Firearms registration would be unconstitutional and virtually impossible in the US

Presumably not, but there are gun-registry laws in Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, etc., etc. I think it's silly to say wide-spread gun registration never occurs when it of course does. It's against the law to murder your family, too, but men do it often. Just because men so often commit murder of all kinds is no reason to say that laws against murder never are enacted.
It's against the law to murder your family, too, but men do it often.

so do women

Presumably not, but there are gun-registry laws in Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, etc., etc.
if ALL of them aren't registered, it's a waste of time.
so do women

if ALL of them aren't registered, it's a waste of time.
Very rarely do women murder their families; it's 95 male crime. Murder of all kinds is overwhelmingly male. You know that.

So, is your idea that if absolutely everyone isn't prevented by the law against murdering, there's no point to such laws?

I'm no fan of gun registry, I think ownership of guns should be unregulated, in fact a whole lot of things should be unregulated, but there is no logical point to saying something isn't regulated that plainly is.

Silly thread. Illogical. I'm out.
And Dr King went to jail for it
You can do the same

View attachment 762768
I am sorry that weak willed folks like you would just give up a right because you are afraid you might get in trouble. I'd rather stand for my rights and go to jail/prison or worse than to dishonor those 600,000+ men that died on the battlefield to make sure I had those rights.
I am sorry that weak willed folks like you would just give up a right because you are afraid you might get in trouble. I'd rather stand for my rights and go to jail/prison or worse than to dishonor those 600,000+ men that died on the battlefield to make sure I had those rights.
You don’t have a Constitutional right to not register firearms
You're nuts, dude. Citizen militias are not the same as the government-funded military. The US government owns all of those weapons the military uses, and they are "registered" with the US government and that branch of the military.

But citizen militias are not part of the US military, even though they could conceivably be used in the defense of this country in an emergency. And they use their own personal firearms, which are not "registered" by the US government or the military.

Personally, if the shit hit the fan, I'm picking up whatever government hardware I could find on the ground, and using it, which would do a much better job of killing invaders than the weapons I own.
Dude , you been slackin
If you want to horde guns that you are afraid to fire, good for you.
But if an unregistered gun is found in your truck, or you are found carrying it or an agent hears you firing it ….you get arrested

Do you feel lucky?
SO...did you not read what he posted or did you just ignore it?
so do women

if ALL of them aren't registered, it's a waste of time.
Criminals cannot be required to register guns, or prosecuted for failing to do so.
Flood America with Millions & Millions of turd world Criminals & Folks Who hate America & Americans ( Islamists & Enemy combatants of all varieties ) and curbstomp 2A/ RTKBA for good measure
Show me where it has ever been declared unconstitutional
You seem to have absolutely zero knowledge of what the Consitution is and what it does or you would know how ignorant the path is your are trying to go down.
You seem to have absolutely zero knowledge of what the Consitution is and what it does or you would know how ignorant the path is your are trying to go down.
I have already quoted the Constitution
I have already quoted the Constitution
I am beginner to believe that you are possible nothing more than troll because after thinking about for a minute there would be no other reason for the ignorant responces.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
does not mean registration for all firearms, only militia members.

read it again. the right was given to the people, not the militia.

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