Germans want Donald Trump to pull US troops out of Germany, poll finds

This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.

It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
Anyways, I think Germany should be occupied.

A nation of natural born trouble-makers, from the German tribes who sacked, and pillaged Rome, to the Germans who caused the extinction of European tribes in the Wendish Crusade, and the Northern Crusades, as well as the Rhineland Massacres, 30 Year War, WW1, and WW2.
It is occupied. Eat a Bratwurst.
No? What about the five tanks joke armies?

A war between Russia and the EU would be a disaster for both sides and both sides know it. WW2 was going on a century ago now. The world is changing. Lighting fast travel and the internet have fused cultures more than ever more. I really don't think that kind of conflict will ever happen again.


Are you drunk this early in the day?

Hitler came to power in 1919, almost exactly a century ago.

September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.

I said it was going on a century ago, and that's true. The world and cultures have changed drastically since then. I don't think there will ever be another conflict of that magnitude.

Hitler came to power in 1919? What fucked up history book are you reading? When it says "Alternative History" means that it is fiction!

In 1923 he was in prison! He didn't "come to power" for another decade, you dumbass!

You do know a "century" means 100 years? World War I ended less than a century ago!

His rise to power began in 1919, and I said going on a century, not literally a century. Do you speak English? You're stuck on semantics because you don't want to address the actual point, which is that the world has changed.

No, you did not you ignorant, lying POS!

You said: "WW2 was going on a century ago now. "

"Going on" means "happening". Does your Swedish girlfriend speak English as poorly as you do?

You said: "WW2 was going on a century ago now. "

Admit you fucked up and we will laugh at your dumb ass some more!
Anyways, I think Germany should be occupied.

A nation of natural born trouble-makers, from the German tribes who sacked, and pillaged Rome, to the Germans who caused the extinction of European tribes in the Wendish Crusade, and the Northern Crusades, as well as the Rhineland Massacres, 30 Year War, WW1, and WW2.
It is occupied. Eat a Bratwurst.

The Visagrad 4, and perhaps a couple of Baltic, and Balkan nations are probably the only "Fit" Europeans to make serious political decisions.

Germans are bat shit insane, Russian's are Communist kooks, Brits are sneak snakes, French, and Swedes have Va-Jay's Jay's only, and Italiano's are too thuggish, and emotional.
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.

It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
I like how the Soviets treated Poles.
A war between Russia and the EU would be a disaster for both sides and both sides know it. WW2 was going on a century ago now. The world is changing. Lighting fast travel and the internet have fused cultures more than ever more. I really don't think that kind of conflict will ever happen again.


Are you drunk this early in the day?

Hitler came to power in 1919, almost exactly a century ago.

September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.

I said it was going on a century ago, and that's true. The world and cultures have changed drastically since then. I don't think there will ever be another conflict of that magnitude.

Hitler came to power in 1919? What fucked up history book are you reading? When it says "Alternative History" means that it is fiction!

In 1923 he was in prison! He didn't "come to power" for another decade, you dumbass!

You do know a "century" means 100 years? World War I ended less than a century ago!

His rise to power began in 1919, and I said going on a century, not literally a century. Do you speak English? You're stuck on semantics because you don't want to address the actual point, which is that the world has changed.

No, you did not you ignorant, lying POS!

You said: "WW2 was going on a century ago now. "

"Going on" means "happening". Does your Swedish girlfriend speak English as poorly as you do?

You said: "WW2 was going on a century ago now. "

Admit you fucked up and we will laugh at your dumb ass some more!

If you weren't an idiot you would have pieced together what I was saying. Have you ever heard somebody address time and say something like "It's going on 2 PM." or something similar? It means it's not actually that time yet, but it will be soon. I know what I said and I know more about World War 2 than you do because I'm actually educated.
Anyways, I think Germany should be occupied.

A nation of natural born trouble-makers, from the German tribes who sacked, and pillaged Rome, to the Germans who caused the extinction of European tribes in the Wendish Crusade, and the Northern Crusades, as well as the Rhineland Massacres, 30 Year War, WW1, and WW2.
It is occupied. Eat a Bratwurst.

The Visagrad 4, and perhaps a couple of Baltic, and Balkan nations are probably the only "Fit" Europeans to make serious political decisions.

Germans are bat shit insane, Russian's are Communist kooks, Brits are sneak snakes, French, and Swedes have Va-Jay's Jay's only, and Italiano's are too thuggish, and emotional.
The decisions for Poland are made in USA - even more than it applies for Germany.

Are you drunk this early in the day?

Hitler came to power in 1919, almost exactly a century ago.

September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.

I said it was going on a century ago, and that's true. The world and cultures have changed drastically since then. I don't think there will ever be another conflict of that magnitude.

Hitler came to power in 1919? What fucked up history book are you reading? When it says "Alternative History" means that it is fiction!

In 1923 he was in prison! He didn't "come to power" for another decade, you dumbass!

You do know a "century" means 100 years? World War I ended less than a century ago!

His rise to power began in 1919, and I said going on a century, not literally a century. Do you speak English? You're stuck on semantics because you don't want to address the actual point, which is that the world has changed.

No, you did not you ignorant, lying POS!

You said: "WW2 was going on a century ago now. "

"Going on" means "happening". Does your Swedish girlfriend speak English as poorly as you do?

You said: "WW2 was going on a century ago now. "

Admit you fucked up and we will laugh at your dumb ass some more!

If you weren't an idiot you would have pieced together what I was saying. Have you ever heard somebody address time and say something like "It's going on 2 PM." or something similar? It means it's not actually that time yet, but it will be soon. I know what I said and I know more about World War 2 than you do because I'm actually educated.

Yes, I have heard that and it is a sign of illiteracy.

So you are a World War II expert? Where did you earn your degree? How long did you teach it?
Yes, I have heard that and it is a sign of illiteracy.

No it isn't. Struggling to piece together the meaning behind the words of other people is a sign of illiteracy.

So you are a World War II expert? Where did you earn your degree? How long did you teach it?

You're an idiot for making the assumption you did because it's common knowledge that World War 2 was from 1939 to 1945. Obviously that is not literally a century, and I knew that when I posted. I am telling you you misunderstood my text because you are a nitwit.
Yes, I have heard that and it is a sign of illiteracy.

No it isn't. Struggling to piece together the meaning behind the words of other people is a sign of illiteracy.

So you are a World War II expert? Where did you earn your degree? How long did you teach it?

You're an idiot for making the assumption you did because it's common knowledge that World War 2 was from 1939 to 1945. Obviously that is not literally a century, and I knew that when I posted. I am telling you you misunderstood my text because you are a nitwit.

Your username is so accurate because you have just claimed what you said was different now for a third time. You were not talking about how long the war was. You were talking that it was a century ago, which was not and will not remain true for another 21 years!

You still did not answer my questions. Is it because you do not have a degree and you have never taught the subject? I'll bet you have never taken a course in military history!

I have. In fact, I also had courses in Naval History and the History of Air Power.

So, will you lay out your bona fides or continue to revel in your ignorant retorts?
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.
It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
You don’t know Putin. He will take advantage of opportunities, like what Trump will offer in his naive “deal making”.
That’s beyond poisoning former Russian officers who defect or killing (via goons) journalists & statesmen who criticize his authoritarian government.
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.
It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
You don’t know Putin. He will take advantage of opportunities, like what Trump will offer in his naive “deal making”.
That’s beyond poisoning former Russian officers who defect or killing (via goons) journalists & statesmen who criticize his authoritarian government.
Please explain it to us. So, you are for the pipeline now, even though obama and kerry were against it?

Please explain to us precisely how and what evidence you have that Trump in any way is Putin's puppet.

Want me to list how skinny black messiah was Putin's bitch during his fraudulent presidency?

Let know. You know I have a list. Do you? Show it.
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.
It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
You don’t know Putin. He will take advantage of opportunities, like what Trump will offer in his naive “deal making”.
That’s beyond poisoning former Russian officers who defect or killing (via goons) journalists & statesmen who criticize his authoritarian government.

So what "deals" has Trump been offering him? Let's keep it real and not deal with your overactive imagination please!
Your username is so accurate because you have just claimed what you said was different now for a third time. You were not talking about how long the war was. You were talking that it was a century ago, which was not and will not remain true for another 21 years!

You're seriously still confused? For fuck sake dude. I pointed out the years of the war to demonstrate that I know it wasn't literally 100 years ago. I can do basic math, probably unlike you. You just don't want to face that you misunderstood the meaning behind my words. It's whatever though. You've made it clear you're either too dumb or too stubborn to see the truth here.

You still did not answer my questions. Is it because you do not have a degree and you have never taught the subject? I'll bet you have never taken a course in military history!

I have. In fact, I also had courses in Naval History and the History of Air Power.

So, will you lay out your bona fides or continue to revel in your ignorant retorts?

Making claims on the internet is pointless. I could easily lie to you. You could easily lie to me. It's a waste of time. Honestly I was mostly just operating on the assumption that you're not intelligent enough to excel in an academic environment.
The resulting German migration to north America would gut Germany's economy and add many full points to our GDP growthrates

Germany's not really in worse shape than the U.S.A.

People think Europe is going to be invaded the moment the U.S military isn't present. They're nuts.
Is that why Sweden and Estonia are on an elevated war footing in preparation for a non Russian invasion?

I just spent a month in Sweden. I didn't hear anything about them being worried about war.
What the populace believes or fears does not correlate with the crap their governments dream up. There, here, anywhere.
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.
It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
You don’t know Putin. He will take advantage of opportunities, like what Trump will offer in his naive “deal making”.
That’s beyond poisoning former Russian officers who defect or killing (via goons) journalists & statesmen who criticize his authoritarian government.
Please explain it to us. So, you are for the pipeline now, even though obama and kerry were against it?

Please explain to us precisely how and what evidence you have that Trump in any way is Putin's puppet.

Want me to list how skinny black messiah was Putin's bitch during his fraudulent presidency?

Let know. You know I have a list. Do you? Show it.
I have mixed feelings about that pipeline; it’s got pros & cons. The big con is becoming reliant on Russia, and Putin is an asshole that would take advantage.
Let’s see what Trump gives away in a few days ...
This always comes up with the loser left and even the right.

First of all EVERY MILTARY BASE around the world is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Our logisitical readiness is essential to our country and the allies we defend.

Meanwhile, lets be clear. This country does NOT OCCUPY those countries. This country does not subjugate their citizens.

Those countries, LOVE OUR MONEY and RELY ON OUR PROTECTION. The dumb, ungrateful, ignorant losers have no clue.

The day they understand that they understand little, will he the day they understand a lot.
It's more like the U.S.A plays "Good cop" as the Globalist police.

I'm actually probably more terrified of the U.S.A than even Russia, not by a lot, but by a little.
You don’t know Putin. He will take advantage of opportunities, like what Trump will offer in his naive “deal making”.
That’s beyond poisoning former Russian officers who defect or killing (via goons) journalists & statesmen who criticize his authoritarian government.

So what "deals" has Trump been offering him? Let's keep it real and not deal with your overactive imagination please!
Let’s see ... soon, when they meet.

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