FEAR is Emanating from the GOP !!

Okay Big mouth back up your bull.
Show us how the dollar has increased in value over the past 12 months. Show us how the average paycheck buys more for the citizens of this country today than it did 12 months ago.
Don't just make grandiose claims supply the numbers supply the proof.

I can tell you that there's a skyscraper on the dark side of the Moon and that I own an apartment there. Are you going to believe that? This is exactly what you're saying to the rest of the board who are living the misery in spite of all the propaganda being spewed by DNC hacks like you.
Here ya go

GDP booming at +5% !!!
Retail sales just came in the other day with a mega beat inc +16% !!!
Jobs just came in +500k !!!
Wages booming increasing at the fastest level in years
Job Opening booming at highest levels in years
Growth and economic activity are extremely elevated

All this will continue in 2022.

This is what booming economy looks like

weak little 2.5% growth. terrible. trash (same as Obama)
only +200k jobs a month (same as Obama)

China is preparing massive invasion forces now by staffing enormous amounts of Chinese soldiers in Mexico and Canada. It wouldn't surprise me if the Democrats are coordinating with them.
Look at how detached you are from reality.

You have proven yourself fake news with this post.

Everything you say is factually innacurate
WHY so many gleeful posts saying we are going down the tubes? why would you be happy to see us doing poorly? Is this just in hopes Republican's will be in charge again?
They are just pissed that the economy is much better and stronger now than under Trump.

They ignore all the booming economic data. They are looking for things to nit pick,
BUT every measure of the economy is better now than under Trump

GDP growth much better
Jobs growth much better
Wages better
Retail sales/spending, much better
this will all continue

Trumpers are scared because the economy is so strong.
That excuse has run out.

The jobs are booming, we just had another booming jobs report. The economy is so strong, job openings are so strong, and wages are incredible.

This will continue for years
It will continue as long as the government pours trillions into the economy. At least for now.
When Trump left office the Dollar index was at 90
RIght now it is at 95

The dollar has strengthened under Biden and is stronger than Trumps last day in office...

Enjoy the Biden Boom, you fake news crybabies
It will continue as long as the government pours trillions into the economy. At least for now.
All your republicans that you love so much did the same thing. AT least Biden is giving us a booming economy for his spending.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and squandered it spending trillions on nothing, but wars and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy

Trump spent trillions, he increased the deficit massively and had weak low growth. Only 2.13% in 2019, trash.

At least biden is getting a booming return for his spending. The Biden economy is the best economy we have had in the 21st century
Here ya go

GDP booming at +5% !!!
Retail sales just came in the other day with a mega beat inc +16% !!!
Jobs just came in +500k !!!
Wages booming increasing at the fastest level in years
Job Opening booming at highest levels in years
Growth and economic activity are extremely elevated

All this will continue in 2022.

This is what booming economy looks like

weak little 2.5% growth. terrible. trash (same as Obama)
only +200k jobs a month (same as Obama)

The prices and costs rise as the globalists come to power. QR codes expanding all over as the noose is prepared. those who deny are punished. All the stats you promote mean nothing. They come from being low. What you told us has not happened. You told us your elected were the best. They lied. If a couple or a family of four making 50 gees a year or a bit more are paying a few thousand dollars more for inflation in everything and rising, why should they embrace your beliefs. But this was foretold and now voters are having their children who are alive being violated.
All your republicans that you love so much did the same thing. AT least Biden is giving us a booming economy for his spending.

Bush inherited a balanced budget and squandered it spending trillions on nothing, but wars and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy

Trump spent trillions, he increased the deficit massively and had weak low growth. Only 2.13% in 2019, trash.

So your excuse to spend trillions is because “he did it first”? Lol! Sounds like an excuse my kids would give me to justify their stupid actions.

"All my Republicans"? How do you get that? It tells me you are nothing but a hack. I don't like spending I am on record that the Trump tax cut was not smart. I was against TARP, and all but the first pandemic money, and that should have been more targeted and less waste.

As far as Bush, he was in a Clinton recession six weeks after being sworn in, then 911 hit.

Gingrich and Clinton at least got part of it right when they balanced the budget however, we still added debt.

All debts have to be paid eventually and there will come a day when we have to and it will be dire, if we work on it now, then we can ease the debt down. No Democrat or Republican have the balls to do that. So here we are with an artificial economy that the government keeps propping up.
So your excuse to spend trillions is because “he did it first”? Lol! Sounds like an excuse my kids would give me to justify their stupid actions.

"All my Republicans"? How do you get that? It tells me you are nothing but a hack. I don't like spending I am on record that the Trump tax cut was not smart. I was against TARP, and all but the first pandemic money, and that should have been more targeted and less waste.

As far as Bush, he was in a Clinton recession six weeks after being sworn in, then 911 hit.

Gingrich and Clinton at least got part of it right when they balanced the budget however, we still added debt.

All debts have to be paid eventually and there will come a day when we have to and it will be dire, if we work on it now, then we can ease the debt down. No Democrat or Republican have the balls to do that. So here we are with an artificial economy that the government keeps propping up.
Enjoy the Biden boom, the best economy of the 21st century.

Biden is the best president of the 21st century because the results prove this.

I only care baout the data, numbers, and results
Disagree with the OP.

The GOP is going to take back Congress in 2022. The only question is how many seats the Democratic Party will lose. With few exceptions the Presidents party takes a beating during the midterms. Too many voters are going to hyper focus on the high price of gas and the increased cost for groceries…
Enjoy the Biden boom, the best economy of the 21st century.

Biden is the best president of the 21st century because the results prove this.

I only care baout the data, numbers, and results
We will see, I am hoping inflation decreases, I am doubtful, I am hoping however, government pumping money into the economy is making the problem worse. Also, the break in supply chains are not helping to keep prices down.

I don't give President as much of a credit for the economy as you seem to, I realize that there are so many factors that go into an economy. Clinton was nearing the end of a dot com bubble that we all knew was going to burst and it did. Clinton had nothing to do with a bubble bursting. He just happened to be in office at the time.
Real early yet and it could all change within the year but the Dems look to be in trouble not the Republicans. The forecast for next year could see not only the House but the Senate moving to Republican control. Maybe then a Democratic President and a Republican Congress could help to at least balance a budget.
Enjoy the Biden boom, the best economy of the 21st century.

Biden is the best president of the 21st century because the results prove this.

I only care baout the data, numbers, and results

Yeah, he's booming alright.

I see real fear coming from the GOP right now.
They are starting to get worried.

The economy is booming.
Retail sales are so strong.
Corporate ER is great, lots of beats.
The bulk of inflation is caused by covid and the ports and will subside in 2022.
The market is ripping !
The infrastructure bill will be huge and create jobs.

and now build back better will make America too strong

America and the economy are better than ever before with big 5% growth. Trump had weak trash growth, only +2.13% in 2019

Trumpers are scared because they know that Biden is winning and America and the economy are soaring.
Inflation is fine and won't crash the economy.

Trumpers hate to see America this strong, they care more about trump than America. Trumpers hate the mega booming economy.

You live in a parallel universe. If things are going so well then why do the Democrats keep on getting drubbed in elections?
Check out YouTube and all the mainstream financial experts from your favorite publications saying a market crash is coming soon to a nation near you.

You mean people like this guy?

This man said in July that the stock market will crash in 3 months.

His exact words were "by the end of this month if not September "

He said that on July 12, 2021.

Today is November 18, 2021.

As with so many things from people like you and the far right,

We're still waiting for your prediction to happen.

Or how about this fool?

She said that a stock market crash was "imminent."

Last April.

Apparently her definition of imminent is years down the road.


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