Electric Cars Great....Indoors

Solar on your roof is a luxury that is subsidized.

Depending on your socio-economic status, you might say the same thing about the car it fuels. So what? Don't like how tax dollars flow forth from Washington? Vote different next time. Certainly I won't disagree that Obama making sure that our children will be paupers is a bad thing, but then I made sure to vote for someone else. Didn't do me much good. But fortunately the locals around here don't kowtow to Washington the way others do.

A good thing in my book.

elektra said:
Of course you can not admit this, you must attempt to define luxury as anything but.

I can admit all sorts of things, but the panels came with the house. Maybe they were subsidized for the last guy…to me…they are no different than the hot water tank, they came with the joint, and I use them as designed. The car those panels fuel came along later. THAT might be considered a luxury because such machines usually require a garage, and some might make the argument that any single family home in America with a garage is a luxury as well. or two bathrooms, the second one is a luxury. Or a TV. Certainly a luxury.

So wait until you are wearing animal skins in Idaho escaping from the ethnic complexity of California before casting stones at others using the term "luxury".
Solar on your roof is a luxury that is subsidized.

Depending on your socio-economic status, you might say the same thing about the car it fuels. So what? Don't like how tax dollars flow forth from Washington? Vote different next time. Certainly I won't disagree that Obama making sure that our children will be paupers is a bad thing, but then I made sure to vote for someone else. Didn't do me much good. But fortunately the locals around here don't kowtow to Washington the way others do.

A good thing in my book.

elektra said:
Of course you can not admit this, you must attempt to define luxury as anything but.

I can admit all sorts of things, but the panels came with the house. Maybe they were subsidized for the last guy…to me…they are no different than the hot water tank, they came with the joint, and I use them as designed. The car those panels fuel came along later. THAT might be considered a luxury because such machines usually require a garage, and some might make the argument that any single family home in America with a garage is a luxury as well. or two bathrooms, the second one is a luxury. Or a TV. Certainly a luxury.

So wait until you are wearing animal skins in Idaho escaping from the ethnic complexity of California before casting stones at others using the term "luxury".

Trust me.. Much more likely to run into folks wearing animal skins in California than Idaho. IF they are synthethic --- like the folks wearing them.. Anyways -- I think you are just a bit TOO pleased with your Green self.. You're not charging a car from PV panels on a garage each day.. You are in the energy biz most likely -- selling power back to the grid -- most likely.

Even a puny Leaf is a 25KWhr fill-up.. That's probably close to the entire daily usage of your home. The OFFICIAL charger for MOST EVehicles requires 220V 40 Amp service. AND -- even with THAT 9KW of charge potential -- that's about 6 or 7 hours.

Unless you got 10KW of panels on that garage -- and you charge during the sunshine -- you're just a big ass power mogul with a GUARANTEED subsidized contract to deliver energy to the grid anytime you want....
Trust me.. Much more likely to run into folks wearing animal skins in California than Idaho. IF they are synthethic --- like the folks wearing them.. Anyways -- I think you are just a bit TOO pleased with your Green self.. You're not charging a car from PV panels on a garage each day.. You are in the energy biz most likely -- selling power back to the grid -- most likely.

Sure. Unless the car is plugged in during the day, and then yes, I am charging the car from PV. Plus the office does the same sort of scheme, they don't have enough PV to run the entire complex, but they have enough to provide charging stations to folks. Not even only employees, anyone who parks at the charging station can use it.

flacaltenn said:
Even a puny Leaf is a 25KWhr fill-up.. That's probably close to the entire daily usage of your home. The OFFICIAL charger for MOST EVehicles requires 220V 40 Amp service. AND -- even with THAT 9KW of charge potential -- that's about 6 or 7 hours.

I don't use 220V at the house. 220V is at the office however. I use what I can get, when I can get it, and don't do it for green street cred, but because I don't like going to the extortion stores.

flacaltenn said:
Unless you got 10KW of panels on that garage -- and you charge during the sunshine -- you're just a big ass power mogul with a GUARANTEED subsidized contract to deliver energy to the grid anytime you want....

I deliver power to the grid all the time. And they deliver power to me. Works out pretty good for both of us.
Two new products are taking California by storm!

1. Chinese made cheap imitation solar panels. Screw 'em onto your roof and screw your neighbors into thinking you have made a HUGE investment to save the planet.

2. Garage door decals. They cover the entire garage door - available in 2,3 and 4 stall models. They saw no point in a 1 stall configuration. Each looks like an open garage door with multiple hybrid or all-electric cars (limited choice of brands but expanding soon). That way you libs can park your SUVs and stretch limos inside while projecting your sensitivity to the world.
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Why do Conservatives root for the failure of any new technology that challenges the internal combustion engine?

Drill baby drill

the electric car is not new tec

Jack Benny used to talk about his "Electric" that Rochester used to drive for him.

Anybody see anything racist about that radio series?

they certainly have been around since 1828

the first hybrid came in 1916

it is fiction to call it new tec
the electric car is not new tec

Jack Benny used to talk about his "Electric" that Rochester used to drive for him.

Anybody see anything racist about that radio series?

they certainly have been around since 1828

the first hybrid came in 1916

it is fiction to call it new tec

No different than what people say about hydraulic fracturing or horizontal drilling. Doesn't stop them from continuing to say it, doing otherwise would require they LEARN something.
Jack Benny used to talk about his "Electric" that Rochester used to drive for him.

Anybody see anything racist about that radio series?

they certainly have been around since 1828

the first hybrid came in 1916

it is fiction to call it new tec

No different than what people say about hydraulic fracturing or horizontal drilling. Doesn't stop them from continuing to say it, doing otherwise would require they LEARN something.

How about you 'learning something.'

1. " The Obama administration has not been able to link groundwater contamination to fracking. The Environmental Protection Agency has failed to link fracking to groundwater contamination in three separate studies and, earlier this year, the Energy Department also found that fracking is safe when done properly.

“To my knowledge, I still have not seen any evidence of fracking per se contaminating groundwater,” Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said in August.
Dozens of state regulators have also found no evidence of groundwater contamination from fracking operations."
Environmentalists call for national ban on fracking | The Daily Caller

2." PITTSBURGH A landmark federal study on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, shows no evidence that chemicals from the natural gas drilling process moved up to contaminate drinking water aquifers at a western Pennsylvania drilling site, the Department of Energy told The Associated Press.

After a year of monitoring, the researchers found that the chemical-laced fluids used to free gas trapped deep below the surface stayed thousands of feet below the shallower areas that supply drinking water, geologist Richard Hammack said." Study finds fracking chemicals didn't pollute water: AP - CBS News
How about you 'learning something.'

1. " The Obama administration has not been able to link groundwater contamination to fracking. The Environmental Protection Agency has failed to link fracking to groundwater contamination in three separate studies and, earlier this year, the Energy Department also found that fracking is safe when done properly.

What is your point? Of course the Obama administration has not been able to link hydraulic fracturing to ground water contamination, it doesn't happen without well bore integrity failures or some other odd ball one off issue.

Duh. Go teach your XXXXXXXXX to suck eggs, and not an ex-completion engineer.
How about you 'learning something.'

1. " The Obama administration has not been able to link groundwater contamination to fracking. The Environmental Protection Agency has failed to link fracking to groundwater contamination in three separate studies and, earlier this year, the Energy Department also found that fracking is safe when done properly.

What is your point? Of course the Obama administration has not been able to link hydraulic fracturing to ground water contamination, it doesn't happen without well bore integrity failures or some other odd ball one off issue.

Duh. Go teach your grandmother to suck eggs, and not an ex-completion engineer.

So....no one has been able to find any problem.....

....but you know it's there.

Is today your first day out of the 'nervous hospital'?
Duh. Go teach your grandmother to suck eggs, and not an ex-completion engineer.

So....no one has been able to find any problem.....

....but you know it's there.

Depends on what you mean. I can cause a freshwater aquifer invasion problem in a heartbeat if I do a bad primary cement job and then complete the well. I can find methane in freshwater aquifer wells and pretend it is a problem if the people with water wells are producing them from oil and gas producing horizons, as in one of the EPA reports.

But vertical migration through capstone and tombstone rock, miles in distance, when immediately after the stimulation itself the process requires the reversal of all the differential pressure ( thereby removing the drive mechanism necessary to do that vertical migration) means that the entire idea is primarily circle jerk.

So are you claiming to have fallen for the circle jerk, or upset only in the political morons who discuss and potentially know none of this but are just looking for an issue to whine about?

Political Chic said:
Is today your first day out of the 'nervous hospital'?

How about you try and understand the thing you are bitching about prior to pretending your amateur and near incomprehensible thoughts on the matter are relevant.
Duh. Go teach your grandmother to suck eggs, and not an ex-completion engineer.

So....no one has been able to find any problem.....

....but you know it's there.

Depends on what you mean. I can cause a freshwater aquifer invasion problem in a heartbeat if I do a bad primary cement job and then complete the well. I can find methane in freshwater aquifer wells and pretend it is a problem if the people with water wells are producing them from oil and gas producing horizons, as in one of the EPA reports.

But vertical migration through capstone and tombstone rock, miles in distance, when immediately after the stimulation itself the process requires the reversal of all the differential pressure ( thereby removing the drive mechanism necessary to do that vertical migration) means that the entire idea is primarily circle jerk.

So are you claiming to have fallen for the circle jerk, or upset only in the political morons who discuss and potentially know none of this but are just looking for an issue to whine about?

Political Chic said:
Is today your first day out of the 'nervous hospital'?

How about you try and understand the thing you are bitching about prior to pretending your amateur and near incomprehensible thoughts on the matter are relevant.

I'm not "bitching about" anything....

...merely pointing out that you are clueless.

Bet you all those who agree with you could hold a meeting in an area the size of a coffin.
I'm not "bitching about" anything....

...merely pointing out that you are clueless.

The last time I did a frack job that ended up on the surface, I considered it a failure. Do you consider me clueless because I once did frack jobs for a living and know how, and how they go wrong? Or are you saying that your experience as a completion engineer never ended up with bad results?


PoliticalChic said:
Bet you all those who agree with you could hold a meeting in an area the size of a coffin.

Well, I can certainly get the completion engineers to agree with me on the how and why completions work. Or don't. But we wouldn't need folks involved who know nothing on the topic involved. Like you.
I'm not "bitching about" anything....

...merely pointing out that you are clueless.

The last time I did a frack job that ended up on the surface, I considered it a failure. Do you consider me clueless because I once did frack jobs for a living and know how, and how they go wrong? Or are you saying that your experience as a completion engineer never ended up with bad results?


PoliticalChic said:
Bet you all those who agree with you could hold a meeting in an area the size of a coffin.

Well, I can certainly get the completion engineers to agree with me on the how and why completions work. Or don't. But we wouldn't need folks involved who know nothing on the topic involved. Like you.

"Do you consider me clueless because I once did frack jobs for a living and know how,..."


...you are provably clueless because of this:

1. " The Obama administration has not been able to link groundwater contamination to fracking. The Environmental Protection Agency has failed to link fracking to groundwater contamination in three separate studies and, earlier this year, the Energy Department also found that fracking is safe when done properly.

“To my knowledge, I still have not seen any evidence of fracking per se contaminating groundwater,” Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said in August.
Dozens of state regulators have also found no evidence of groundwater contamination from fracking operations."
Environmentalists call for national ban on fracking | The Daily Caller

2." PITTSBURGH A landmark federal study on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, shows no evidence that chemicals from the natural gas drilling process moved up to contaminate drinking water aquifers at a western Pennsylvania drilling site, the Department of Energy told The Associated Press.

After a year of monitoring, the researchers found that the chemical-laced fluids used to free gas trapped deep below the surface stayed thousands of feet below the shallower areas that supply drinking water, geologist Richard Hammack said." Study finds fracking chemicals didn't pollute water: AP - CBS News
"Do you consider me clueless because I once did frack jobs for a living and know how,..."


...you are provably clueless because of this:

You make no sense. You quoted that before. Are you trying to make a point, and if so, what is it? Hydraulic fracturing is hydraulic fracturing. Some like it, some don't. Some understand what it is, some do not.

Some of us have done it for living. Most haven't.

So what is your point? Do you have specific knowledge on the parts of a 60+ year old oil field completion technique that you don't, or do like? Do you even know what it IS? Do you have any opinion on your own or is cutting and pasting the limit of your intellect on this topic?
"Do you consider me clueless because I once did frack jobs for a living and know how,..."


...you are provably clueless because of this:

You make no sense. You quoted that before. Are you trying to make a point, and if so, what is it? Hydraulic fracturing is hydraulic fracturing. Some like it, some don't. Some understand what it is, some do not.

Some of us have done it for living. Most haven't.

So what is your point? Do you have specific knowledge on the parts of a 60+ year old oil field completion technique that you don't, or do like? Do you even know what it IS? Do you have any opinion on your own or is cutting and pasting the limit of your intellect on this topic?

I believe I've made the point: studies indicate one thing, and you claim the opposite.

It seems clear that what you need is your sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so they
can be tied in the back.
I believe I've made the point: studies indicate one thing, and you claim the opposite.

Perhaps you can explain what you THINK I have claimed?

And how your cut and paste of some political claim relates to THAT?
I believe I've made the point: studies indicate one thing, and you claim the opposite.

Perhaps you can explain what you THINK I have claimed?

And how your cut and paste of some political claim relates to THAT?

We've gone around his maypole about enough.

One of us has perhaps. You don't even appear to know the difference between the words someone actually said, and some hysterical, internally referenced but unspoken conclusion you draw from those words.

There is a difference between those things. Your inability to understand this explains why you think it is time to cut and run.

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