First Felon unzipped ... Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman

You're going to be pretty lonely out there all by yourself.

I'm an old codger, and I cannot recall a time in my life when the country has been run more smoothly or better. All this in spite of the vicious, shameful attacks by the Democrats who see any chance of leadership anytime in the foreseeable future, swirling down the drain.
More smoothly?

What country do you live in?

You betcha! Don't you just love it?

All this in spite of the vicious, shameful attacks by the Democrats who see any chance of leadership anytime in the foreseeable future, swirling down the drain.

Did you see it? Job numbers came out today. More terrible news for Democrats! So sorry!

Blowout: U.S. Economy Created 225,000 Jobs in January
JOHN CARNEY 7 Feb 2020
Economists had expected the economy to add 160,000 jobs. December’s figure was revised up from 145,000 to 147,000.
Blowout: U.S. Economy Created 225,000 Jobs in January
I'm reaching the point where I begin to suspect the accuracy of the job numbers.

The unemployment rate is beginning to rise again.

The only booming businesses are those supplying legal services to Donald Trump and associates.

A 1/10 of 1% rise in unemployment for one month only isn't very much. I guess its something that libs can hope on, but its a pretty weak signal, and it doesn't seem very likely to me that the Liberals will get the Economic Collapse they are hoping for in 2020.

The unemployment rate rises when long time discouraged folks who aren't counted as unemployed re-enter the labor force to look for work.
And the Stalinist Purge begins

As it should have on January 21, 2016. EVERY Federal Department should have been purged of all Liberals, Progressives, and anyone who was unwilling to support and carry out the policies of the POTUS.
The world is upside down in the liberal mind. Vindmin and his brother were born in the Soviet Union. Lt. Col Vindmin leaked classified documents apparently with the intent of disrupting the orderly transition of power in the United States government. This is what the Russians have been doing since FDR referred to his pal Stalin as "Uncle Joe". A rational assumption would be that the Russians and the democrat party are working toward the same goal.
Donald Trump has demonstrated that the GOP Senators who said that the impeachment would cause Donald Trump to temper his actions were dead wrong as Trump conducts a massacre of government officials who testified in the impeachment investigations.

The First Felon is unzipped and has no constraints on his criminal conduct.

Donald Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support.

Share prices of pike manufacturers have gone through the roof.

Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman

Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman
by Tom Rogan, February 07, 2020 04:31 PM

A president has the right to a national security team he trusts. A president also has the responsibility to put the best interests of the nation before his own.

Firing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Friday, Trump acted as is his right but abandoned his responsibility.

To be sure, Vindman has become an inherently partisan figure. The moment the Army officer raised concerns about the propriety of a July White House meeting on Ukraine and later a July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he risked entering an inherently political space. That became inevitable once the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives launched impeachment proceedings.

Still, there is little evidence that Vindman acted outside the established reporting procedures in raising his concerns, and Vindman's service record as an Army officer suggests that he is first and foremost a patriot. We pay our military officers to make very tough calls in the nation's best interest. Vindman believed, credibly, that he was doing so.

For that reason, he was due more respect from his commander in chief than that which he received on Friday.

Team Trump sees things differently, of course, but Trump's supporters should remember that the president is not a king. ...

To be called a Felon, you have to be at least charged with a felony. No one thinks Trump is a king except for people who don't understand the basic concepts of how government works.
Donald Trump has demonstrated that the GOP Senators who said that the impeachment would cause Donald Trump to temper his actions were dead wrong as Trump conducts a massacre of government officials who testified in the impeachment investigations.

The First Felon is unzipped and has no constraints on his criminal conduct.

Donald Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support.

Share prices of pike manufacturers have gone through the roof.

Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman
Personally I'm investing in pitchfork and torch futures....

You're going to be pretty lonely out there all by yourself.

I'm an old codger, and I cannot recall a time in my life when the country has been run more smoothly or better. All this in spite of the vicious, shameful attacks by the Democrats who see any chance of leadership anytime in the foreseeable future, swirling down the drain.
More smoothly?

What country do you live in?

You betcha! Don't you just love it?

All this in spite of the vicious, shameful attacks by the Democrats who see any chance of leadership anytime in the foreseeable future, swirling down the drain.

Did you see it? Job numbers came out today. More terrible news for Democrats! So sorry!

Blowout: U.S. Economy Created 225,000 Jobs in January
JOHN CARNEY 7 Feb 2020
Economists had expected the economy to add 160,000 jobs. December’s figure was revised up from 145,000 to 147,000.
Blowout: U.S. Economy Created 225,000 Jobs in January

You are deluded. Trump's stooges have been cooking the books and revise down job numbers after the spotlight goes off the numbers.

Obama's job record is evidently very superior to Trump's


Trump’s Jobs Record Is Weaker Than Everyone Thought

... President Donald Trump has always exaggerated the strength of his jobs record, claiming to have brought about an unprecedented hiring boom when, in fact, payrolls have been growing at a somewhat slower pace than they had been during Barack Obama’s final years in office. But it turns out, the reality of it was even weaker than the official data let on.

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its latest batch of employment numbers, along with its annual benchmark revisions adjusting its estimates from prior months. Before, the government believed that the U.S. had added 223,000 jobs per month in 2018, the year that the GOP’s tax cuts and new, higher spending levels took effect. It has now lowered that estimate to 193,000 per month, a significant drop. ...

Your desperation is duly noted! Why do you hate all the great things happening in America since President Donald Trump took office?

US adds 225,000 jobs in January as workers rejoin the labour force
Unemployment rate ticks up to 3.6% in an otherwise strong start to 2020

Brendan Greeley in Washington, and Peter Wells and Colby Smith in New York
Wages increased 3.1 per cent in January from a year earlier, an improvement after the annual rate of wage growth fell below 3 per cent in December for the first time since 2018. That was better than economists’ forecasts for 3 per cent growth, but still down from a high of 3.5 per cent in early 2019.
In an encouraging sign, in addition to December’s revision, non-farm payrolls for November were bumped up by 5,000 to 256,000, suggesting the labour market was in firmer shape towards the end of 2019 than previously reported.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

May God Bless President Donald Trump! Keep up the great work!
Donald Trump has demonstrated that the GOP Senators who said that the impeachment would cause Donald Trump to temper his actions were dead wrong as Trump conducts a massacre of government officials who testified in the impeachment investigations.

The First Felon is unzipped and has no constraints on his criminal conduct.

Donald Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support.

Share prices of pike manufacturers have gone through the roof.

Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman

Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman
by Tom Rogan, February 07, 2020 04:31 PM

A president has the right to a national security team he trusts. A president also has the responsibility to put the best interests of the nation before his own.

Firing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Friday, Trump acted as is his right but abandoned his responsibility.

To be sure, Vindman has become an inherently partisan figure. The moment the Army officer raised concerns about the propriety of a July White House meeting on Ukraine and later a July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he risked entering an inherently political space. That became inevitable once the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives launched impeachment proceedings.

Still, there is little evidence that Vindman acted outside the established reporting procedures in raising his concerns, and Vindman's service record as an Army officer suggests that he is first and foremost a patriot. We pay our military officers to make very tough calls in the nation's best interest. Vindman believed, credibly, that he was doing so.

For that reason, he was due more respect from his commander in chief than that which he received on Friday.

Team Trump sees things differently, of course, but Trump's supporters should remember that the president is not a king. ...

Wow, an insubordinate person was removed from the NSC. How tragic.
It took a lot of courage to do what he did, and he must have thought about it long and hard before laying his career, and possibly his safety, on the line. This he did for us.

"Laying his safety on the line"? You're confused, he was testifying against President Trump, not the Clintons.
The unemployment rate is beginning to rise again.

The only booming businesses are those supplying legal services to Donald Trump and associates.

Yep, the unemployment rate rose slightly.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama benefitted each time a discouraged worker, looking for a job, simply gave up and dropped out of the market. Workers on the sidelines are now moving back into the labor market. More great news!

"Unemployment can rise slightly when people on the sidelines start looking for work. In January, the prime-age employment-to-population ratio — a measure of people between the age of 25 and 54 either in or looking for work — climbed to 80.6 per cent."

Subscribe to read | Financial Times


Life is grand, is it not?
i like presidents who dont fire purple heart recipients!

Interesting. My father hated admitting he had one of those. He called it his “Enemy Marksmanship Award”.

My Ol' Man never said anything about it. I knew he had lost his leg in Patton's Army in the Battle of the Bulge but it was decades after he died that I learned he won two Bronze Stars and a Silver Star.

My Mom's letters had been returned to her for several months and she had not received any from Dad when she received this telegram.
Donald Trump has demonstrated that the GOP Senators who said that the impeachment would cause Donald Trump to temper his actions were dead wrong as Trump conducts a massacre of government officials who testified in the impeachment investigations.

The First Felon is unzipped and has no constraints on his criminal conduct.

Donald Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support.

Share prices of pike manufacturers have gone through the roof.

Trump fails in his responsibility with petulant firing of Alexander Vindman

What law did he break, Chuckles?
Aside from federal laws that prevent retaliation, anomie bear?

you really should learn not to talk
More smoothly?

What country do you live in?

You betcha! Don't you just love it?

All this in spite of the vicious, shameful attacks by the Democrats who see any chance of leadership anytime in the foreseeable future, swirling down the drain.

Did you see it? Job numbers came out today. More terrible news for Democrats! So sorry!

Blowout: U.S. Economy Created 225,000 Jobs in January
JOHN CARNEY 7 Feb 2020
Economists had expected the economy to add 160,000 jobs. December’s figure was revised up from 145,000 to 147,000.
Blowout: U.S. Economy Created 225,000 Jobs in January
I'm reaching the point where I begin to suspect the accuracy of the job numbers.

The unemployment rate is beginning to rise again.

The only booming businesses are those supplying legal services to Donald Trump and associates.

A 1/10 of 1% rise in unemployment for one month only isn't very much. I guess its something that libs can hope on, but its a pretty weak signal, and it doesn't seem very likely to me that the Liberals will get the Economic Collapse they are hoping for in 2020.

The unemployment rate rises when long time discouraged folks who aren't counted as unemployed re-enter the labor force to look for work.

It also rises when administraion stooges can no longer cook the books.

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