every day it gets worse


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
Under this administration, every day something happens which makes you wonder how bad it will get. Sheriff's coming to a home with questionaires and threatening to search because a little boy said the word gun ? Unreal. Does this remind anyone of other dictators in history?

» Excuse me? Did you just say Gun? » The Loft -- GOPUSA

Forget all about actual guns, cap guns, guns made from sticks, or even a drawing for a gun. Now, it appears that children can't even say the word "gun" or else risk getting in trouble not only with the school system but also with local law enforcement. That's exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy who was telling a story and used the word "gun" in it.
Under this administration, every day something happens which makes you wonder how bad it will get. Sheriff's coming to a home with questionaires and threatening to search because a little boy said the word gun ? Unreal. Does this remind anyone of other dictators in history?

» Excuse me? Did you just say Gun? » The Loft -- GOPUSA

Forget all about actual guns, cap guns, guns made from sticks, or even a drawing for a gun. Now, it appears that children can't even say the word "gun" or else risk getting in trouble not only with the school system but also with local law enforcement. That's exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy who was telling a story and used the word "gun" in it.

No, what it tells me is that School Administrators are being hyper-vigilant because they don't want to be the one who missed the signs that little Billy was going to come in and shoot up his classmates the next day.

Because every time we do have a school shooting, we get all these accounts of signs that someone should have caught and missed.
Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi,Barbara Boxer are sure quiet about all of this.
I think I have an idea how they would be if a Republican was in the WH.
Frak...Now the NSA picked up the fact I was critical of some Democrats.
I'm probably on Obama's enemies list now for sure.
Under this administration, every day something happens which makes you wonder how bad it will get. Sheriff's coming to a home with questionaires and threatening to search because a little boy said the word gun ? Unreal. Does this remind anyone of other dictators in history?

» Excuse me? Did you just say Gun? » The Loft -- GOPUSA

Forget all about actual guns, cap guns, guns made from sticks, or even a drawing for a gun. Now, it appears that children can't even say the word "gun" or else risk getting in trouble not only with the school system but also with local law enforcement. That's exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy who was telling a story and used the word "gun" in it.

No, what it tells me is that School Administrators are being hyper-vigilant because they don't want to be the one who missed the signs that little Billy was going to come in and shoot up his classmates the next day.

Because every time we do have a school shooting, we get all these accounts of signs that someone should have caught and missed.

So saying the word gun, or having a water pistol, or chewing your pop tart into the shape of a gun, are all "signs" that violence is about to errupt? Wow, we all would have been on lock down, as my entire class played army, or cowboys and indians during recess. This crap is the left's answer. More government control.
Frak...Now the NSA picked up the fact I was critical of some Democrats.
I'm probably on Obama's enemies list now for sure.

Remember, it's all for your own good. We can trust the government to take care of us. Just watch what you say, and everything will be just fine.


Yes, someone gets the point !!

And watch the apologists. They'll insult and divert and mock, but they agree with what's happening. Plenty of examples of this in history.


So saying the word gun, or having a water pistol, or chewing your pop tart into the shape of a gun, are all "signs" that violence is about to errupt? Wow, we all would have been on lock down, as my entire class played army, or cowboys and indians during recess. This crap is the left's answer. More government control.

Since we don't know what else was in this kid's story, we don't know what triggered the visit, do we?

Maybe it was the word "Gun" and "all the little bastards I'd like to shoot."

Again, when you were a kid, we didn't have 10 school shooting a year. Today we do. Because your heroes in the NRA have decided that Nancy Lanza needs to be armed for the Zombie Apocolypse.

So saying the word gun, or having a water pistol, or chewing your pop tart into the shape of a gun, are all "signs" that violence is about to errupt? Wow, we all would have been on lock down, as my entire class played army, or cowboys and indians during recess. This crap is the left's answer. More government control.

Since we don't know what else was in this kid's story, we don't know what triggered the visit, do we?

Maybe it was the word "Gun" and "all the little bastards I'd like to shoot."

Again, when you were a kid, we didn't have 10 school shooting a year. Today we do. Because your heroes in the NRA have decided that Nancy Lanza needs to be armed for the Zombie Apocolypse.

If you read the story.. you would know it. Are you willing to let this happen to our government? I'm not, even if we had 100 school shootings a year.
Remember, it's all for your own good. We can trust the government to take care of us. Just watch what you say, and everything will be just fine.


Yes, someone gets the point !!

And watch the apologists. They'll insult and divert and mock, but they agree with what's happening. Plenty of examples of this in history.


You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.

The intimidation tactics on the media are working perfectly:

Reporters say there's a chill in the air - Dylan Byers - POLITICO.com

President Barack Obama said recently that the Department of Justice’s monitoring of reporters as part of national security leak investigations could “chill the investigative journalism that holds government accountable.”

In conversations with POLITICO, national security reporters and watchdogs said they already have seen increased caution from government sources following revelations that the DOJ had subpoenaed Associated Press reporters’ phone records and tracked the comings and goings of Fox News reporter James Rosen at the State Department.

Fundamental change, indeed.


So saying the word gun, or having a water pistol, or chewing your pop tart into the shape of a gun, are all "signs" that violence is about to errupt? Wow, we all would have been on lock down, as my entire class played army, or cowboys and indians during recess. This crap is the left's answer. More government control.

Since we don't know what else was in this kid's story, we don't know what triggered the visit, do we?

Maybe it was the word "Gun" and "all the little bastards I'd like to shoot."

Again, when you were a kid, we didn't have 10 school shooting a year. Today we do. Because your heroes in the NRA have decided that Nancy Lanza needs to be armed for the Zombie Apocolypse.

If you read the story.. you would know it. Are you willing to let this happen to our government? I'm not, even if we had 100 school shootings a year.

Okay. I read the story. The kid said, "I wish I had a gun so I could protect everyone". Somewhere, this kid got the idea that guns make you a hero.
Since we don't know what else was in this kid's story, we don't know what triggered the visit, do we?

Maybe it was the word "Gun" and "all the little bastards I'd like to shoot."

Again, when you were a kid, we didn't have 10 school shooting a year. Today we do. Because your heroes in the NRA have decided that Nancy Lanza needs to be armed for the Zombie Apocolypse.

If you read the story.. you would know it. Are you willing to let this happen to our government? I'm not, even if we had 100 school shootings a year.

Okay. I read the story. The kid said, "I wish I had a gun so I could protect everyone". Somewhere, this kid got the idea that guns make you a hero.

Geeezsh.. you missed the point completely. Who cares what a little boy says? Does it give the government the right to threaten his parents?. This is more than an overreaction by local officials, it's a way of government, that's becoming more dangerous every day. And it's all PC based too. Since we have had multiple mass murders since 9-11.. like Fort Hood, Boston etc..committed by radical Islamists. Why don't we start interviewing those who mentions Islam, or appear to be Muslim? Makes about as much sense.
Yes, someone gets the point !!

And watch the apologists. They'll insult and divert and mock, but they agree with what's happening. Plenty of examples of this in history.


You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.

Yes I've heard the chorus of you guys criticising the administration for intrusive targeting by the IRS of conservative groups, abuses of power in Fast n Furious, Sibelius illegally soliciting private companies for funds to implement Obamacare, and an out of control NSA listening in on phone calls and collecting credit card data.
Oh, wait. No, I havent heard any of that. All I've heard is: BOOSH, September was a long time ago, they all do it, and At this point what difference does it make.
Maybe 40 years ago liberals stood for actual freedom. Today, not so much.

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