Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office

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'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.

Elizabeth Warren is a Loon. The Loon is the National Bird of Canada contrary to what Canadians say.

It's a national coin of Canada. They don't have a national bird.

Every Country has a National Bird. Ours is the Bald Eagle when Ben Franklin wanted it to be a Turkey. Mexico has a Hawk that they mistakenly call an Eagle. The State Bird of Ohio is the Cardinal. What is your State Bird?

edit: The National Bird of ancient Egypt was the Falcon, Horus. The ancient Greek national bird was the Owl aka Athena.

Again, Canada has no national bird. They have lotsa birds but not a national one.
You don't actually need to designate a bird to be a country. Little known fact.

My state bird would appear to be.... hang on while I look it up .... the Cardinal, which Wiki says we invented in 1943. I have gabillions of birds where I live, once in a while a cardinal but more chickadees and titmice with a mix of nuthatches, rufus towhees, various woodpeckers, finches, Great Horned and Barred owls, wrens and a few more.
Apparently I'm so powerful I can command WillHaftawaite to display me in his avatar.

I scare myself.


I scare myself.
I imagine mirrors do as well.

and the avatar is a statement about our country, not a tribute to you.

Very nice. Exactly what I told you to say. Good boy.

You're still using my image and likeness. The royalty check is due. :deal:

not your image unless you're Walt Kelly, and it seems he died about 45 years ago.

This is more your image

On anonymous sources? Good luck with that. The grandstanding by the likes of Warren/Harris/Booker is pathetic.

When they have less than zero credibility, they have nothing to lose by going all the way with Stupid. It has no effect on their voter base, mostly deviants and tards, so why not just keep up the lying?
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.
You guys are a bunch of pussy whipped bitchs... lol
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.

Let Mueller finish his job before people demand he be removed.

If he has committed crimes he needs to be held responsible for his actions.

If he's taken out of office any other way than through the vote of the people, trump will not have to face any consequences from our federal government for his crimes.

pence will pardon him and anyone else involved.

If that happens the only way he can be brought to justice is if it's done on the state level.

The best thing we can do for our nation is to vote. Not just yourself but get everyone you know to vote and get them to get everyone they know to vote and so on. Help people to get to the polls to vote.

We can elect a congress that will put some checks and balances on that man. All it takes is to get everyone to vote. A congress that actually follows the constitution with putting those checks and balances on him will help to keep our nation safe from the worst of his damage until 2020 when we can vote him out of office. Once out of office then he can and should face justice for all if his crimes.

We need to stop with the policy of letting politicians get away with serious crimes. No one is above the law. Especially those in our government and including our president.

You make good points.
But I truly believe that Trump is mentally unfit to be POTUS.
And he has the ability to start a nuclear war. Or to start a trade war and destabilize the economy.
And I want that man removed from having that power as fast as possible...by any legal means available.
I don't much care if he goes to jail (he is old and fat anyway - he will be dead soon, I assume)...I just want him out of the White House...FAST.
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.

Let Mueller finish his job before people demand he be removed.

If he has committed crimes he needs to be held responsible for his actions.

If he's taken out of office any other way than through the vote of the people, trump will not have to face any consequences from our federal government for his crimes.

pence will pardon him and anyone else involved.

If that happens the only way he can be brought to justice is if it's done on the state level.

The best thing we can do for our nation is to vote. Not just yourself but get everyone you know to vote and get them to get everyone they know to vote and so on. Help people to get to the polls to vote.

We can elect a congress that will put some checks and balances on that man. All it takes is to get everyone to vote. A congress that actually follows the constitution with putting those checks and balances on him will help to keep our nation safe from the worst of his damage until 2020 when we can vote him out of office. Once out of office then he can and should face justice for all if his crimes.

We need to stop with the policy of letting politicians get away with serious crimes. No one is above the law. Especially those in our government and including our president.

You make good points.
But I truly believe that Trump is mentally unfit to be POTUS.
And he has the ability to start a nuclear war. Or to start a trade war and destabilize the economy.
And I want that man removed from having that power as fast as possible...by any legal means available.
I don't much care if he goes to jail (he is old and fat anyway - he will be dead soon, I assume)...I just want him out of the White House...FAST.

I agree with you, trump isn't mentally fit to be our president. He's not fit to be dog catcher as far as I'm concerned.

He has already started that trade war and the destabilization of our economy has already been set in motion. There's not much we can do to stop it if pence is president.

We can do something to make it not as bad by electing a new congress that will follow our constitution.

Yes trump has his hands on the nuke button but I don't think he will do that. There's no profit in it for him.

I do care that he goes to jail. We're teaching criminals that as long as they're politicians they won't face justice for their crimes. This has harmed our nation and is one of the reasons why we have so much corruption and crime in our government and private business. They all know they will get away with it.

While some kid is sitting in prison for decades in a conservative state for being caught with some marijuana.

We have to stop allowing politicians to make a joke out of our government and our nation. The reason why it won't stop and will get worse is because we don't hold those criminals responsible for their crimes.

We let him go with no consequences for his crimes the next republican president will be worse.
Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?

I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.


we should make a bunch of memes pointing out the similarity of the president and a chimpanzee?

We put up with 8 years of that

and when the same was done to his replacement, they screamed it was racist.


excuse me if I don't give a shit about your PC rants

So what? That doesn't excuse mods spreading racism and emboldening other racist posters.
On anonymous sources? Good luck with that. The grandstanding by the likes of Warren/Harris/Booker is pathetic.

When they have less than zero credibility, they have nothing to lose by going all the way with Stupid. It has no effect on their voter base, mostly deviants and tards, so why not just keep up the lying?

Worse, one of their operatives writes the stupid article in secret, the NYT publishes it as an "anonymous" unverified, unvetted, cutting edge hit piece of news, the media swallows it whole without questioning it, then Warren swears to it as grounds for impeachment. Pretty much tells you the Left have long since run out of ANY ideas and are now in a total flop sweat of desperation.

And the Left calls the Birthers crazy. . . .
Squaw do-um war dance?

Y'all actually believe this racist stereotype shit is gonna work outside y'all's bubble?

I agree! Mods, especially, should be forbidden from peddling racism on the open board. It just feeds all the other racist posters.
Poor Washington redskin...

Probably just an illegal alien pretending to be some 'pure blood' fake indian; we get that a lot around here in Texas.
'Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job.

"If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and senior officials think the President can't do his job. It does not provide that senior officials go around the President -- take documents off his desk, write anonymous op-eds ... Everyone of these officials have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It's time for them to do their job."'

Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

Is this the beginning of a trend? Or the end of one?

My hope is DEFINITELY 'beginning'. Though I am not optimistic.

Elizabeth Warren is a Loon. The Loon is the National Bird of Canada contrary to what Canadians say.
The Common Loon is Minnesota's state bird...
And also the make up of most elected officials here.
Jesse Ventura, Paul Wellstone, Al Franken, Michelle Bachman, Keith Ellison, Amy Klobuchar, and honorable mention our opiate addicted governor Mark Dayton.
The woman who would be President is accepting as EVIDENCE an ANONYMOUS letter and wants to use said evidence to remove a sitting President. Just try to get your mind around that and let it marinate.

Democrats want to keep setting precedents that bite them in the ass. If Warren believes Anonymous letters are sufficient to remove Presidents, imagine how many letters, anonymous and signatory, would come forth with her as President. Careful what you push for.
It would have been much better to have Hillary shooting Russian planes from the sky in Russia-controlled Syrian territory, don’t you think?

The image that evokes - her all Rambo, machine gun in one hand, rocket launch over the other shoulder - with a big stogie in the corner of her mouth ... wearing an infantry helmet, of course.

LOL the image it evokes for me is her sitting proudly on a throne while the Earth crumbles around her and the media is drooling at her feet.
Well now haven't we just learned VOLUMES about several of the population here, including a mod. Not to be lost among which is the inability to deal with the topic in anything except ethnic slurs.

Y'all must be proud. Y'all have fun at the next cross burning.

She said something patently stupid. The racial slurs that the right wing enjoy making just underscore what disgusting slobs they are.

and completely different when our side compared a president to an chimpanzee for 8 years, right?

She claimed Native American ancestry, until she didn't.

'Ah have no ideah what you're referring to'

THAT's why she is made fun of.

Its wrong to invoke personal appearances into any supposedly serious discussion. Their invocation says more about the commentator than the subject.

I make it, I think, 26 attempts at Poisoning the Well with no mention of the actual topic at all. And all of them based on ethnicity. Which tells us at least two things at once.

And no moderator in sight. Nice.
The thread was dead before it began.

A Fake Indian Lying Liberal - claiming to be something that she is not, attempting to live a lie she manufafactured, a defifinite sign of mental illness - claiming the 25th Amendment should be used to exact their revenge on the most successful President in DACADES based on their inability to accept the reality and results of a lost election - another sure sign of mental illness....


Trump Derangement Syndrome - snowflakes and liberals continue to demonstrate the real mental illness sufferers are themselves.

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