Gas prices: Biden's or Trump's

That's what we've got.
I never used the word "control," dumbass. However, only a fucking moron would claim that it's impossible for the president to affect the price of oil.

No he doesn't control oil prices.. US oil production increased to 10 million bpd from 6 million bpd when Obama was president but he had nothing to do with it..The price per barrel was high so the oil companies invested in additional concessions, rigs, exploration and drilling. That's how it works.
I didn't invent anything. One of the first things the senile pedophile did when he ascended thee thrown is made fracking on federal land illegal. If you believe a drastic reduction in the production of oil wouldn't have an effect on prices, then you are an economic ignormus. If Trump was in office, there is no doubt that you would be blaming him. You look at everything through your partisan glasses.

I didn't; say Biden manipulated prices. he's just too fucking stupid to understand the consequences of his actions. Either that, or he just doesn't care and is trying to divert the blame for shitting on American consumers.

Again check the election results real reasons . Fracking abandonment how no effect. But don't bellow are partisanship.
Read what you said dickhead.
Biden had everything to do with it. "Go do a Google search" is a weasel, not an argument.

Fact Check: Does Joe Biden's Executive Order Ban Fracking?

Jan 27, 2021 · Biden's position during the campaign was never to totally ban fracking, but rather to limit fracking and stop new extraction of oil or gas on federal lands. The executive order..


The order directs the Secretary of the Interior to "pause new oil and natural gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters pending completion of a comprehensive review and reconsideration of Federal oil and gas permitting and leasing practices" including "potential climate and other impacts associated with oil and gas activities on public lands or offshore waters."

This expands upon the 60-day moratorium on new oil and gas leasing or drilling permits on federal land Biden enacted last week.
In reply to the OP...

1. You are a fucking partisan nut job if you have to ask. Under Trump the U.S.was energy independent, we're attempting to convince NATO allies / Western Europe to buy their energy from us instead of being held hostage by Russia, , etc...

In Biden's 1st days in office he shut down the pipeline, fired THOUSANDS of fossil fuel production workers and Americans working in jobs that supported the pipeline and energy production, threatened to exterminate all of the fossil fuel industries, and even declared he was outlawing the internal combustion engines (a Green New Deal goal)...all of which would put MILLIONS of Americans out of work.

It also immediately made the US dependent again on nation's that despise us for our energy.

When gas prices spike as a result Biden crawled on hands and knees to beg OPEC to pump more oil to save his ass back home.

After OPEC to him yo 'lick nuts' Biden was so desperate to lower gas prices (not yo mention heating energy, the cost of which will reportedly 54% soon) that he even crawled back to the very same US energy/drilling industries he f*ed over and threatened to exterminate to beg THEM to take their equipment out of moth balls and start drilling / fracking again to produce more oil to save his ass.

2. Oil production? Why doesn't Biden and AOC just use the 'new sources of energy that have not been discovered/ developed yet, which was their answer to how we would react Fossil Fuels during their introduction to the Green New Deal?

3. Gas? Dude, I am going yo jump in my brand new electric car the government is going to GIVE me when they outlaw my gas-powerd internal combustion engine-using car, and I'm going yo drive all the way across the bounty with only '1 TANK OF GAS'.


Nah, not really. Even if I had a car that could make it all the way to Califoria on one CHARGE, I sure as hell would not drive to that miserable Marxist hell-hole everyone is leaving.
No he doesn't control oil prices.. US oil production increased to 10 million bpd from 6 million bpd when Obama was president but he had nothing to do with it..The price per barrel was high so the oil companies invested in additional concessions, rigs, exploration and drilling. That's how it works.
And then Biden made fracking illegal on government land, thereby reducing most of the increase fracking had created. You keep using the word "control" so you can claim I'm wrong. No, the president can't issue a command stating the price of oil will be $25/bbl. That's not what anyone is saying, you fucking douchebag.
Fact Check: Does Joe Biden's Executive Order Ban Fracking?

Jan 27, 2021 · Biden's position during the campaign was never to totally ban fracking, but rather to limit fracking and stop new extraction of oil or gas on federal lands. The executive order..
Once again, you're standing up a straw man. He banned fracking on federal land. He greatly reduced oil production in this country.

You can't argue honestly because the facts are all running against you. That's why all progs are douchebags.


The order directs the Secretary of the Interior to "pause new oil and natural gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters pending completion of a comprehensive review and reconsideration of Federal oil and gas permitting and leasing practices" including "potential climate and other impacts associated with oil and gas activities on public lands or offshore waters."

This expands upon the 60-day moratorium on new oil and gas leasing or drilling permits on federal land Biden enacted last week.

The same as banning fracking on federal land, jackass.
Once again, you're standing up a straw man. He banned fracking on federal land. He greatly reduced oil production in this country.

You can't argue honestly because the facts are all running against you. That's why all progs are douchebags.

The same as banning fracking on federal land, jackass.

Most US producers prefer not to drill on Federal Lands because they have always had stricter regulations and requirements.

And most wells in the US don't produce enough to use fracking and none of them use gas injection to keep the pressure up.

Deepwater drilling is off the table because of Deepwater Horizon.

We've got more than 3,000 shallow wells in the Gulf of Mexico already.

Why don't you start your own oil company.. You seem to think you know more than all the oil men.
Its magic, the day a Republican took office everything got better the Republican left it got worse, see its magic.

Not really. US oil production nearly doubled during the Obama years because the ppb was so high.
Good god your a moron

LOLOL.. I'm afraid you're the moron and don't know a bloody thing about the oil business.

When YOU nationalize the oil business the predsident could control the oil business and guarantee you cheap gas whether the oil companies make a profit or not. You must want socialism.

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