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Fast food workers strike

How can the franchises make money with a $2.00 menu if they pay the workers $15 per hour? The feeling is that the "strikers" are outside agitators and probably make $15 per hour from unions.
Economics do not work that way jones. When a Nat. min raise is given prices go up in all businesses, so consumers are faced with the same prices regardless of where they go. Gasoline is something you might find eaiser to relate pricing to. And if businesses are under selling and taking less profit margin or working volume, they will get more customers. That is a managerial decision. Its simplistic to think a wage rate climb shuts American down. LMAO!!:lol:

Typical liberal dumbass. you guys think that there is this huge bottomless cloud of money up in the sky that we can take money from as much as we want to.

I blame the Teacher's Unions for this kind of stupidity.
Typical dumbass con, borrow & spend mentality. What a fking dumbass!! He thinks he should get his meals free just because he fked up the economy. LMAO!!! Hey dumb fk, show us that China-credit card of yours.:lol:

If you can't afford fast food, stay the fk home and cook your own meals dumbass.:lol:

I didn't say any of that, nor did i imply it, moron. Reading comprehension problems too for you? Yeah it's the Teachers unions who are to blame. you should sue them.
Although minimum wage has been jacked up numerous times since McDonald's opened its first store - it has yet to cause McDonald's to stop growing.


You'll have to forgive the lowly fast food employees for relying on real empirical data rather than your white board theoretical toy model.

Oh of course not, she should have become a CEO instead.


The poor decisions she made that got her where she is not withstanding

How the fuck on Earth would you have any clue as to what decisions she made and how she got where she is at? Do you know her personally? That seems awfully presumptuous of you. Of course conservatives know everything about everything and everyone and when they don't they'll just make it the fuck up.

Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.

Fast Food Workers Plan To Strike Nationwide Thursday

Any one seen any yet today? I'm curious as to who organized this. Obviously the participants don't have much in the way foresight. Probably why they're working at McDonald's in the first place.

It's organized by the SEIU.


The group that fired it's own workers???

The Service Employees International Union, considered the most influential union in the nation, has notified the union that represents about 220 of the SEIU's national field staff members and organizers that it is laying off 75 of the employees.

In return, the workers union, which goes by the somewhat postmodern name of the Union of Union Representatives, has filed charges of unfair labor practices against the SEIU with the National Labor Relations Board. The workers union's leaders say that the SEIU is engaging in the same kind of practices that some businesses use: laying off workers without proper notice, contracting out work to temporary-staffing firms, banning union activities and reclassifying workers to reduce union numbers.

It's completely hypocritical," said Malcolm Harris, president of the workers union. "This is the union that's been at the forefront of progressive issues, around ensuring that working people and working families are taken care of, but when it comes to the people that work for SEIU, they haven't set the same standards."
Union in Dispute Over Layoffs

Think folks will ever figure out how Liberals lie to them?
I think $10 to $12 is justifiable in some of the big cities like New York, LA, San Fran, Chicago, etc... $8 to $10 would be decent in areas where the cost of living is much lower. One problem with the federal minimum wage is that it does not take into account the cost of living from one area to another. Rent where I live averages $600 per month; in Chicago it averages $1200. In New York, I'd imagine it is a bit higher than Chicago. $7.25 goes a lot farther in Ohio than it does in Chicago or New York, and even here in Ohio the state minimum is up to $7.85 I believe.

Very few people who work in New York actually live there, especially Manhattan.

But from the look of these posts here, it seems like many have forgotten about the debacle of the economy which started in 2008, and which they like to blame on Obama, of course.

And so all of these fast food workers are just a bunch of bums who don't know how to get a real job over the last few years, even though there aren't any.

Righties on this board like to carefully monitor the unemployment rate and say it's much higher than actually reported and they talk about the imminent economic collapse, but somehow all these restaurant workers striking today should be smarter and have a better job by now.

These people want to work, not go on food stamps. But that's still not good enough for a bunch of assholes who don't know what it's like to try to live off $1100 a month after many have lost their good paying jobs DURING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

Oh lookie.... another it's all Bush's fault post!!

You're such a simp.

Maybe so, but at least I know how to read something besides idiotic posts like yours.

Worst year for jobs since '45
Annual loss biggest since end of World War II. Unemployment rate rises to 7.2%.
By David Goldman, CNNMoney.com staff writer
Last Updated: January 9, 2009: 12:11 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The hemorrhaging of American jobs accelerated at a record pace at the end of 2008, bringing the year's total job losses to 2.6 million or the highest level in more than six decades.
Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

Now tell me, douchebag, what you see when you look at these numbers below?
Let me tell you: Those "jobs created" were primarily in the retail and fast food industry.
Learn or STFU:

United States
Percent of US civilian working age population employed, 1995–2012

September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost[2]

January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost
June 2009 – 482,000 jobs lost
July 2009 – 339,000 jobs lost
August 2009 – 231,000 jobs lost
September 2009 – 199,000 jobs lost
October 2009 – 202,000 jobs lost[3]
November 2009 - 64,000 jobs created[4]
December 2009 - 109,000 jobs lost[4]

January 2010 - 40,000 jobs lost[4]
February 2010 - 35,000 jobs lost
March 2010 - 189,000 jobs created
April 2010 - 239,000 jobs created
May 2010 - 516,000 jobs created
June 2010 - 167,000 jobs lost
July 2010 - 58,000 jobs lost (143,000 Federal Census jobs lost) [5]
August 2010 - 51,000 jobs lost
September 2010 - 27,000 jobs lost (According to U.S. Labor Department, 64,000 private sector jobs are added but a net loss of 95,000 jobs are due to government layoffs) [6][7]
October 2010 - 220,000 jobs created (Private sector jobs net increase)
November 2010 - 121,000 jobs created
December 2010 - 120,000 jobs created

January 2011 - 110,000 jobs created
February 2011 - 220,000 jobs created
March 2011 - 246,000 jobs created
April 2011 - 251,000 jobs created
May 2011 - 54,000 jobs created
June 2011 - 84,000 jobs created
July 2011 - 96,000 jobs created
August 2011 - 85,000 jobs created
September 2011 - 202,000 jobs created
October 2011 - 112,000 jobs created
November 2011 - 157,000 jobs created
December 2011 - 223,000 jobs created
January 2012 - 275,000 jobs created
February 2012 - 259,000 jobs created
March 2012 - 143,000 jobs created
April 2012 - 68,000 jobs created
May 2012 - 87,000 jobs created
June 2012 - 45,000 jobs created
July 2012 - 181,000 jobs created
August 2012 - 142,000 jobs created

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The poor decisions she made that got her where she is not withstanding

How the fuck on Earth would you have any clue as to what decisions she made and how she got where she is at? Do you know her personally? That seems awfully presumptuous of you. Of course conservatives know everything about everything and everyone and when they don't they'll just make it the fuck up.

Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.


"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.
In my opinion, the minimum wage SHOULD be enough to live on. The problem is that a lot of people making minimum wage aren't living within their means. This is also a problem with people making much more than the minimum wage. If you make $7.25 an hour don't expect to be able to buy an IPad. If you do want one, learn a skill and earn it.

It want you to hear me out as I explain why that doesn't logistically work. If you stipulate that a person should make at least enough to live on, that is going to result in extremely unfair compensation for individuals doing the same work. No two people are going to have the same living expenses, yet if you insist that people should make enough to live on, then that would require paying people who day the same job different wages.

The other problem is the immorality of it. If you say someone has the right to make at least enough to live on, that would mean it is not their obligation to provide that for themselves. Yet that money has to come from somewhere. In this case, the employer. So while you say one person is entitled to make at least enough to live on doing the bare minimum, that requires that someone else earn that for them, plus enough for themselves to live on. The proposal is a paradox. For one to acquire that which you say they are entitled to, someone else must actually do what you say they should NOT be required to do.

Not to mention the economic ramifications of the premise...

If minimum wage were enough for one to live on......most teenagers would be without a job.

Without a job, they would be on the streets....and more likely to get into trouble.

In a few decades, we will have more people in jail than in the workforce.

Demand for goods and services would decrease dramatically...and we will fail as an economy and as a country.

Truth is....minimum wage being enough to live on is the most ridiculous UN- THOUTOUT idea I have ever heard.

lol!! Seems to work in other countrys like the UK & Switzerland. I am not sure they would suffer all of your fantasys and complete-blinded data of America. Nice try though!!:lol:

Here is a primer for you Living wage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How the fuck on Earth would you have any clue as to what decisions she made and how she got where she is at? Do you know her personally? That seems awfully presumptuous of you. Of course conservatives know everything about everything and everyone and when they don't they'll just make it the fuck up.

Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.


"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.

Any parent who is working at McDonalds made some bad decisions along the way.
The poor decisions she made that got her where she is not withstanding

How the fuck on Earth would you have any clue as to what decisions she made and how she got where she is at? Do you know her personally? That seems awfully presumptuous of you. Of course conservatives know everything about everything and everyone and when they don't they'll just make it the fuck up.

Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.


Unless you live in Australia, Dumbass:

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia

Even in countries with a high minimum wage, the golden arches manage to turn a profit. Here's how.
Last week, fast-food workers around the United States yet again walked off the job to protest their low pay and demand a wage hike to $15 an hour, about double what many of them earn today. In doing so, they added another symbolic chapter to an eight-month-old campaign of one-day strikes that, so far, has yielded lots of news coverage, but not much in terms of tangible results.

So there's a certain irony that in Australia, where the minimum wage for full-time adult workers already comes out to about $14.50 an hour, McDonald's staffers were busy scoring an actual raise. On July 24, the country's Fair Work Commission approved a new labor agreement between the company and its employees guaranteeing them up to a 15 percent pay increase by 2017.

And here's the kicker: Many Australian McDonald's workers were already making more than the minimum to begin with.

The land down under is, of course, not the only high-wage country in the world where McDonald's does lucrative business. The company actually earns more revenue out of Europe than than it does from the United States. France, with its roughly $12.00 hourly minimum, has more than 1,200 locations. (Australia has about 900).

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

Now stick out your big fat lower lip and say something like, "Well why don't you just move to Australia, asshole?"
Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.


"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.

Any parent who is working at McDonalds made some bad decisions along the way.

Everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. Buying a lotto ticket, for instance, is a bad decision. Some people profit considerably in spite of that bad decision. Going to college to study engineering is a good decision. Some people are in financial ruin despite that good decision.
Last edited:
Very few people who work in New York actually live there, especially Manhattan.

But from the look of these posts here, it seems like many have forgotten about the debacle of the economy which started in 2008, and which they like to blame on Obama, of course.

And so all of these fast food workers are just a bunch of bums who don't know how to get a real job over the last few years, even though there aren't any.

Righties on this board like to carefully monitor the unemployment rate and say it's much higher than actually reported and they talk about the imminent economic collapse, but somehow all these restaurant workers striking today should be smarter and have a better job by now.

These people want to work, not go on food stamps. But that's still not good enough for a bunch of assholes who don't know what it's like to try to live off $1100 a month after many have lost their good paying jobs DURING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

Oh lookie.... another it's all Bush's fault post!!

You're such a simp.

Maybe so, but at least I know how to read something besides idiotic posts like yours.

Worst year for jobs since '45
Annual loss biggest since end of World War II. Unemployment rate rises to 7.2%.
By David Goldman, CNNMoney.com staff writer
Last Updated: January 9, 2009: 12:11 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The hemorrhaging of American jobs accelerated at a record pace at the end of 2008, bringing the year's total job losses to 2.6 million or the highest level in more than six decades.
Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009

Now tell me, douchebag, what you see when you look at these numbers below?
Let me tell you: Those "jobs created" were primarily in the retail and fast food industry.
Learn or STFU:

United States
Percent of US civilian working age population employed, 1995–2012

September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost[2]

January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost
June 2009 – 482,000 jobs lost
July 2009 – 339,000 jobs lost
August 2009 – 231,000 jobs lost
September 2009 – 199,000 jobs lost
October 2009 – 202,000 jobs lost[3]
November 2009 - 64,000 jobs created[4]
December 2009 - 109,000 jobs lost[4]

January 2010 - 40,000 jobs lost[4]
February 2010 - 35,000 jobs lost
March 2010 - 189,000 jobs created
April 2010 - 239,000 jobs created
May 2010 - 516,000 jobs created
June 2010 - 167,000 jobs lost
July 2010 - 58,000 jobs lost (143,000 Federal Census jobs lost) [5]
August 2010 - 51,000 jobs lost
September 2010 - 27,000 jobs lost (According to U.S. Labor Department, 64,000 private sector jobs are added but a net loss of 95,000 jobs are due to government layoffs) [6][7]
October 2010 - 220,000 jobs created (Private sector jobs net increase)
November 2010 - 121,000 jobs created
December 2010 - 120,000 jobs created

January 2011 - 110,000 jobs created
February 2011 - 220,000 jobs created
March 2011 - 246,000 jobs created
April 2011 - 251,000 jobs created
May 2011 - 54,000 jobs created
June 2011 - 84,000 jobs created
July 2011 - 96,000 jobs created
August 2011 - 85,000 jobs created
September 2011 - 202,000 jobs created
October 2011 - 112,000 jobs created
November 2011 - 157,000 jobs created
December 2011 - 223,000 jobs created
January 2012 - 275,000 jobs created
February 2012 - 259,000 jobs created
March 2012 - 143,000 jobs created
April 2012 - 68,000 jobs created
May 2012 - 87,000 jobs created
June 2012 - 45,000 jobs created
July 2012 - 181,000 jobs created
August 2012 - 142,000 jobs created

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But now, you morons say that obama fixed everything and the jobs are back. But then you just argued that these poor unfortunate people are working at McDonalds for a pittance because there aren't any jobs out there.

I tend to agree with your opinion of the last few seconds that says there aren't any jobs. Even though obama is focused like a laser on jobs.
Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.


"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.

Any parent who is working at McDonalds made some bad decisions along the way.

lol! Anybody working made some bad decisions along the way.
"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.

Any parent who is working at McDonalds made some bad decisions along the way.

Everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. Buying a lotto ticket, for instance, is a bad decision. Some people profit considerably in spite of that bad decision.

I never said making bad decisions is rare...or for just some people.

And buying a lottery ticket is a bad decision for most...sure....

But you compare that to...I don't know....dropping out of high school? Having a child at the age of 16? Doing drugs? Getting involved in street crime?
How the fuck on Earth would you have any clue as to what decisions she made and how she got where she is at? Do you know her personally? That seems awfully presumptuous of you. Of course conservatives know everything about everything and everyone and when they don't they'll just make it the fuck up.

Any person with at least two functioning brain cells could put 2 and 2 together and realize that if she had made good decisions, she wouldn't be a single mother working at McDonalds.


"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.

You're full of shit. If you had the ability to think, you would know that labeling it circular reasoning is a convenient way to dismiss what is a simple and obvious fact.
"We know its her bad decisions that got her to McDonald's because she is at McDoanld's" - that is circular reasoning and thus a blatant fallacy. You can't argue "A is true because of B because A is true" you idiot.

You should rub your two brain cells together harder.

Any parent who is working at McDonalds made some bad decisions along the way.

lol! Anybody working made some bad decisions along the way.

Another one.....

All relative.

But I will say this....

If you are a parent and you are making minimum wage at McDonalds.....you made a big mistake somewhere
Any parent who is working at McDonalds made some bad decisions along the way.

Everyone makes bad decisions sometimes. Buying a lotto ticket, for instance, is a bad decision. Some people profit considerably in spite of that bad decision.

I never said making bad decisions is rare...or for just some people.

And buying a lottery ticket is a bad decision for most...sure....

For who isn't it a bad decision?

But you compare that to...I don't know....dropping out of high school? Having a child at the age of 16? Doing drugs? Getting involved in street crime?

Many people are working at McDonalds who didn't make any of those decisions. Yet Dave Thomas dropped out of high school and became rich.

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