Escaping Christianity

You are the poster child for it but not in a good way.

:eusa_liar:again. I didn't write your screed. You did. At least, own and represent your work. Aren't you guilty of that which you accuse others? Why do the people who disagree with you have it while you're immune? Besides, you're ignorant and/or dishonest to not answer my questions from previous posts.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

1. You didn't read the Bible to explain Genesis, but provided some philosophy paper. If you would just admit you're spiritual and philosophical, then it wouldn't be so bad.
2. I asked you to explain Genesis, but you ignored just like you do all my questions to you but I answered yours.
3. Instead, you laid it out for RWS who probably doesn't care. It sounded like he was about to teach you a lesson which I can understand.
4. You say people who disagree with you have Dunning-Kruger effect, but it seems like it's you.
5. You got caught lying about BreezeWood believing in an eternal universe.
6. Are you really Catholic? You don't even explain Pope Francis' positions very well nor the Catholic dogma.
I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.
I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.

then what do you care about ... that is of any interest.
Many things but arguing over his creationist beliefs isn’t one of them.
I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.

I think I got you pegged right in regards to your philosophy . You should've said that instead of the poster child crack.

then what do you care about ... that is of any interest.

He lied and said you believed in eternal universe, but I said that was wrong when you believe in the Torah. Then he called me DK poster child. I think he's been exposed as a phoney Roman Catholic.
The poster child crack was about the dunning effect. You fit the bill.
I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.

I think I got you pegged right in regards to your philosophy . You should've said that instead of the poster child crack.

then what do you care about ... that is of any interest.

He lied and said you believed in eternal universe, but I said that was wrong when you believe in the Torah. Then he called me DK poster child. I think he's been exposed as a phoney Roman Catholic.
I didn’t lie.

He believes in a cyclical universe.
The poster child crack was about the dunning effect. You fit the bill.

It's you. You don't know anything about the Bible and Catholicism, but claim to know more than the atheists/ags. You're in the same boat as them but D-K makes you, you know.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
After reading your OP and some of your posts
immediately afterward, you’re not making any sense to me.

I do know you shouldn’t be teaching anyone.

And, by church, do you mean a Catholic Church...
Many things but arguing over his creationist beliefs isn’t one of them.

Heh. You can't argue about Christianity because whatever spiritual philosophy you make up isn't it. I still chuckle you didn't know about Peter or St. Peter, the rock, and the church Jesus built. Holy guacamole.
You are the poster child for it but not in a good way.

:eusa_liar:again. I didn't write your screed. You did. At least, own and represent your work. Aren't you guilty of that which you accuse others? Why do the people who disagree with you have it while you're immune? Besides, you're ignorant and/or dishonest to not answer my questions from previous posts.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

1. You didn't read the Bible to explain Genesis, but provided some philosophy paper. If you would just admit you're spiritual and philosophical, then it wouldn't be so bad.
2. I asked you to explain Genesis, but you ignored just like you do all my questions to you but I answered yours.
3. Instead, you laid it out for RWS who probably doesn't care. It sounded like he was about to teach you a lesson which I can understand.
4. You say people who disagree with you have Dunning-Kruger effect, but it seems like it's you.
5. You got caught lying about BreezeWood believing in an eternal universe.
6. Are you really Catholic? You don't even explain Pope Francis' positions very well nor the Catholic dogma.
I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.

These are my final comments on this troubling matter.

First, the following is a beautiful reply and testimony of one's person's deep faith in God :bow3::bowdown::clap::clap2:and the Holy Book.


I'm only sorry that I didn't have the faith to reply with the same answer, so will do so now. What else is more important?

My final comment is a question. Where is your faith in your God that you couldn't correct my belief that you were Catholic?
Many things but arguing over his creationist beliefs isn’t one of them.

Heh. You can't argue about Christianity because whatever spiritual philosophy you make up isn't it. I still chuckle you didn't know about Peter or St. Peter, the rock, and the church Jesus built. Holy guacamole.
You don’t know what I know and don’t know.

You remind me of the Amish guy who was proud of his beard when the point of not shaving was to not be vain.
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You are the poster child for it but not in a good way.

:eusa_liar:again. I didn't write your screed. You did. At least, own and represent your work. Aren't you guilty of that which you accuse others? Why do the people who disagree with you have it while you're immune? Besides, you're ignorant and/or dishonest to not answer my questions from previous posts.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

1. You didn't read the Bible to explain Genesis, but provided some philosophy paper. If you would just admit you're spiritual and philosophical, then it wouldn't be so bad.
2. I asked you to explain Genesis, but you ignored just like you do all my questions to you but I answered yours.
3. Instead, you laid it out for RWS who probably doesn't care. It sounded like he was about to teach you a lesson which I can understand.
4. You say people who disagree with you have Dunning-Kruger effect, but it seems like it's you.
5. You got caught lying about BreezeWood believing in an eternal universe.
6. Are you really Catholic? You don't even explain Pope Francis' positions very well nor the Catholic dogma.
I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.

These are my final comments on this troubling matter.

First, the following is a beautiful reply and testimony of one's person's deep faith in God :bow3::bowdown::clap::clap2:and the Holy Book.

View attachment 278796
I'm only sorry that I didn't have the faith to reply with the same answer, so will do so now. What else is more important?

My final comment is a question. Where is your faith in your God that you couldn't correct my belief that you were Catholic?
God doesn’t require me to correct you. Only to tolerate you. It is my faith in God that gives me peace when others are attacking me.
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The poster child crack was about the dunning effect. You fit the bill.

It's you. You don't know anything about the Bible and Catholicism, but claim to know more than the atheists/ags. You're in the same boat as them but D-K makes you, you know.
If you understood the dunning effect then you would understand that your underestimation of others and your overestimation of yourself is the dunning effect.
I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
After reading your OP and some of your posts
immediately afterward, you’re not making any sense to me.

I do know you shouldn’t be teaching anyone.

And, by church, do you mean a Catholic Church...

No. It isn't a Catholic Church. It is a Freewill Baptist Church. Freewill Baptist branched off from mainstream Baptist in the early 1900's because they weren't conservative enough.

I have a knowledge of the Bible that surpasses almost all congregants and maybe some pastors. My passion for the Bible exceeds that of anybody I know. The Bible is a brilliant, beautiful and powerful book. A lot of traditional people are terrified of the Bible because it contradicts something their church has taught them. I don't have that handicap. I can love it independent of any organizations branding of God. As far as I am concerned God only lives in the pages of those books. I can represent Him accurately without fear or prejudice. A believer cannot do that. They are always tainted with customs. I am probably the best qualified Bible teacher in the county who would be willing to take this position. I do worry that my replacement will suck. That bothers me. Christians are uncomfortable with the Bible and that offends me.

The kids I teach need to know the power that the Bible contains. I can convey that.

I am not sure why my posts don't make any sense. I will try to address that in a seperate post. This one is getting too long.
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I was raised in church, married a Christian, raised my kids in church and currently teach Bible at a Christian school. At the end of this school year (May 2020) I plan to resign as a teacher and stop attending church for one full year. At the end of that year I plan to have my name removed from the church role and afterwards make my atheism public. I love the philosphy, ethics and the culture surrounding Christianity. I just can't live a lie any more. It just can't be healthy. This invisible and silent God dude offers me nothing. I love the Bible and learn a lot from it but the God dude in that book either doesn't exist or has no interest in me. Church attendance is more burdensome than it used to be. I learn more from the Bible studying independently. Kindergarten might be fun for a 6 year old but is painfully boring to a 40 year old.

Any questions? I have lots more to say but I already feel like the post was too long.
After reading your OP and some of your posts
immediately afterward, you’re not making any sense to me.

I do know you shouldn’t be teaching anyone.

And, by church, do you mean a Catholic Church...

No. It isn't a Catholic Church. It is a Freewill Baptist Church. Freewill Baptist branched off from mainstream Baptist in the early 1900's because they weren't conservative enough.
You don’t strike me as a conservative.
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.
you’re not making any sense to me.

I can take this one of two ways.

1. I am not making sense to you.
2. You do not like what I am saying.

I will base my post on the assumption that you mean to say that I do not make sense to you.

I am deeply entrenched in Christianity. That includes my entire extended family, my wife's entire extended family and all the friends I have. I love the social aspects of Christianity. I love the philosophy of Christianity. I love the Bible with unwavering passion. Christian people are wonderful to be around. They are amazing people.

Say, "yes" if you are with me so far. Stop me if any of that is confusing.
I’m pretty sure the confusing part has to do with some of your views on Christianity.

For instance, your belief that the song surrender all referred to possessions and not our allegiance to God.

I believe most Christians - especially those that teach classes on religion - know that very early in the Bible we are told that man is fallen and at war with God.

You didn’t seem to know that.
I am Catholic.

Not like any intelligent Catholics I know. You did not answer my questions. They run rings around me and answer my questions of Catholic dogma. I probably know more than you about Catholicism along with whatever I learned in parochial school through sixth grade. It was just fortune that I caught your lie about and insult of BreezeWood. If you're a Catholic, then you lack faith and conviction. Thus,

>>I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.<<

If you had 1/10 BreezeWood's conviction, then you would have answered my questions. It's either you don't know or don't care. Either way you lack faith and conviction. At least you can be a Pope Francis Catholic. Just believe what he tells you and stay ignorant.
I believe most Christians - especially those that teach classes on religion - know that very early in the Bible we are told that man is fallen and at war with God.

You didn’t seem to know that.

D-K effect :777:. The guy can teach Bible class. He should know his stuff while you don't and can't.

ETA: I had to look it up, but here's a sample of what you wrote about Genesis to RWS, and I'm the one who asked you questions about it. RWS didn't ask you anything, but said he was going to teach you a lesson. Thus, your D-K just could not help itself.

You bring in the Torah and the Chinese. Are you Jewish? Are you Chinese? Are you giving us here your Kung Fu - fortune cookie philosophy here?

"RWS: You're gonna learn today.

(ding) Point #1: Genesis is the allegorical account of the history of the world that all people share.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization."
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I am Catholic.

Not like any intelligent Catholics I know. You did not answer my questions. They run rings around me and answer my questions of Catholic dogma. I probably know more than you about Catholicism along with whatever I learned in parochial school through sixth grade. It was just fortune that I caught your lie about and insult of BreezeWood. If you're a Catholic, then you lack faith and conviction. Thus,

>>I simply don’t care what you believe about me, Scripture or God.<<

If you had 1/10 BreezeWood's conviction, then you would have answered my questions. It's either you don't know or don't care. Either way you lack faith and conviction. At least you can be a Pope Francis Catholic. Just believe what he tells you and stay ignorant.
I’m ok with you believing I’m not like any Catholics that you know.

I didn’t answer your questions because I simply do not care what you believe. Not about me, not about God and not about Scripture.

What part of this do you not understand?

You can believe I lack faith. You can believe I lack conviction. You can believe I am a pope Francis Catholic too.

I simply don’t care what you believe.
I believe most Christians - especially those that teach classes on religion - know that very early in the Bible we are told that man is fallen and at war with God.

You didn’t seem to know that.

D-K effect :777:. The guy can teach Bible class. He should know his stuff while you don't and can't.

ETA: I had to look it up, but here's a sample of what you wrote about Genesis to RWS, and I'm the one who asked you questions about it. RWS didn't ask you anything, but said he was going to teach you a lesson. Thus, your D-K just could not help itself.

You bring in the Torah and the Chinese. Are you Jewish? Are you Chinese? Are you giving us here your Kung Fu - fortune cookie philosophy here?

"RWS: You're gonna learn today.

(ding) Point #1: Genesis is the allegorical account of the history of the world that all people share.

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization."
This also falls under the category of things I don’t care what you believe.

Do you understand?

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