Donald Trump on taxes

Trump’s shifting positions on releasing his tax returns probably shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point. Both Trump himself and his campaign seem uniquely incapable of sticking to even their most adamantly stated positions.

Trump, for example, has repeatedly said that he will not touch Medicare or Social Security if he is elected president. On Wednesday in Washington, his chief policy adviser told a very different story, saying that changes to the programs would be on the table once a Trump administration has established itself in Washington.
Donald Trump Sitting On Taxes

there, fixed it for you

release em' DON.
Donald Trump Sitting On Taxes

there, fixed it for you

release em' DON.

I really don't get why you DemoBots are so obsessed with Trump's Tax Returns, hasn't the Donald given you guys enough material for your slime, demonize and slander machine already?

... There was a time, not too long ago, when Democrats were actually pretty competent when it came to character assassination in fact they were almost as good at it as Republicans, but then along came "the Donald" and they've just gone into full broken-record, parrot mode, it's sad and really fucks up the whole bread & circuses motif that American Politics had going for it.
The Clinton foundation records are easily searched. About 89% of all money donated actually makes it to charitable programs around the world. That is a much higher percentage than most charities. Trump's donors are donating to trump, not a charitable foundation that has been shown to meet high ethical standards.
That 89% goes to the needy? I believe that includes their luxurious lifestyles.. IE slush fund. Link?

89% was in 2013. It has since dropped to 88%, but still better than most. As usual, what you heard from right wing sources was a lie.
Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
why don't you actually read that you freakin hack. Jesus Christ, and they say trump supporters are idiots :lol:

all hacks like TNHooey have on hillz is old news and the perpetual artful smear of parroted talking points.

The Clinton Foundation filed its 2014 tax return, and amended its filings for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. In a highly structured statement, Foundation President Donna Shalala explained that this was all voluntary. Besides, she noted, it all came about because of an error in 2010 to 2013 filings. The updated returns can be found at Clinton Foundation amendments.

Clinton Foundation Amends 4 Years Taxes, Admits Speech Fees Weren't Donations

Hillary Clinton releases health, financial records

hmm what is the donald hiding...........?? :eusa_think:

What's Trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns? Here are some ideas.
yea change the subject :lol:
Donald Trump Sitting On Taxes

there, fixed it for you

release em' DON.

I really don't get why you DemoBots are so obsessed with Trump's Tax Returns, hasn't the Donald given you guys enough material for your slime, demonize and slander machine already?

... There was a time, not too long ago, when Democrats were actually pretty competent when it came to character assassination in fact they were almost as good at it as Republicans, but then along came "the Donald" and they've just gone into full broken-record, parrot mode, it's sad and really fucks up the whole bread & circuses motif that American Politics had going for it.

Trump went full broken record with his sales tripe, and opened the door ...

he's made his entire campaign about money, when its time to ante up, he runs and hides.

fuck him ...
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That 89% goes to the needy? I believe that includes their luxurious lifestyles.. IE slush fund. Link?

89% was in 2013. It has since dropped to 88%, but still better than most. As usual, what you heard from right wing sources was a lie.
Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
why don't you actually read that you freakin hack. Jesus Christ, and they say trump supporters are idiots :lol:

It says it included fundraising, management and general expenses. Just like I said!
They didn't include that in the overhead. Wonder why :lol:
The actual tax return is more detailed. Why don't you post that? :)
Donald Trump Sitting On Taxes

there, fixed it for you

release em' DON.

I really don't get why you DemoBots are so obsessed with Trump's Tax Returns, hasn't the Donald given you guys enough material for your slime, demonize and slander machine already?

... There was a time, not too long ago, when Democrats were actually pretty competent when it came to character assassination in fact they were almost as good at it as Republicans, but then along came "the Donald" and they've just gone into full broken-record, parrot mode, it's sad and really fucks up the whole bread & circuses motif that American Politics had going for it.

Trump went full broken record with his sales tripe, and opened the door ...
Well, again the problem with Trump isn't that the dems are good or that the gop elite didn't treat voters like teenage whores in Victorian England .... they did. The problem with Trump is he's a false prophet and a con man.

If we honestly wanted to address the income tax, wealth inequality and not jump full into class warfare and envy ... we could move partially to a natl sales tax. The 1% (other than Mitt) would have used this more more income inequality. But if we just left it with modest adjustments to treat cap gains more like income, and applied a sales tax to persons spending say .... $200 per year and privately held corporations ... it'd even out pretty quick.
89% was in 2013. It has since dropped to 88%, but still better than most. As usual, what you heard from right wing sources was a lie.
Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
why don't you actually read that you freakin hack. Jesus Christ, and they say trump supporters are idiots :lol:

It says it included fundraising, management and general expenses. Just like I said!
They didn't include that in the overhead. Wonder why :lol:
The actual tax return is more detailed. Why don't you post that? :)

management and general expenses are overhead ...dumbass
If you could LEGALLY avoid taxes would you?
If you answered yes stop bitching.
If you answered no you're a fucking liar. Shut up anyways.
Trump wants to take the top rate down to 25%. That alone is more than enough reason to reject his tax plan outright.
Trump wants to take the top rate down to 25%. That alone is more than enough reason to reject his tax plan outright.

I think it's a reason for Uncle Sam to learn what the rest of us already practice.

How to live within your means. They are not ENTITLED to our money.

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