subjects of which you know nothing.
That's why you don't believe in God?

The god of the bible is a murdering rapist who will burn you for eternity if you don't obey the priests and give them money. Sounds like a total scam to me.
That would be your interpretation of selected passages. Hardly a full assessment of the full message.
The whole message is that they're an invisible superbeing in another dimension who cares what we do and if we don't worship it, it'll burn us forever. All this with no proof whatsoever. My internal scam alert just went off again. You must not have one. :biggrin:
That would be your opinion, Karl
No, that opinion comes from the church.
Can you show me where the church says that?
"merciful god" :lol:
"i order you to go kill those innocent babies and children for sins they might do one day" :rolleyes:
That's why you don't believe in God?

The god of the bible is a murdering rapist who will burn you for eternity if you don't obey the priests and give them money. Sounds like a total scam to me.
That would be your interpretation of selected passages. Hardly a full assessment of the full message.
The whole message is that there's an invisible superbeing in another dimension who cares what we do and if we don't worship it, it'll burn us forever. All this with no proof whatsoever. My internal scam alert just went off again. You must not have one. :biggrin:

You're a disingenuous troll.
"merciful god" :lol:
"i order you to go kill those innocent babies and children for sins they might do one day" :rolleyes:
That's why you don't believe in God?

The god of the bible is a murdering rapist who will burn you for eternity if you don't obey the priests and give them money. Sounds like a total scam to me.
That would be your interpretation of selected passages. Hardly a full assessment of the full message.
The whole message is that there's an invisible superbeing in another dimension who cares what we do and if we don't worship it, it'll burn us forever. All this with no proof whatsoever. My internal scam alert just went off again. You must not have one. :biggrin:

You're a disingenuous troll.
The bible is what it is. No need to insult me because that pisses you off.
I see. You are just as given to delusional fantasies as the people that you deride as delusional.

I bet you lifted your skirt for every cult or religion that has ever winked at you.
You're so messed up in the head that you think I'm a woman. :lmao:

Well, why would that surprise you? You have no gender selection and you use an avatar of a woman's eyeball, which is rather strange. I don't see how that would make someone else messed up in the head to assume you are a female poster.
I see. You are just as given to delusional fantasies as the people that you deride as delusional.

I bet you lifted your skirt for every cult or religion that has ever winked at you.
You're so messed up in the head that you think I'm a woman. :lmao:

Well, why would that surprise you? You have no gender selection and you use an avatar of a woman's eyeball, which is rather strange. I don't see how that would make someone else messed up in the head to assume you are a female poster.
Her other screen name is Mudda.
Do you have any proof that there will be mead and wenches?
I have EXACTLY the same amount of proof that anyone else has about the alleged afterlife.

Damn. The least you could have done to try and convince me about Valhalla is to tempt me with a taste of things to Some salesman you are...

Anyway, did you ever know someone who subscribed to any religion that they now denounce as false?

If so how can you sit there and say that there is no evidence for life after death? Thats like saying that there is no evidence that people can be deprogrammed or un-brainwashed even though the risen dead are standing all around you, watching.

Oh wait a minute! You didn't think that in scripture the subject of rising from the dead was like some night of the living dead scenario, did you?

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Damn. The least you could have done to try and convince me about Valhalla is to tempt me with a taste of things to Some salesman you are...
There is no proof of anything. I don't know what you want from me.

If so how can you sit there and say that there is no evidence for life after death? Thats like saying that there is no evidence that people can be deprogrammed or un-brainwashed even though the risen dead are standing all around you, watching.
I don't follow. Are you saying that because people once believed in religion but now reject it is some evidence of an afterlife? I don't agree.

Oh wait a minute! You didn't think that in scripture the subject of rising from the dead was like some night of the living dead scenario, did you?
I don't think "scripture" is evidence of anything but some 10th-hand account of some shit that is impossible and has never been documented or witnessed by anyone alive today that isn't bat-shit crazy.
I don't think "scripture" is evidence of anything but some 10th-hand account of some shit that is impossible and has never been documented or witnessed by anyone alive today that isn't bat-shit crazy.
The only thing that I was looking for is if you understood scripture.

your response saying that you don't think scripture is evidence of anything is enough evidence that you don't...

People don't go to heaven when they die, they go to heaven when they rise to life. Those who rise to life will never know what it is to die.

I am truly sorry if that sprains your brain.

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I don't think "scripture" is evidence of anything but some 10th-hand account of some shit that is impossible and has never been documented or witnessed by anyone alive today that isn't bat-shit crazy.
The only thing that I was looking for is if you understood scripture.

your response saying that you don't think scripture is evidence of anything is enough evidence that you don't...

People don't go to heaven when they die, they go to heaven when they rise to life. Those who rise to life will never know what it is to die.

I am truly sorry if that sprains your brain.

So where do the other people go?
I don't think "scripture" is evidence of anything but some 10th-hand account of some shit that is impossible and has never been documented or witnessed by anyone alive today that isn't bat-shit crazy.
The only thing that I was looking for is if you understood scripture.

your response saying that you don't think scripture is evidence of anything is enough evidence that you don't...

People don't go to heaven when they die, they go to heaven when they rise to life. Those who rise to life will never know what it is to die.

I am truly sorry if that sprains your brain.

So where do the other people go?

They don't go anywhere.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that...

You guys make me laugh.. You think you have a superior position, deny the existence of God, because there is no proof, profess to love truth and life, yet won't lift a finger to do what is necessary to save your soul from destruction live forever and get that proof, the truth, firsthand...
I don't think "scripture" is evidence of anything but some 10th-hand account of some shit that is impossible and has never been documented or witnessed by anyone alive today that isn't bat-shit crazy.
The only thing that I was looking for is if you understood scripture.

your response saying that you don't think scripture is evidence of anything is enough evidence that you don't...

People don't go to heaven when they die, they go to heaven when they rise to life. Those who rise to life will never know what it is to die.

I am truly sorry if that sprains your brain.

So where do the other people go?

They don't go anywhere.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that...

You guys make me laugh.. You think you have a superior position, deny the existence of God, because there is no proof, profess to love truth and life, yet won't lift a finger to do what is necessary to save your soul from destruction live forever and get that proof, the truth, firsthand...
So god will destroy my soul if I don’t worship it?
I don't think "scripture" is evidence of anything but some 10th-hand account of some shit that is impossible and has never been documented or witnessed by anyone alive today that isn't bat-shit crazy.
The only thing that I was looking for is if you understood scripture.

your response saying that you don't think scripture is evidence of anything is enough evidence that you don't...

People don't go to heaven when they die, they go to heaven when they rise to life. Those who rise to life will never know what it is to die.

I am truly sorry if that sprains your brain.

So where do the other people go?

They don't go anywhere.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that...

You guys make me laugh.. You think you have a superior position, deny the existence of God, because there is no proof, profess to love truth and life, yet won't lift a finger to do what is necessary to save your soul from destruction live forever and get that proof, the truth, firsthand...
So god will destroy my soul if I don’t worship it?

Fuck the worship. Get a life.

Be real and stop deliberately being a jackass or you will destroy your own soul.
There's no such thing as afterlife, obviously, even if there were, heaven? Really?

Not much of a patriot, are ya?

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

The Will of the People: Readings in American Democracy (Chicago: Great Books Foundation, 2001), 38.

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