God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

I fail to see the distinction between God personally coaching and God essentially making somebody Soh. This is same God who is capable if creating the whole Universe. I would think his 'coaching' would carry a lot of weight.

God isn't just an observer, he saves people sometimes from earthquakes and other natural disasters, He even once got mad and killed almost every human being and land animal on the planet.

I find it odd that we are judged on things we will do with our free will, but yet sometimes he 'coaches' and sometimes miraculously saves individuals from accidents or disease thus effecting their free will. When God Winks seem to espouse the theory that God, yet again, is not just an observer. It seems that when it comes to events where thousands or millions die and suffer, and He fails to do anything, that's when the 'free will' defense gets used.
1. Mike thinks he was advised when to throw his hat in the ring. That is his belief. I'm not going to call bullshit. Who knows?

2. God put the energy of the universe through an aperture about the size of an atom, and then prevented it from collapsing back on itself like a black-hole does. He also set the many parameters that make our universe unique, like time, light, gravity, even the exact amount of energy to allow the formation of the universe. Any more energy and it collapses into a black hole, any less and it expands without ever forming matter. The formation of the universe was not an accident, matter doesn't form from empty space.

3. Are you saying that miracles never happen, they are all frauds?

4. I don't question why things unfold the way they do. That's way above my pay grade.
He should not proselytize when he is in a secular position, "separation of church and state" and all.

The OP already said that no press was in the room, Mike thought he was among Evangelicals, who all talk to God.
THOSE WORDS DO NOT EXIST IN EXIST THE CONSTITUTION. Quit acting like they do to try and pull the wool over peoples eyes. Prayer is an example of talking to God if you have an issue with it don't do it!
Prove it.

I just posted a video with an explanation of the process. You're going to have to be more specific about which part you'd like explained to you in greater detail.
Which proves your faith in "big bang".
That's not faith that's science. What seperates the two is that science has predictive qualities. You form a theory and then you test to see whether events unfold as you predicted they would.
Something came from nothing or in your words "we don't know".
We don't know isn't the same as something came nothing. It isn't even nothing you moron. Energy existed in a super hot dense state and the suddenly expanded and cooled into all the matter and forces of energy that you see around you today. What caused that expansion? Again we don't know. We know the Universe wasn't created in seven days though.
Wow. Why do you find discussing one's faith in public so offensive? Do you tell gays to STFU when discussing issues related to their sexual orientation? Minorities when discussing their race?
In polite respective company, one usually avoids discussion about any of these matters.
1. Mike thinks he was advised when to throw his hat in the ring. That is his belief. I'm not going to call bullshit. Who knows?

2. God put the energy of the universe through an aperture about the size of an atom, and then prevented it from collapsing back on itself like a black-hole does. He also set the many parameters that make our universe unique, like time, light, gravity, even the exact amount of energy to allow the formation of the universe. Any more energy and it collapses into a black hole, any less and it expands without ever forming matter. The formation of the universe was not an accident, matter doesn't form from empty space.

3. Are you saying that miracles never happen, they are all frauds?

4. I don't question why things unfold the way they do. That's way above my pay grade.

1. I agree with you, but IMO it's BS.

2. This your opinion. I respect that but there is no proof God had anything to do with it.

3. Not necessarily frauds. Many people seriously believe it without proof. I respect their beliefs, but disagree with them.

4. I question things, but I respect your not wanting to.
Nope The only big bang was God spoke! You have serious issues with fairy tales, such as two nothings became something, and then evolved into everything else. :auiqs.jpg: :slap: 🤡
All you're doing is revealing you're Bingo understanding of the big bang theory coupled with a lot of projection since it's the nothing of invisible sky daddy that you clowns attribute to the universes creation. :itsok: There there bingo.
what caused the big bang?
Who knows? Science isn't afraid to admit where it's knowledge falls short. Maybe quantum mechanics and folded dimensions? Sean Carrol gives a good lecture on it. I'm not an astrophysicist, I just enjoy reading about it.
Yes. It's a word.

my favorites are the ones that know they do not act like a Christian and just use the excuse they are just not very good Christians.
My favorites are those who say they do not believe while arguing about something they say doesn't exist. Seriously you all do believe your pride just will not let you acknowledge it because then you wouldn't be able to sin!
I just posted a video

I can post videos too, if you would like.

Would they prove God to you?

That's not faith that's science. What seperates the two is that science has predictive qualities. You form a theory and then you test to see whether events unfold as you predicted they would.

Seems you need to brush up on the definition of science.

Please tell who observed billions of years. I'll wait.

We don't know isn't the same as something came nothing. It isn't even nothing you moron. Energy existed in a super hot dense state and the suddenly expanded and cooled into all the matter and forces of energy that you see around you today. What caused that expansion? Again we don't know. We know the Universe wasn't created in seven days though.

What created the energy?
All you're doing is revealing you're Bingo understanding of the big bang theory coupled with a lot of projection since it's the nothing of invisible sky daddy that you clowns attribute to the universes creation. :itsok: There there bingo.
You are the biggest fool! There is nothing in the theory of the big bang, that carries any weight, because you can't take me back to the beginning without a supernatural force, just admit it
Who knows?

Your ancestors are rocks.


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