Doctor Ben Carson Is Asked How He Would Fight Islamic State — There’s No Misinterpreting His Answer.

Carson is wrong on the issue concerning ISIS just as he's wrong on the other issues, confirming once again he's not qualified to be president.

conservative, smart, successful, and black------------------scares the livin shit out of you libs doesn't he?

as to qualified, he is 1000 times more qualified than obama was, or is.
Doctor Ben Carson was interviewed recently, regarding the failure of The Brown Clown and the idiots who elected him to completely scuttle the United States over the last 6 years.

He pointed to the advances that obama and the Ideological Left have provided for Islam in those 6 years and what he would do, as would any actual American... if he were President.

You can read Dr. Carson's comments below and watch the interview at the link provided below. But first I'd like to preface Dr. Carson's remarks with my feelings, as such seems to be critical to the feelings of some on this board... for whatever reason and with that, I present you:

My feelings on the issue:

Going forward, we must all be conscious of our individual responsibilities in staving off Islam and obama's ISIS.
Ever mindful of the threat that fascism represents.
Taking our responsibilities SERIOUSLY

Forever more, merely voting present will not suffice.
Uniformly, I ask that each of us, to be mindful of our duty as Americans, to shout down the addled Progressives,
Calling a spade a spade, setting the truth in front of them, without apology. Reminding them that they have no
Kinship with America.
Echoing the sentiments of our own leadership here on this very site...
Delivering to our enemy, what they have coming, in no uncertain terms.

You'll recall that a Moderator on this very site recently noted:

But that is only because God precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis. Thus it is quite impossible for one to adhere to the foreign ideas hostile to American principle, common to Left-think and claim themselves as those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the those defining American Principles: Otherwise exceptionally known as: Americans.

And with that, I present you the words of the First Actual American President of a dark caramel hue.​

"Dr. Ben Carson, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, said on Monday that now is the time to “crush” the Islamic State while they are still in their “adolescent stage,” adding that he would use “every resource available” if he were president of the United States.

Appearing on Fox News, Carson said everyone in Washington, D.C., sees themselves as “Democrats and Republicans instead of Americans.” In Washington, he said, “everything is aimed at enhancing one’s political position rather than strengthening the nation.”

Then then went on to address the Islamic State terrorist group and how he would go about destroying them.

“They’re extremely sophisticated and they have tentacles that are growing throughout the world. They’re still in their adolescent stage and this is the time when we can crush them,” Carson told Fox News. “But if we allow them to mature into a full-grown tree, with deep roots and thick branches, it’s going to be almost impossible. We need to do it now.”

He also quoted Winston Churchill: “Fight your enemy while you can beat them.”

He continued: “I would use every resource available: military, banking, sanctions, you name it. And I would not hesitate to put boots on the ground. We need to be the leaders. The coalition will form if it has a leader. But you can’t sit around saying, ‘Oh, you guys do this.’ … This is serious. So I would commit everything to eliminating them right now.”

“We also have to make sure that our military, which is extremely talented with very good leadership, is not put in a compromised position, where we’re trying to micromanage them. We have people trying to manage the military who know nothing about the military, who know nothing about military strategy,” Carson concluded.

Watch the segment below via Fox News:" (Check out the article to watch the video and it is worth the time to do so.)

Potential 2016 Candidate Is Asked How He Would Fight Islamic State There 8217 s No Misinterpreting His Answer Video

Does he know who declares war in this nation?

does obama know who makes immigration laws? I think he does now.

How so?

do you get any news besides talking points from kos?
It's unfortunate that Ben doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell of becoming president, he seems to be smart with a lot of common sense, unlike the gutter trash we have today.

The GOP could always try the slogan; "We had the black Fag for president - now try a black MAN!"


Of course they have no problem with sending more American boys and girls to die for a REPUBLICAN fuck up.

You fucking liberals are such deranged fucking losers.

If you want to go there, I will just bring up the fact that Carter and his policies in the middle east is the actual cause of all of the problems the US has with islam. That, is when they declared a jihad on us.

You stupid waste of shit. You fucking ignorant dick. You dumb fucking moron. You stupid fucking left wing piece of shit.
Actually that would be the fact the REPUBLICAN EISENHOWER approved and HELPED an Iranian coup in the 1950's. Get your facts straight.The Iranian revolution only brought back to power who the people of Iran wanted because they wouldn't buckle to US/Israel pressure.
There you see unbridled racism. And that's actual racism, as opposed to the manufactured variety that the same Leftist spreads along the walls of every stall in which she squats... . THAT will be the what MSNBC will trot out non-stop throughout the campaign.

THAT will not only turn the Black community away from the Left, it will turn them toward Doc Carson. And more importantly, the blacks that don't join with Dr. Carson, will simply not vote, because as human beings, they won't vote WITH those who will have thoroughly proven themselves to the Black Community, to have such a low opinion of THEM.

And... you may be thinking that they'll discipline themselves from that sort of thing. ROFL! It's the LEFT... they have no discipline. They are what they are... and finally, they cannot compete against American principle. So they truly have no alternative to 'go there'.

Keyboy, most black people call Carson worse things than I ever would.

You guys keep thinking that folks are going to start voting against their own economic interests because you get someone who says "Jesus" convincingly. The world doesn't work that way outside the Bible Belt.
Which is racist. Thanks for making it clear that you are a fellow traveler of posters like shitspeeders and tank.

Oh, guy, come on. Maybe you need to talk to some folks in the Hood about what htey think about Uncle Tom Conservatives like Carson, Clarance Thomas, etc.
Actually that would be the fact the REPUBLICAN EISENHOWER approved and HELPED an Iranian coup in the 1950's. Get your facts straight.The Iranian revolution only brought back to power who the people of Iran wanted because they wouldn't buckle to US/Israel pressure.

You stupid ignorant fucking liberal moron. The fucking sandNIGGERS have been at war with the infidel since their religion began in 632AD.

The United States did not exist then, so you cannot blame us for that you piece of ignorant shit.

They have been murdering people since.

You are a waste of my time. You are such a bag of pure ignorant left wing American hating shit. Do you even have one single fucking clue how fucking stupid you are?

You dumb stupid fucking left wing pile of shit.
Uh, yeah. NOthing makes Republicans happier than an Uncle Tom getting out there and say, "Yousa Right Boss, we sho be shiftless!"

Comrade JoeB Stalin, you're not just a disreputable lout, you're a despicable racist to boot! :thup:
Which is racist. Thanks for making it clear that you are a fellow traveler of posters like shitspeeders and tank.

Oh, guy, come on. Maybe you need to talk to some folks in the Hood about what htey think about Uncle Tom Conservatives like Carson, Clarance Thomas, etc.

I don't need to. I can see quite clearly that you're a racist POS. It verily oozes from you in the same way it oozes from steve mcgarret, and tank, and all the other racist POS's we have here.
I apologize to the board... but the 'staff' has decided that due to my certain 'advantages', that they need a whole different set of rules to govern my use of the site. And I was told that "Your interpretation of the rules is IRRELEVANT".

As a result there truly are no rules for me on this board... It now takes me ten minutes to get past the 'Rules Page" which is set up as my default page, to which I am treated with 75% of my clicks of any page... (Click on anything and I'm sent immediately to 'The Rules' Page.)

They're calling me a 'Discouraged User'. Incredibly, they've come to conclude that my intellectual means 'sets our membership at an unfair disadvantage'.

So, I can only post very infrequently and cannot offer any member a thank you, agreement or interest... and I can not PM other members.

So spread the word that the Site is 'phasing me out' and they're doing so outside of any sense of adherence to their own posted rules.

Such is the nature of evil... and the feckless impotence that is so common to such.
It's probably not a good idea to mock the SeniorMod in your sig-line even though free, unfettered speech is encouraged here. These people likely do not get paid to keep this place running and organized. A little respect is due.
It's probably not a good idea to mock the SeniorMod in your sig-line even though free, unfettered speech is encouraged here. These people likely do not get paid to keep this place running and organized.

Doc's okay - never right about anything - but he's fair.
ISIS is Al Qaeda in Iraq which DID NOT EXIST until YOUR MAN DUBYA invaded a sovereign country committing war crimes in the process.
ISIS was born on the red line Obama drew in the sands of Syria. They knew he is a fraud.
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Which is racist. Thanks for making it clear that you are a fellow traveler of posters like shitspeeders and tank.

Oh, guy, come on. Maybe you need to talk to some folks in the Hood about what htey think about Uncle Tom Conservatives like Carson, Clarance Thomas, etc.

Most of the folks in the hood wouldn't have a fucking clue if you just gave them the name and asked their opinion, most would say, who?
I don't need to. I can see quite clearly that you're a racist POS. It verily oozes from you in the same way it oozes from steve mcgarret, and tank, and all the other racist POS's we have here.

Guy, my contempt for hucksters like Carson who tell white people like you what you want to hear is no reflection on my views of race relations... Sorry you can't get that.

I think somewhere, you think putting an Uncle TOm up there gives you some kind of immunity from criticism. But these guys are contemptable hucksters.
'"Dr. Ben Carson, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, said on Monday that now is the time to “crush” the Islamic State while they are still in their “adolescent stage,” adding that he would use “every resource available” if he were president of the United States.'

Thank goodness he isn't president, nor will he ever be.

It's this sort of ignorance and stupidity that gets American soldiers pointlessly killed.
And endless negotiations and stalling gets everyone else killed
Actually that would be the fact the REPUBLICAN EISENHOWER approved and HELPED an Iranian coup in the 1950's. Get your facts straight.The Iranian revolution only brought back to power who the people of Iran wanted because they wouldn't buckle to US/Israel pressure.

You stupid ignorant fucking liberal moron. The fucking sandNIGGERS have been at war with the infidel since their religion began in 632AD.

The United States did not exist then, so you cannot blame us for that you piece of ignorant shit.

They have been murdering people since.

You are a waste of my time. You are such a bag of pure ignorant left wing American hating shit. Do you even have one single fucking clue how fucking stupid you are?

You dumb stupid fucking left wing pile of shit.
Someone has their panties in a wad! My oh my....them facts are pissing you aren't they...
With Ron Paul and Mitt out of the running, I think Ben Carson would be my next choice. But he doesn't have the big money backers. It won't happen.
America has seen its last black President for quite a while.

Carson is going nowhere, even if he does make some sense time to time.

I don't think it's a black/white matter at all. It's just that money counts for a lot. Also, as much as the GOP like to talk about small government, they're ultimately afraid of putting their money where their mouth is.

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