Georgia law to remove Fami

That's a bald faced lie. The only lawsuit Trump won was the one which allowed the Republican poll watchers to stand closer to the poll workers.

"In a Georgia case, the district judge (a 60-year-old George W. Bush appointee) granted plaintiffs’ request for an emergency temporary restraining order to preserve ballots in a subset of 10 contested counties. But the plaintiffs, in the words of a Trump-appointed circuit judge, refused to “take the district court’s ‘yes’ for an answer.” It appealed the district judge’s action to ask the court of appeals to extend the order to all 10 counties. The appellate panel dismissed the appeal."

None of the law suits were ongoing on January 6th, except for those which were deemed to have been fraudulent - like the Cyber Ninja's in Arizona.
All you have to do is check WIKI and they spell it out pretty clearly.

But then again you need to be able to read English and be willing to absorb information that isn't spoon fed to you by our corrupt media.
You do know that Viktor Shokin was appointed by Putin, and was fired for corruption, and taking bribes from Burisma, among other companies, don't you.

His statements are about as believable as Putin saying he didn't have Prighosian murdered.
Hahaa Shokin was appointed by Putin?? Hahaha.
That's a bald faced lie. The only lawsuit Trump won was the one which allowed the Republican poll watchers to stand closer to the poll workers.

"In a Georgia case, the district judge (a 60-year-old George W. Bush appointee) granted plaintiffs’ request for an emergency temporary restraining order to preserve ballots in a subset of 10 contested counties. But the plaintiffs, in the words of a Trump-appointed circuit judge, refused to “take the district court’s ‘yes’ for an answer.” It appealed the district judge’s action to ask the court of appeals to extend the order to all 10 counties. The appellate panel dismissed the appeal."

None of the law suits were ongoing on January 6th, except for those which were deemed to have been fraudulent - like the Cyber Ninja's in Arizona.
Who are "we"?

Are you referencing ALL ruminants when you say that?

Anyone who continues to defend or support Donald Trump is guilty of subourning his criminal behaviour.

I have but not sure how it’s relevant here

You claimed it was obstruction…its her job to prove its obstruction for them to do what the law literally commands them to do

I love it when you pretend to understand legal concepts and principles. Like when you said that FOX News was going to get disclosure on Dominion Voting Machines proprietary software in Discovery for the Dominion libel suit against FOX.

It's very easy to prove obstruction, when you have an hour long telephone call on tape threatening Brad Raffensberger with prosecution if he doesn't "find" enough votes, among other very illegal suggestions.

It is not the job of the President of the United States to go hunting for election fraud. That's what he has a DOJ and an FBI to do, and neither of these agencies found any such fraud. For the President's campaign committee and staffers to be pressuring Secretaries of State to violate their oaths of office, is sedition.
Hahaa Shokin was appointed by Putin?? Hahaha.

Yes he was. When he was fired, he returned to Moscow to help FOX News make Joe Biden look bad,

How can you claim to follow politics and not know this stuff? This happened in 2016. The whole world watched it happen on TV. Where were you. Jerking off in the bathroom?
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Who are "we"?

Are you referencing ALL ruminants when you say that?

Anyone who continues to defend or support Donald Trump is guilty of subourning his criminal behaviour.

I have but not sure how it’s relevant here

You claimed it was obstruction…its her job to prove its obstruction for them to do what the law literally commands them to do

I love it when you pretend to understand legal concepts and principles. Like when you said that FOX News was going to get disclosure on Dominion Voting Machines proprietary software in Discovery for the Dominion libel suit against FOX.

It's very easy to prove obstruction, when you have an hour long telephone call on tape threatening Brad Raffensberger with prosecution if he doesn't "find" enough votes, among other very illegal suggestions.

It is not the job of the President of the United States to go hunting for election fraud. That's what he has a DOJ and an FBI to do, and neither of these agencies found any such fraud. For the President's campaign committee and staffers to be pressuring Secretaries of State to violate their oaths of office, is sedition.
That's a heap of fake news and projection.

The prosecutors have the receipts, the evidence, the witnesses, and the indictments. You've got denial and the word of Donald Trump. Good luck with that.
Anyone who continues to defend or support Donald Trump is guilty of subourning his criminal behaviour.

I love it when you pretend to understand legal concepts and principles. Like when you said that FOX News was going to get disclosure on Dominion Voting Machines proprietary software in Discovery for the Dominion libel suit against FOX.

It's very easy to prove obstruction, when you have an hour long telephone call on tape threatening Brad Raffensberger with prosecution if he doesn't "find" enough votes, among other very illegal suggestions.

It is not the job of the President of the United States to go hunting for election fraud. That's what he has a DOJ and an FBI to do, and neither of these agencies found any such fraud. For the President's campaign committee and staffers to be pressuring Secretaries of State to violate their oaths of office, is sedition.

Yes he was. When he was fired, he returned to Moscow to help FOX News make Joe Biden look bad,

How can you claim to follow politics and not know this stuff? This happened in 2016. The whole world watched it happen on TV. Where were you. Jerking off in the bathroom?
You're an idiot
Anyone who continues to defend or support Donald Trump is guilty of subourning his criminal behaviour.

I love it when you pretend to understand legal concepts and principles. Like when you said that FOX News was going to get disclosure on Dominion Voting Machines proprietary software in Discovery for the Dominion libel suit against FOX.

It's very easy to prove obstruction, when you have an hour long telephone call on tape threatening Brad Raffensberger with prosecution if he doesn't "find" enough votes, among other very illegal suggestions.

It is not the job of the President of the United States to go hunting for election fraud. That's what he has a DOJ and an FBI to do, and neither of these agencies found any such fraud. For the President's campaign committee and staffers to be pressuring Secretaries of State to violate their oaths of office, is sedition.

Yes he was. When he was fired, he returned to Moscow to help FOX News make Joe Biden look bad,

How can you claim to follow politics and not know this stuff? This happened in 2016. The whole world watched it happen on TV. Where were you. Jerking off in the bathroom?
When did i say that about Fox?

Can you show us this transcript of a call threatening prosecution?

Of course it’s the president’s job to hunt down election fraud…it’s his job to enforce federal law…the DOJ works for him

You got a link to Shokin being appointed by Putin or returning to Moscow?

How can you claim to follow politics and not know the president job is to enforce federal law?? Hahab
Maybe to a political hack like you, but to the inspector general it was legitimate.

So I guess the question is why you guys can only rely on lies to support your positions?
Projecting again?
When did i say that about Fox?

Can you show us this transcript of a call threatening prosecution?

Of course it’s the president’s job to hunt down election fraud…it’s his job to enforce federal law…the DOJ works for him

You got a link to Shokin being appointed by Putin or returning to Moscow?

How can you claim to follow politics and not know the president job is to enforce federal law?? Hahab

When Dominion filed suit.

You could have googled the transcript:

Personally?? The President is personally conducting investigations?????? Since when?

As for Shokin, you could have googled that too:

When Dominion filed suit.

You could have googled the transcript:

Personally?? The President is personally conducting investigations?????? Since when?

As for Shokin, you could have googled that too:

1) show me saying it
2) I did I don’t see where the threat was made…maybe you can point it out
3) if he wants, trump didn’t personally conduct any investigation either…so ….
4) your link doesn’t say he was appointed by Putin nor does it say he went “back to Russia” as you claimed
Making a factual statement is not concession dumbass

Your inability to refute the post, and going straight to baseless insults, is your concession, dumbass. When the facts are not on your side, it is better to stay quiet and let people think you're an idiot, than to post and remove all doubt.
1) show me saying it
2) I did I don’t see where the threat was made…maybe you can point it out
3) if he wants, trump didn’t personally conduct any investigation either…so ….
4) your link doesn’t say he was appointed by Putin nor does it say he went “back to Russia” as you claimed

Go fuck yourself asshole. Yoy haven't even had time to read the transcript yet.

As for Shokin. You didn't read that article either:

“Poroshenko came to me with a clear request and the signatures of a hundred people in his faction,” says Piskun, who headed the prosecutor’s office between 2002-2005. “For the time I have known them, Shokin and Poroshenko were always extremely close. I must admit I never quite got to the bottom of exactly what their relationship was.”

“They were together till the end,” says former deputy prosecutor Sakvarelidze. “You can be sure there were financial ties. In Ukraine, it is normal for a major oligarch to find his own prosecutor, his own judges and so on. Shokin was Poroshenko’s special deputy prosecutor. There was no surprise when Poroshenko brought him out of retirement.”

“Neither Shokin nor Poroshenko wanted to investigate [Burisma owner Mykola] Zlochevsky,” says Sakvarelidze. “They simply began a criminal case, arrested a few assets, and began negotiating with the corruptioneer for a bribe.”

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