Family members of Seal Team 6 angry at the White House .

DEVGRU is the acronym that you guys were looking for. Special Warfare DEVelopment GRoUp. They haven't been officially called "SEAL Team 6" since the 80s.

The SEALs who died in the helicopter crash were in an entirely different squadron of DEVGRU (Gold Squadron) than the SEALs who killed bin Laden (Red Squadron).

This whole idea is ridiculous anyway. It's incredibly unlikely that anyone knew DEVGRU members were on the helicopter and targeted it specifically.
so the families of these fallen hero's are liars ?? NICE TRY .:doubt:

No, they're just being taken for a ride by chickenhawk neo-cons who need Obama to be a total fuck-up and a monster in the reality they live in, which is not the real world, but a fantasy world where he's a Muslim Socialist Dictator out to get all our guns.

Fucking baggers and cons have pumped these people up with lies and now the poor saps believe it.

There is absolutely no fucking way any one of our enemies could have possibly known that they were on that helicopter when it crashed, but it doesn't stop the stupid chickenhawks from just making shit up.

And now even you believe it. Idiot.

So, I guess you think this of the Seal Team's family members? What a disgrace you are!
so the families of these fallen hero's are liars ?? NICE TRY .:doubt:

No, they're just being taken for a ride by chickenhawk neo-cons who need Obama to be a total fuck-up and a monster in the reality they live in, which is not the real world, but a fantasy world where he's a Muslim Socialist Dictator out to get all our guns.

Fucking baggers and cons have pumped these people up with lies and now the poor saps believe it.

There is absolutely no fucking way any one of our enemies could have possibly known that they were on that helicopter when it crashed, but it doesn't stop the stupid chickenhawks from just making shit up.

And now even you believe it. Idiot.

So, I guess you think this of the Seal Team's family members? What a disgrace you are!

Didn't read his whole post did you?
And do you think the family member who was killed would agree with what conservative watchdog has talked them into?
I doubt it.
What a disgrace you are.
Nah I am making a joke of this thread just like I did about the bengazi one. Clearly it worked since you replied. So what I said stands, republicans are nazis.
And show me where Obama announced that it was Seal Team 6 that killed Bin Laden.

It seems to me that a Conservative group is using these families to score political points. Now that is horrible. Great job cons!

oh please, democrats do that all the time, SAndy hook? Jersey Girls? Michael J Fox?

so spare us the projection dipshit.
We all know Seal Team 6 did it, so HOW do we know that?

And that gives the Cons a pass, how?
Uh first are you really comparing these situations?
Second why do you always give liberals a pass?
Third, HOW did we find out about it? Maybe the parents have a legit argument, eh?
oh please, democrats do that all the time, SAndy hook? Jersey Girls? Michael J Fox?

so spare us the projection dipshit.
We all know Seal Team 6 did it, so HOW do we know that?

And that gives the Cons a pass, how?
Uh first are you really comparing these situations?
Second why do you always give liberals a pass?
Third, HOW did we find out about it? Maybe the parents have a legit argument, eh?
There is not point in even explaining it to you.
This is further confirmation that the Democrats have no idea what "cause and effect" and "actions and consequences" mean.

There is a reason why Navy Seals and other "black ops" and "covert" units of the U.S. military carry out their missions on the "down low".

The Democrats were too busy "spiking the football", doing the "Ickey Shuffle", and doing the "Lambeau Leap" after Bin Lade was killed, to even consider the DANGER their bloviating and backslapping would cause the Navy Seals and their families back home.
i saw some of the family members on TV this morning vowing that they are not going to rest until they get answers .

Were those the ones questioning as to why Afghans were allowed on the helicopter that crashed? I saw that. They think it might have been a suicide bomber allowed on that helicopter.
DEVGRU is the acronym that you guys were looking for. Special Warfare DEVelopment GRoUp. They haven't been officially called "SEAL Team 6" since the 80s.

The SEALs who died in the helicopter crash were in an entirely different squadron of DEVGRU (Gold Squadron) than the SEALs who killed bin Laden (Red Squadron).

This whole idea is ridiculous anyway. It's incredibly unlikely that anyone knew DEVGRU members were on the helicopter and targeted it specifically.
so the families of these fallen hero's are liars ?? NICE TRY .:doubt:

I wouldn't say they were "liars". I would say that they're wrong.

explain how they are wrong ?

also explain why you liarberals and your scumbag prez want to cover up every damn screw up they make.., which BTW is every fucking day !

one last thing, i BELIEVE that son-of-a-bitch in the oval office IS an illegal alien from Kenya, a terrorist muslime mulatto !! :up:

speaking of Kenya have you seen where he is spending good tax payers money in that shit hole ???

he is also a world class :asshole: .... :laugh2: ...... :clap2: ....... :laugh2:

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