Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

I am beginning to think the Establishment parties need a good lesson and Trump might be the one to deliver that lesson. We are witnessing the control of the parties by corporations, big money or party elders. And I don't like what I see. The people should decide who they want to see, hear and vote for. Do not orchestrate messages, sound bites and just who can be heard.

It's time for everyone, not just Republicans, to determine just who is going to call the shots...the electorate or party bosses. I hear from disgruntled Democrats that they are interested in what Trump has to say as well. I believe this decision of Erickson is wrong. And Trump believes he was treated unfairly last Thursday (and I agree). I defend the right for me and Trump to say what we think and the hell with the party bosses.
Any rational thinking person can see what this is all about. This is about the establishment stopping at nothing to get Bush the Republican nom. This was all supposed to be a Clinton/Bush showdown and its going oh so horribly wrong [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

I am so entertained over this whole thing. Zero fucks given over him being disinvited to this oh so important gathering ;) Lets see what kind of bump the clown car gets while Trump continues to pull away from the field.
If Trump was smart, he would buy tv time at the same time the Red State affair is going on and have half an hour of nothing but his views without the caustic questions that are going to be levelled against him in another Establishment venue. ;)
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
What was Bill Clinton's number early on?
If you question is truth feel free to post a lie so we can mock you.

I stopped listening to him about 20 odd years ago....

and I have no interested in revisiting his prop-agenda.

if YOU can't find a lie among his 'offerings', you're too far gone to bother with.

But if you insist, try this: limbaugh lies list - Yahoo Search Results

Go sniff Obama's ass.


I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll
I stopped listening to him about 20 odd years ago....

and I have no interested in revisiting his prop-agenda.

if YOU can't find a lie among his 'offerings', you're too far gone to bother with.

But if you insist, try this: limbaugh lies list - Yahoo Search Results

Go sniff Obama's ass.


I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll
All Pants on Fire statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact
All False statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact
It's time for everyone, not just Republicans, to determine just who is going to call the shots...the electorate or party bosses. I hear from disgruntled Democrats that they are interested in what Trump has to say as well. I believe this decision of Erickson is wrong. And Trump believes he was treated unfairly last Thursday (and I agree). I defend the right for me and Trump to say what we think and the hell with the party bosses.

Agree..........Ultra conservatives should nonetheless be aware that Trump is for a woman's right to choose, single-payer HC insurance and a variety of safety net social issues.

The MOST attractive aspect of Trump (something that Ross Perot should have emphasized even more) is that his wealth makes him "freed" from the corruption and bribery of special interest groups...the kind of corruption that has made these special interest groups into the "pimps" to the "whore-like" dependency by politicians.
I stopped listening to him about 20 odd years ago....

and I have no interested in revisiting his prop-agenda.

if YOU can't find a lie among his 'offerings', you're too far gone to bother with.

But if you insist, try this: limbaugh lies list - Yahoo Search Results

Go sniff Obama's ass.


I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll

and then I gave you a url for a long list of his lies.

I dont' have to listen to his program to know he's a liar.

I just have to have Dittoheads post some of them to remind me of his veracity(?).
Go sniff Obama's ass.


I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll
All Pants on Fire statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact
All False statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact

Its so obvious you don't listen to his show. He's constantly accused of saying things he didn't say, or quoting someone else only to have the MSM report he said it, or quoting some black leader only for the MSM to accuse him of saying it and calling him a racist its hilarious. Its so bad he will say something one day, then predict with 100% accuracy how the MSM will get it wrong the following day, then play a montage of MSM clips the following day doing exactly what he predicted they would do. :laugh: Listen to the show then you can talk shit about him.

I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll
All Pants on Fire statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact
All False statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact

Its so obvious you don't listen to his show. He's constantly accused of saying things he didn't say, or quoting someone else only to have the MSM report he said it, or quoting some black leader only for the MSM to accuse him of saying it and calling him a racist its hilarious. Its so bad he will say something one day, then predict with 100% accuracy how the MSM will get it wrong the following day, then play a montage of MSM clips the following day doing exactly what he predicted they would do. :laugh: Listen to the show then you can talk shit about him.


all I have to do is listen to some dittohead quote him, do a google, (if I already wasn'y conversant on the topic), and see how full of shit he was.

I actually enjoy watching people hold their tin gods, ( the ones with clay feet), in such awe.

Reminds me of zombie movies
Go sniff Obama's ass.


I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll

and then I gave you a url for a long list of his lies.

I dont' have to listen to his program to know he's a liar.

I just have to have Dittoheads post some of them to remind me of his veracity(?).

I just got through telling you he's constantly accused of lying and he routinely proves those accusations false.

I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll
All Pants on Fire statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact
All False statements involving Rush Limbaugh PunditFact

Its so obvious you don't listen to his show. He's constantly accused of saying things he didn't say, or quoting someone else only to have the MSM report he said it, or quoting some black leader only for the MSM to accuse him of saying it and calling him a racist its hilarious. Its so bad he will say something one day, then predict with 100% accuracy how the MSM will get it wrong the following day, then play a montage of MSM clips the following day doing exactly what he predicted they would do. :laugh: Listen to the show then you can talk shit about him.
the quotes are provided. you don't have to believe me, but please be aware that you are living a fantasy if you think rush never lies.

I like Obama less than I like Rush.

I have no respect for RINO's either, less even.

Not putting Rush on a pedestal makes me a RINO?

Do you have a personal keeper, or just under the watch of the nurse in the Day Room?

Okay, lets recap. You called Rush a liar, I challenged you to produce said lies and you admitted you haven't even listened to the man in 20 years. Who looks a fool? Hint its not me. /eyeroll

and then I gave you a url for a long list of his lies.

I dont' have to listen to his program to know he's a liar.

I just have to have Dittoheads post some of them to remind me of his veracity(?).

I just got through telling you he's constantly accused of lying and he routinely proves those accusations false.

and he routinely proves those accusations false.

Only to his dittoheads

Is that you, blue?

It's time for everyone, not just Republicans, to determine just who is going to call the shots...the electorate or party bosses. I hear from disgruntled Democrats that they are interested in what Trump has to say as well. I believe this decision of Erickson is wrong. And Trump believes he was treated unfairly last Thursday (and I agree). I defend the right for me and Trump to say what we think and the hell with the party bosses.

Agree..........Ultra conservatives should nonetheless be aware that Trump is for a woman's right to choose, single-payer HC insurance and a variety of safety net social issues.

The MOST attractive aspect of Trump (something that Ross Perot should have emphasized even more) is that his wealth makes him "freed" from the corruption and bribery of special interest groups...the kind of corruption that has made these special interest groups into the "pimps" to the "whore-like" dependency by politicians.
Nat, I am prolife with exceptions; against Obamacare and want to modify the welfare status quo. But I am a realist. There is not going to be a candidate who feels exactly as I do, nor am I going to be a single issue voter. By the same token, a president does not always control those issues. I will be careful with my votes on Congress as well.
Any rational thinking person can see what this is all about. This is about the establishment stopping at nothing to get Bush the Republican nom. This was all supposed to be a Clinton/Bush showdown and its going oh so horribly wrong [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

I am so entertained over this whole thing. Zero fucks given over him being disinvited to this oh so important gathering ;) Lets see what kind of bump the clown car gets while Trump continues to pull away from the field.
If Trump was smart, he would buy tv time at the same time the Red State affair is going on and have half an hour of nothing but his views without the caustic questions that are going to be levelled against him in another Establishment venue. ;)
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
This is a whole other ballgame brother. Trump will not pander to donors or lobbyist and that makes him VERY "dangerous" (as those who have paid attention to him have seen) Like Trump or not he only answers to us, the American people, so he's a wild card and that can sway many votes. His message should resonate with a lot of indie's when the smoke clears and they can no longer drown out his policies.

Heck if you paid attention to him, you'd see that his ideas/policies are not at all radical. They're pretty straightforward. No political slant. I do believe a lot of independents will see and support that. The more they are exposed to the "clown car" the more they will see that Trump just may be their guy.

It's going to be an entertaining year for sure. It's fantastic watching the establishment make asses of themselves in front of the American people. I'll enjoy their loss at the polls if they don't wise up.
If Trump was smart, he would buy tv time at the same time the Red State affair is going on and have half an hour of nothing but his views without the caustic questions that are going to be levelled against him in another Establishment venue.
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
This is a whole other ballgame brother. Trump will not pander to donors or lobbyist and that makes him VERY "dangerous" (as those who have paid attention to him have seen) Like Trump or not he only answers to us, the American people, so he's a wild card and that can sway many votes. His message should resonate with a lot of indie's when the smoke clears and they can no longer drown out his policies.

Heck if you paid attention to him, you'd see that his ideas/policies are not at all radical. They're pretty straightforward. No political slant. I do believe a lot of independents will see and support that. The more they are exposed to the "clown car" the more they will see that Trump just may be their guy.

It's going to be an entertaining year for sure. It's fantastic watching the establishment make asses of themselves in front of the American people. I'll enjoy their loss at the polls if they don't wise up.

Yep, that is why he has such a following.THAT is why these idiots in both parties are SHOCKED.
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
This is a whole other ballgame brother. Trump will not pander to donors or lobbyist and that makes him VERY "dangerous" (as those who have paid attention to him have seen) Like Trump or not he only answers to us, the American people, so he's a wild card and that can sway many votes. His message should resonate with a lot of indie's when the smoke clears and they can no longer drown out his policies.

Heck if you paid attention to him, you'd see that his ideas/policies are not at all radical. They're pretty straightforward. No political slant. I do believe a lot of independents will see and support that. The more they are exposed to the "clown car" the more they will see that Trump just may be their guy.

It's going to be an entertaining year for sure. It's fantastic watching the establishment make asses of themselves in front of the American people. I'll enjoy their loss at the polls if they don't wise up.

Yep, that is why he has such a following.THAT is why these idiots in both parties are SHOCKED.

So are you going to stop watching fux news
A quick word to the liberals who are cheering on these RW nut jobs trying to destroy Trump. They will shift focus to your candidate eventually. He who laughs first, laughs last and all that jazz ;)

Rubio had the gaffe of the debate, he told the entire country that Hillary wins a resume contest vs any of the GOP candidates and Fox News declares him the winner???????????????????????????????
Both Hillary and Biden have more experience than all the Republicans combined
What Donald Trump did was sickening ?

I don't feel sickened......

I'm a little shocked that people are shocked.

This guy is an attention whore.

He'll push this as far as he can......

Some might like to have a loose cannon in the WH.

But most of us won't.

Clinton, in many ways, isn't any better.

Bernie Sanders is looking better and better all the time.

what Obama has done to us IS SICKENING. trump isn't in position in Government to HURT US, You people will fall for anything if it fits into your democrat bubble

I am not sure how your conclusion follows your first statements.

I am not a fan of Obama.

But, you would agree that if Trump goes independent that the GOP is screwed ?

So he is in a position to hurt you.
Yup, there isn't a Republican in the field with 18 years as First Lady like Hillary.

Nor have they set records for air miles.

But then, she nor Biden have ever run a state, has they?

Had to worry about the budget, etc, that governors have the final say on.

But, on the bright side...

even the least experienced Republican running has as much experience as Obama did when he became president.

Can't WAIT for that to be brought up in campaign ads.

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