Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

The fact remains, Trump said what he said.

In the grand scheme of things, given the myriad childish, ignorant, rude, embarrassing things he has said, he's said worse.

But he really did say it. The fact that there is any pushback on this fact is just sad.

It is beyond sad.....It is a colossal display of PURE IGNORANCE!
The fact remains, Trump said what he said.

In the grand scheme of things, given the myriad childish, ignorant, rude, embarrassing things he has said, he's said worse.

But he really did say it. The fact that there is any pushback on this fact is just sad.

It amazes me with the arrogance of someone who can deny something that has been recorded

And his supporters will back him up

trump thinks that if he repeats a lie over and over it will be truth.....but he also knows that his core followers....his cult will believe his lie "out of the box."

They are so gullible...they take his lies as truth....Adolph would have loved them.....
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
Seriously, 200 years ago, Donald Trump would probably have been impeached for conduct unbecoming his office. This is exactly why High Crimes and Misdemeanors are listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offence. The founders felt that elected government officials should be held to a higher standard than the general public. High Crimes and Misdemeanors covers not only crimes but all types of disgracefully conduct.

Those standards went out the window when Obama brought the ghetto to the WH.

You guys just need to prove to the world how racist that you are....huh?
Big difference between was nasty and is nasty.

You get it. Several others here get it. But I don't think the TDS syndrome crowd will ever get it. :(

One more time:

He did not call Meghan Markle nasty. I've watched and rewatched the full video in full context. In 2016 she insulted him as misogynistic and he said that insult was 'nasty' but he was not angry or critical when he did it and he went on to wish her all the best in her role as part of the royal family.

It is typical of the TDS leftist media and people on message boards to pull ONE WORD out of a full context and make that what his comments were all about.

That is wrong.
That is hateful.
That is intellectually dishonest.

Can you quote the part where Trump said the word 'nasty'? Just curious if you can do that one simple thing.

I'll have to hunt it up. I watched the complete video twice during the wee hours of the morning this morning. It's probably somewhere out there on the internet though but Google is pretty good at suppressing evidence that doesn't mesh with the hate-everything-Trump theme.

I just want you to type "I didn't know she was nasty" and then try to explain it.

He was referring to the remarks that preceded that statement and followed it. And anybody hearing his tone, watching his demeanor, and hearing the full context clearly knows he was referring to what they were telling him that she said about him that he had been previously unaware of him.

The President generally speaks extemporaneously in incomplete sentences and phrases and in this case he clearly meant that he didn't know she had been nasty (toward him.) And then he went on to wish her well.

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

Yadayadayadayada....he lied....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
He’s lying to you bold faced and with hard PROOF to the contrary; this should concern you greatly. Why is it so hard for you people? Baffles the mind
It's really earth shaking, isn't it?:auiqs.jpg:

That you guys repeat and believe Trumps' obvious lies both large and small? No, not earth shaking at all. That's what wingnuts here at USMB are famous for, congrats.

That you don't know the difference between was and is . :eek-52:

Present and past tense, what the fuck does that have to do with it?

She is nasty, insult to her personally in present day 2019.
She was nasty ,past tense in 2016.
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
Seriously, 200 years ago, Donald Trump would probably have been impeached for conduct unbecoming his office. This is exactly why High Crimes and Misdemeanors are listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offence. The founders felt that elected government officials should be held to a higher standard than the general public. High Crimes and Misdemeanors covers not only crimes but all types of disgracefully conduct.

Those standards went out the window when Obama brought the ghetto to the WH.

You guys just need to prove to the world how racist that you are....huh?

The truth isn't racist.
I just want you to type "I didn't know she was nasty" and then try to explain it.

He was referring to the remarks that preceded that statement and followed it. And anybody hearing his tone, watching his demeanor, and hearing the full context clearly knows he was referring to what they were telling him that she said about him that he had been previously unaware of him.

The President generally speaks extemporaneously in incomplete sentences and phrases and in this case he clearly meant that he didn't know she had been nasty (toward him.) And then he went on to wish her well.

Yes, she called him misogynistic and Trump called her 'nasty'. And no, he spoke with a very concise sentence. You're adding meaning to what he said and you're pulling it out of your ass.

I don't think so. And I added an edit at the end of my post. It refers to what the left pulls out of their. . . .everyday.

What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.

He was saying, IF you watch in in full context, he didn't know she had said something nasty about him. He was using a conversational tone when he said it. Any one of us might have said the same thing in the same way within that context.

I say this for the people who are still rational enough to believe everything about President Trump isn't hateful, immoral, wrong, etc. and who still have ability to display some semblance of intellectual honesty.

I have given up believing that is possible for the true TDS people.

May I interpret....?

He lied....again....
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
Seriously, 200 years ago, Donald Trump would probably have been impeached for conduct unbecoming his office. This is exactly why High Crimes and Misdemeanors are listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offence. The founders felt that elected government officials should be held to a higher standard than the general public. High Crimes and Misdemeanors covers not only crimes but all types of disgracefully conduct.

Those standards went out the window when Obama brought the ghetto to the WH.
Better than scump bringing the swamp to the WH
He was referring to the remarks that preceded that statement and followed it. And anybody hearing his tone, watching his demeanor, and hearing the full context clearly knows he was referring to what they were telling him that she said about him that he had been previously unaware of him.

The President generally speaks extemporaneously in incomplete sentences and phrases and in this case he clearly meant that he didn't know she had been nasty (toward him.) And then he went on to wish her well.

Yes, she called him misogynistic and Trump called her 'nasty'. And no, he spoke with a very concise sentence. You're adding meaning to what he said and you're pulling it out of your ass.

I don't think so. And I added an edit at the end of my post. It refers to what the left pulls out of their. . . .everyday.

What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....
Yes, she called him misogynistic and Trump called her 'nasty'. And no, he spoke with a very concise sentence. You're adding meaning to what he said and you're pulling it out of your ass.

I don't think so. And I added an edit at the end of my post. It refers to what the left pulls out of their. . . .everyday.

What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....

About Foxfyre, I didn't know he was so stupid.
I don't think so. And I added an edit at the end of my post. It refers to what the left pulls out of their. . . .everyday.

What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....

About Foxfyre, I didn't know he was so stupid.
I knew
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
Seriously, 200 years ago, Donald Trump would probably have been impeached for conduct unbecoming his office. This is exactly why High Crimes and Misdemeanors are listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offence. The founders felt that elected government officials should be held to a higher standard than the general public. High Crimes and Misdemeanors covers not only crimes but all types of disgracefully conduct.

The founders never believed that a such a NASTY asshole would be elected to the WH. They never thought a candidate for president would reach out to a foreign adversary for help.

They never felt voters would be so stupid as to elect a Moron....but trump....with Putin's help....was elected.
The fact remains, Trump said what he said.

In the grand scheme of things, given the myriad childish, ignorant, rude, embarrassing things he has said, he's said worse.

But he really did say it. The fact that there is any pushback on this fact is just sad.

It amazes me with the arrogance of someone who can deny something that has been recorded

And his supporters will back him up

trump thinks that if he repeats a lie over and over it will be truth.....but he also knows that his core followers....his cult will believe his lie "out of the box."

They are so gullible...they take his lies as truth....Adolph would have loved them.....
Willful ignorance is bad enough, but this kind of aggressive, arrogant willful ignorance is just a waste of time.
What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....

About Foxfyre, I didn't know he was so stupid.
I knew
But he's far from the worst here About 25 ,30 ahead of him
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
Seriously, 200 years ago, Donald Trump would probably have been impeached for conduct unbecoming his office. This is exactly why High Crimes and Misdemeanors are listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offence. The founders felt that elected government officials should be held to a higher standard than the general public. High Crimes and Misdemeanors covers not only crimes but all types of disgracefully conduct.

Those standards went out the window when Obama brought the ghetto to the WH.

You guys just need to prove to the world how racist that you are....huh?

The truth isn't racist.

But YOU obviously are!
I don't think so. And I added an edit at the end of my post. It refers to what the left pulls out of their. . . .everyday.

What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....

About Foxfyre, I didn't know he was so stupid.

This thread is about the interpretation of a Trump quote. Which has nothing to do with whether or not I am stupid, and I am always willing to leave that to the eyes of the beholder.

Rather than reporting you, I will give you a chance to delete or edit your post as it is entirely illegal for this forum . Thank you.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....

About Foxfyre, I didn't know he was so stupid.
I knew
But he's far from the worst here About 25 ,30 ahead of him
BRI is #1 Real tough to unseat him , though many try
What do you mean? He said "I didn't know she was nasty", that's pretty concise and there is nothing before or after that sentence that changes the context.

Here is the edited part you added to your post:

It was a typical tactic of an interviewer throwing a poison pill into what would otherwise have been a completely non controversial interview. They can't have that can they. They have to manufacture something they can use to trash the President. And the TDS crowd eagerly takes that bait every single time.

There was no poison pill here. The interviewer simply asked what Trump thought of her statement about him. I don't see anything wrong with Trump being asked what he thought of Markle making comments about him, especially on the eve of a trip to Britain. Kind of seems relevant.
A normal President would just say......she is entitled to her opinion

Our President has to launch a personal attack on anyone who disagrees with him

Trump is not and will never be a 'normal' President. Those of us who voted for him had our fill of 'normal' Presidents and were ready for one who actually offered a vision we could believe in and hope that he would do everything he could to accomplish it. We don't always like how he says things and often how he goes about things makes us nervous. But so far, for the most part, he has not disappointed.

And he did not call Meghan Markle 'nasty'. He clearly was commenting that he had been unaware that she had said something nasty about him.

Face it....Putin's president is a P O S.....a big fat orange turd....

About Foxfyre, I didn't know he was so stupid.

This thread is about the interpretation of a Trump quote. Which has nothing to do with whether or not I am stupid, and I am always willing to leave that to the eyes of the beholder.

Rather than reporting you, I will give you a chance to delete or edit your post as it is entirely illegal for this forum . Thank you.

No, actually I made my point. I said "I didn't know he was so stupid" and you took that as me calling YOU stupid. So, be consistent.
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....
Wow!!!! You got him now, IMPEACH the BASTARD!!!!!
Seriously, 200 years ago, Donald Trump would probably have been impeached for conduct unbecoming his office. This is exactly why High Crimes and Misdemeanors are listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offence. The founders felt that elected government officials should be held to a higher standard than the general public. High Crimes and Misdemeanors covers not only crimes but all types of disgracefully conduct.
Wow! Didn't know you were a Constitutional historian, Flopper....good to know.
Makes me wonder how the FF's would have handled the open borders and the Iranian treaty that Obama had pushed through
without congressional consent. Want to educate us, professor?
The fact remains, Trump said what he said.

In the grand scheme of things, given the myriad childish, ignorant, rude, embarrassing things he has said, he's said worse.

But he really did say it. The fact that there is any pushback on this fact is just sad.

It amazes me with the arrogance of someone who can deny something that has been recorded

And his supporters will back him up

trump thinks that if he repeats a lie over and over it will be truth.....but he also knows that his core followers....his cult will believe his lie "out of the box."

They are so gullible...they take his lies as truth....Adolph would have loved them.....
Willful ignorance is bad enough, but this kind of aggressive, arrogant willful ignorance is just a waste of time.

Which brings to mind the phrase...."YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID."

These people are beyond help. They cannot come out and say...."Well...maybe he forgot he said it...." or make up another excuse.

Instead....they just deny his statement was a lie.


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