Fade Up!! Trey Gowdy shuts down FBI plot to impeach Trump

I am not usually the spelling Nazi. God knows I make enough spelling errors myself. Trey Gowdy is fed up.....not fade up.
LOL The Trumpanzees will squirm, cry, mewl, and puke, but justice will be served on the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Holy crap, I didn't know the FBI could impeach a President.

Ya learn something new every day here, you betcha!

LOL The Trumpanzees will squirm, cry, mewl, and puke, but justice will be served on the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

Winning is not a crime.

Losing and whining like you do, may be...
LOL The Trumpanzees will squirm, cry, mewl, and puke, but justice will be served on the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

Winning is not a crime.

Losing and whining like you do, may be...
Posts such as the one you quote; accompanied with the mindset that produce them, is the losers reward. They are constantly tormented in the prison of their own mind, which they have created. Its truly a beautiful thing to witness. It one of the top reasons I log in here daily.
The Democratic Party's corruption and the Press/Hollywood's propaganda machine are a threat to our democracy

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