Fox news : Everyone I spoke to at occupy DC said they were voting for Ron Paul?

Nah. That's BS. There's more crossover between the original TP and OWS than a lot of people here think, but they're not ALL Ron Paul supporters. That's crazy talk.
Thats fine.

i hope people vote for Paul if thats who they believe in.

Paul wants to aid the very people who created this mess but people can vote for whoever they want to.

The idea of this whole thing is to send a message to the monied interests that the people are done jsut sitting back and watching their country be bought out from under neath them.

53% of republicans think taxes on the rich should be raised.

The republican party is not interested in what the republican voter wants.

They are doing the bidding of the people like the Koch brothers instead of the majority of their own voters.

That whoudl tell you how much they value voters in this country
They are all voting for Ron Paul? Where is the love for Herman Cain? How is this even possible?

Why would fox news even run a piece like this?

Video here : Fox news : Everyone I spoke to at occupy DC said they were voting for Ron Paul?

Well its pretty simple really. Ron Paul is the only politition that is fighting for american values such as equality, justice, and freedom from government.

The 'liberals' that are protesting recognise that Dr. Paul is the only candidate on either side of the isle that is fighting for the 99% of Americans. Anti corruption, anti cronysism, abolishment of the federal reserve, removal of corporate money from politics, fiscal responsability.

Those are all bi partisan issues, for those of you that dont get it. You want to end the partisan bickering, the division of the country? Then vote for Ron Paul.
Thats fine.

i hope people vote for Paul if thats who they believe in.

Paul wants to aid the very people who created this mess but people can vote for whoever they want to.

The idea of this whole thing is to send a message to the monied interests that the people are done jsut sitting back and watching their country be bought out from under neath them.

53% of republicans think taxes on the rich should be raised.

The republican party is not interested in what the republican voter wants.

They are doing the bidding of the people like the Koch brothers instead of the majority of their own voters.

That whoudl tell you how much they value voters in this country

You want to elaborate on that statement? Cause I think your partisan liar.
I think they meant they aren't voting for 0bama. I don't think a whole lot of those camping out are conservatives. ;)
I think they meant they aren't voting for 0bama. I don't think a whole lot of those camping out are conservatives. ;)

Yea thats what it is. Even though the reporter specificly said Ron Paul and libertarian outlook. Lets just replace that with 'not voting for obama'.

You do know that this fantasy you live in is going to crumble one day, dont you?
I talked to about a dozen people and read hundreds of signs. One guy was touting 'End the Fed'. I asked if he was a Paulian. He said yes but it sure is lonely.

EVERY other person I spoke with or heard speaking was a full on Socialist of one sort or another and none of them had a coherent or consistent message. It was all over the place...and rather smelly.
Thats fine.

i hope people vote for Paul if thats who they believe in.

Paul wants to aid the very people who created this mess but people can vote for whoever they want to.

The idea of this whole thing is to send a message to the monied interests that the people are done jsut sitting back and watching their country be bought out from under neath them.

53% of republicans think taxes on the rich should be raised.

The republican party is not interested in what the republican voter wants.

They are doing the bidding of the people like the Koch brothers instead of the majority of their own voters.

That whoudl tell you how much they value voters in this country

You want to elaborate on that statement? Cause I think your partisan liar.

I will go get the link and you will appologise right?

i know you woint because you dont care about truth
For what its worth the protestors really havent been able to identify the the bad guys yet. Great groups are educating them on whats really going on as socialists are attempting to force the movement into a socalist movement.

The oathkeepers are active at many of the protests educating the people on the differences of capitalism and socialism. They are explaining to people that what we have been living under is not capitalism, its cronyism, and corporatism.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » The Wayseers Join Oath Keepers To Occupy The Occupation!
For what its worth the protestors really havent been able to identify the the bad guys yet. Great groups are educating them on whats really going on as socialists are attempting to force the movement into a socalist movement.

The oathkeepers are active at many of the protests educating the people on the differences of capitalism and socialism. They are explaining to people that what we have been living under is not capitalism, its cronyism, and corporatism.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » The Wayseers Join Oath Keepers To Occupy The Occupation!

And NOTHING about the facts provided you after you insulted me because your a partisan hack?
Paul wants to aid the very people who created this mess but people can vote for whoever they want to.
That's a bald faced lie.

Ron Paul is the only candidate that brings up issues of the Privately Owned Federal Reserve, even Newt said so last night after the debate.
When We the People no longer have the ability to present honest demonstrations and protests against the government, when protests cease to be a demonstration of the people's will, or an exercise of their free rights, when they instead become business and demonstrators are actually doing paid work, when corruption in government starts to become overshadowed by corruption in grass roots movements, we petitioning our government becomes doing business for the governmental interests of those who have the ability to pay to present those such times even the evils of tyranny have become eclipsed by evils inside the culture of a people.

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