Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
Dude I can't imagine the bizarre existence you must experience where every event and object can be analyzed through the lens of negativity at this nebulous political label "liberals."

nebulous??? Our liberals spied for Stalin, elected Obama despite 2 communist parents and voting to the left of Bernie Sanders, are anti-business and anti Walmart despite 24 million unemployed Americans.
Whats nebulous?????????

Do you think it is coincidence that only libturds are against Walmart and for Marxobamaism?? Do you think it is only coincidence that when you get in the voting booth your choice is reduced to liberal v conservative?? America is an idea about freedom from liberal government. It made us the greatest country in human history
and the only country in human history with that much freedom, but now liberals challenge that and our huge success at ever turn.

Our liberals spied for Stalin. What is nebulous about that, and about the cancer of liberalism that our Founders fought to save us from??

Do you even hear yourself?

I think I do, but you don't because you lack the IQ to understand the context in which this discussion is taking place. Sorry
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Well you keep grinding your ax and wiping the spittle from your latest insane partisan rants off your monitor, the rest of us who can view the world with more than two colors will roll our eyes and give thanks we don't suffer the same pathetic affliction. I've only been here a few days and can already see why the others call your Special Ed.

Better check under your bed before turning, make sure no evil liberals are hiding.
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In the other hand you have to admit there are a lot of dummies screaming that businesses would do the right thing without any government intervention. And that simply isnt true.

The problem with you lefties is you cannot distinguish between regulation and intervention.

News flash genius I'm not a liberal and in fact recognizing there are idiots on both sides does not make one a iberal

Right. You side with the libs, therefore you ARE a lib.
I really don't think all liberals are communists or that they all hate capitalism. I know too many liberals running businesses or working for capitalists. Some of these I am quite fond of.

But where liberals part company with me is in looking to government instead of private enterprise to get things done, meet needs, or address problems. And they tend to be far more trusting of government than I think is healthy, and far more distrusting of their fellow man than I think is realistic.

The liberal can't seem to wrap his/her mind around a concept that we all benefit each other best when we look to our own interests and prosper ourselves using our own instincts, intuitiveness, intelligence, ability, talents, and work ethic. The liberal too often honestly believes that if government does not force us to do what the liberal thinks we should, that it won't happen at all.

And this does fit in with a discussion on Walmart. Should the government force Walmart to increase its wages and benefits? Should the government force Walmart to unionize? Should the government overtly or covertly demonize Walmart which seems to be the PC modus operendi these days? Should the government dictate to Walmart what products that can or must carry?

All that is part of the mix, and if you scratch the surface deep enough, that is what this thread is ultimately all about.

No, I'm afraid it isn't. That is a wild extrapolation beyond the simple question "Do you shop at Wal-Mart?". You're trying to bring in new story lines and a cast of thousands here. There's actually a guy behind you, seeing a rhetorical door jimmied open, trying to bring Joe Stalin's cadaver in along with it.

Don't complicate it; sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Accept it.

The only one who seems fixated on Joe Stalin is you. Why is that do you think?

And apparently all the folks who have posted here don't share your view of what Walmart is in the south and east. (I have been in Walmarts in Arkansas, Louisiana, South Texas, Virginia (just across the Potomac from DC), West Virginia, and Washington DC, all of which were perfectly acceptable. At the same time I have been in Walmarts elsewhere, including here, that I would not choose to shop in again because they were so poorly managed.

And in case you sort of missed the way the discussion has developed in this thread, it has not been limited to the simple question of whether one shops at Walmart. It would have been a very short thread had it not provoked the discussion that I believe the OP intended. The discussion has logically evolved into WHY we do or do not shop at Walmart alongside WHY we should or should not shop at Walmart with some very good rationale offered within that context.

And that's exactly what I did. You just don't seem to want to accept my reasoning. You seem bent on proving it "wrong". A point of view can't be "right" or "wrong". Just accept it. I'm not trying to change your mind; why are you trying to change mine? You seem to jump on anyone who doesn't bow down and worship Mal-Wart... why is that? Are you with Mal-Wart corporate? Don't people have the choice to choose against it?

As far as Joe Stalin -- try reading the thread. He was introduced by Special Ed -- here. It's nothing more than an example of how far some will stretch the topic just to get their rhetorical orgasm in even if it's utterly unrelated. In with Joe came the still-unexplained idea of "banning" Wal-Mart, which is another strawman. This is the kind of thing that blows in the door when you try to stretch a simple analysis of one business' bad ethics into a greater diatribe on political philosophies: you let the crazies in.
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walmart has liberal peons all conflicted. collectivist farms must be the other option. lol

Whole Foods is a nice alternative. Helluva meat department; prime meats, dry-aged. Not too shabby.

I've grown real tired of Ho Foods and their greedy attitude. Quality stuff yes, but at what price?

-- which of course reminds me of a video...
[ame=]Whole Foods Parking Lot - Music Video [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
Rich people shop at Walmart, but they are compelled to wear disguises...

Or have poor tastes in food, not uncommon among folks, at every income level.

But for decent meats, fish, produce, not to mention specialty cured meats from Parma, the Basque Region, etc, Whole Foods is okay, but the better and pricier Metropolitan Market is the only way to shop, if you give a fuck about the shit you're putting in your mouth.
Rich people shop at Walmart, but they are compelled to wear disguises...

Or have poor tastes in food, not uncommon among folks, at every income level.

But for decent meats, fish, produce, not to mention specialty cured meats from Parma, the Basque Region, etc, Whole Foods is okay, but the better and pricier Metropolitan Market is the only way to shop, if you give a fuck about the shit you're putting in your mouth.

Ewww. Speak for yourself.
Rich people shop at Walmart, but they are compelled to wear disguises...

Or have poor tastes in food, not uncommon among folks, at every income level.

But for decent meats, fish, produce, not to mention specialty cured meats from Parma, the Basque Region, etc, Whole Foods is okay, but the better and pricier Metropolitan Market is the only way to shop, if you give a fuck about the shit you're putting in your mouth.

Ewww. Speak for yourself.

I was. Noodle on that. It'll come to you.
Right. You side with the libs, therefore you ARE a lib.

So what you're saying is that if a conservative does not follow along with sheep-like obedience with what the rest of you are saying, you will drive them out, he can't be in your club.

It's that what you say Democrats do, and that Democrats are incapable of thinking for themselves, yet here is a poster thinking for himself and you're saying that conservatives are not allowed to do that.
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The liberal can't seem to wrap his/her mind around a concept that we all benefit each other best when we look to our own interests and prosper ourselves using our own instincts, intuitiveness, intelligence, ability, talents, and work ethic. The liberal too often honestly believes that if government does not force us to do what the liberal thinks we should, that it won't happen at all.

And this does fit in with a discussion on Walmart. Should the government force Walmart to increase its wages and benefits? Should the government force Walmart to unionize? Should the government overtly or covertly demonize Walmart which seems to be the PC modus operendi these days? Should the government dictate to Walmart what products that can or must carry?

For me is "Should taxpayers continue to provide and average of $420,000 in food stamps and Medicaid benefits to the employees at every Walmart in the US?" and my answer would be "No". If Walmart is making record profits, why can't their employees be paid a living wage? Why should taxpayers continue to subsidize these profits?

I would have no problem with people being left to their own devices to do the right thing, if all companies and employers treated their employees fairly and paid a living wage, but we all know that doesn't happen. That's why we have minimum wage laws, and laws against child exploitation, because people aren't always decent or honourable.
The liberal can't seem to wrap his/her mind around a concept that we all benefit each other best when we look to our own interests and prosper ourselves using our own instincts, intuitiveness, intelligence, ability, talents, and work ethic. The liberal too often honestly believes that if government does not force us to do what the liberal thinks we should, that it won't happen at all.

And this does fit in with a discussion on Walmart. Should the government force Walmart to increase its wages and benefits? Should the government force Walmart to unionize? Should the government overtly or covertly demonize Walmart which seems to be the PC modus operendi these days? Should the government dictate to Walmart what products that can or must carry?

For me is "Should taxpayers continue to provide and average of $420,000 in food stamps and Medicaid benefits to the employees at every Walmart in the US?" and my answer would be "No". If Walmart is making record profits, why can't their employees be paid a living wage? Why should taxpayers continue to subsidize these profits?

I would have no problem with people being left to their own devices to do the right thing, if all companies and employers treated their employees fairly and paid a living wage, but we all know that doesn't happen. That's why we have minimum wage laws, and laws against child exploitation, because people aren't always decent or honourable.

Ah yes. Much better to force Walmart to pay a 'living wage"--how much is that by the way?--and therefore eliminate most of those Walmart jobs and then we can pay ALL their expenses on perpetual unemployment or welfare. Yeah, that's a much better solution.

But first show me evidence that those working for Walmart are costing $420,000 in benefits at every Walmart in the nation. Hyperbole much?

Walmart pays what Walmart has to pay to entice people to work for them. The average associate at Walmart earns roughly $20k working less than 40 hours per week. Those working full time are making at least a bit above the official poverty line. And nobody forces anybody to work at Walmart.

I know quite a few folks who have worked for Walmart and two who are working there now. Two of these were my sister and brother in law, both who have masters degrees plus, but applied at Walmart on a lark as a part time retirement vocation after they retired as educators. They had a ball and though they didn't stick with it for long and were still speaking of the experience fondly years later.

The two who are working for Walmart now both have had opportunities for better paying jobs but decided to stay with Walmart for the pleasant working environment and flexibility of schedules.

Walmart pays slightly less than the average for retail jobs, but only slightly less, and it provides stock options for its employees that most retail jobs don't offer.

Everything isn't always what it seems.

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