Fauci unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Responsible For Up To 300,000 Deaths

Dr. Anthony Fauci cited research at a congressional COVID-19 hearing Monday suggesting that unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths.

If the covid vaccine worked why did vaccinated people get covid?



Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Responsible For Up To 300,000 Deaths

Dr. Anthony Fauci cited research at a congressional COVID-19 hearing Monday suggesting that unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths.

If the covid vaccine worked why did vaccinated people get covid?

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Fauci needs to be charged with genocide. All his properties should be taken and given to the poor and the needy. Throw him in jail for the rest of his life. Introduce him to Guido.
Fuck that little beady eyed rat. "Up to 300,000 deaths"? And how was that magical number determined? Those Congressional Dog and Ponies are worthless. Nothing will happen to Fauci, Garland, Wray or any of the Regime leaders until Trump FIRES them.
We don't need the fired, we need them PROSECUTED!

Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Responsible For Up To 300,000 Deaths

Dr. Anthony Fauci cited research at a congressional COVID-19 hearing Monday suggesting that unvaccinated Americans could be responsible for up to 300,000 deaths.

If the covid vaccine worked why did vaccinated people get covid?

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MTG says Fauci is responsible for millions of deaths. She’s insane
The Crazy Democrat Cult is outraged that the quack Fauci is going to be prosecuted.
Fauci has been a slippery, lying piece of Evil for at least fifty years .

Judy Mikovits has given full details .Amongst many .

He is hardly likely to start telling the truth about anything now .
Plus, he knows he would be literally put through a shredder if he stupidly did .
Fauci has been a slippery, lying piece of Evil for at least fifty years .

Judy Mikovits has given full details .Amongst many .

He is hardly likely to start telling the truth about anything now .
Plus, he knows he would be literally put through a shredder if he stupidly did .
You guys are insane. Remember aids? Remember how conservatives got so much wrong in the beginning? What was your excuse? Error on the side of caution. And we didn’t know.

So cut fauci a break. We didn’t know. We errored on the side of caution.
You guys are insane. Remember aids? Remember how conservatives got so much wrong in the beginning? What was your excuse? Error on the side of caution. And we didn’t know.

So cut fauci a break. We didn’t know. We errored on the side of caution.
Answer the question .
Deflection is demeaning .

The world’s top scientists got HIV wrong .
Almost certainly deliberately

And that is when the Fauci Midget should have been imprisoned . He was at the heart of that False Flag and Evil Hoax as well ,
Answer the question .
Deflection is demeaning .

The world’s top scientists got HIV wrong .
Almost certainly deliberately

And that is when the Fauci Midget should have been imprisoned . He was at the heart of that False Flag and Evil Hoax as well ,

Remember all the anti vax right wing radio hosts who attacked Fauci and then they died of covid because they weren't vaccinated?

On August 4, Newsmax fill-in host and longtime conservative talker Dick Farrel died from a “severe damage” from COVID-19 after spending the last weeks of his life claiming that the vaccine is “Bogus Bull [Shit],” referring to the pandemic as a “SCAM DEMIC,” and suggesting that the delta variant is an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Anthony Fauci to keep Americans fearing for their lives. “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied [to you] all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” he wrote in a July 3 Facebook post. Upon contracting the virus, Farrel was suddenly not willing to die for his previously held convictions, as one of his close friends, Amy Leigh Hair, claimed that he encouraged her to get the shot shortly before his death, saying that COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”

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