Good Job Mr. President!

[ame=]John Stossel - Public Sector Unions - YouTube[/ame]
John Stossel - Public Sector Unions
A quick little correction - Obama aims to save $3 billion over the next ten years. That means $300,000,000 per year, not $300,000.

(Brits and Americans have a different definition of "billion." The Brits leave off three zeroes.)
Peachy. That has to do with small business how?

Maybe you should watch the vid and learn something. The free market works, not cronyizm
SBA as part of the president's cabnet? I think not.

Or maybe you should stop dodging issues or topics discussed and try to avoid the usual ConservaRepubLitarian tactic of change the subject, dodge or in this case, post a guy from FOX.
I already watch FOX (much to my wife's irritation). Have you considered oh, thinking for yourself? Posting thoughts that haven't been fed through media or brochures? Try it sometime. It's fun! :eusa_angel:
Maybe you should watch the vid and learn something. The free market works, not cronyizm
SBA as part of the president's cabnet? I think not.

Or maybe you should stop dodging issues or topics discussed and try to avoid the usual ConservaRepubLitarian tactic of change the subject, dodge or in this case, post a guy from FOX.
I already watch FOX (much to my wife's irritation). Have you considered oh, thinking for yourself? Posting thoughts that haven't been fed through media or brochures? Try it sometime. It's fun! :eusa_angel:

The truth hurts that’s cool doesn't quite fit into your stupid narrative you laid out in this thread try using a little logic sometime:eusa_eh:
What are the big promises kept?

Well he promised to revamp health care and although I think ObamaCare sucks big time, he did keep his promise.
He promised to shift the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan until he found the people who were actually responsible for 9/11 and rained justice down upon them. He did EXACTLY that. Getting OBL was cool too!
He promised to repeal DADT. That was huge.
He promised to get us out of Iraq. That's huge.
He promised to close Git-Mo and by gosh he sure tried. So I give him credit for that, even the the GOP shut him down on it.

Those are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

Keep in mind, I still think he sucks but I'm not a drone so I have no problem with acknowledging the stuff he does right.

"All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"
Or maybe you should stop dodging issues or topics discussed and try to avoid the usual ConservaRepubLitarian tactic of change the subject, dodge or in this case, post a guy from FOX.
I already watch FOX (much to my wife's irritation). Have you considered oh, thinking for yourself? Posting thoughts that haven't been fed through media or brochures? Try it sometime. It's fun! :eusa_angel:

The truth hurts that’s cool doesn't quite fit into your stupid narrative you laid out in this thread try using a little logic sometime:eusa_eh:

What truth? The opinion of someone with whom I disagree? What truth? Seriously. What in your cute little FOX video has anything to do with small businesses in America? And really, don't you have any opinions of your own on the subject?
The truth hurts that’s cool doesn't quite fit into your stupid narrative you laid out in this thread try using a little logic sometime:eusa_eh:

What truth? The opinion of someone with whom I disagree? What truth? Seriously. What in your cute little FOX video has anything to do with small businesses in America? And really, don't you have any opinions of your own on the subject?

Really? So why are you sucking up to Obama? A man that has expanded the government more than any president since LBJ. Use your head man, look at the big picture,not the stupid little bullshit Obama puts out for you, and people like you:eusa_eh:
What truth? The opinion of someone with whom I disagree? What truth? Seriously. What in your cute little FOX video has anything to do with small businesses in America? And really, don't you have any opinions of your own on the subject?

Really? So why are you sucking up to Obama? A man that has expanded the government more than any president since LBJ. Use your head man, look at the big picture,not the stupid little bullshit Obama puts out for you, and people like you:eusa_eh:

People like me? What do you mean by people like me?
People like me? What do you mean by people like me?

People who are easily taken in by stuff like this.

Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".
People who are easily taken in by stuff like this.

Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".

Well..I'm not going to waste time on a bullshit praise Obama thread. "Good Job Mr President" Really? Good Job at throwing out bullshit to gain praise from people like you. give me a break:eusa_eh:
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People who are easily taken in by stuff like this.

Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".

Well..I'm not going to waste time on a bullshit praise Obama thread. "Good Job Mr President" Really? Good Job at throwing out bullshit to gain praise from people like you. give me a break:eusa_eh:

no kidding. and they are too stupid to see he isn't cutting shit...he is combining them into one big happy Government agency
Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".

If you were really an honest, independent, and logical thinker you would have titled this thread "Good Idea Mr. President" instead of giving him credit for doing something that has not happened. Him asking for the authority to do something everyone knows that the Democrats in the Senate will oppose smacks of political grandstanding to me, even if I like the idea.
Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".

If you were really an honest, independent, and logical thinker you would have titled this thread "Good Idea Mr. President" instead of giving him credit for doing something that has not happened. Him asking for the authority to do something everyone knows that the Democrats in the Senate will oppose smacks of political grandstanding to me, even if I like the idea.

So let's see. Hmmm.
I like the concept of streamlining government. Guess what? Even if Obama doesn't fire one single worker, I still like the idea. And again, I really like the possibility that other Democrats might actually realize that the citizens want this and perhaps, stop interfering with efforts to do so.
Would I like to see our federal government reduced in size? Of course. I've posted this on several threads and even listed about a dozen agencies I'd dump altogether.
But this isn't about the Republicans proposing streamlining government. If it was, you guys would all be agreeing with me and marveling at the common sense of it. Because I like the idea even when it comes from Obama, I'm now dishonest etc... Yup. Predictible.

Oh and I agree with you that your title would have been better. So it's makes me dishonest and not independent that I didn't come up with the best possible title? Or is it that you're just dying to do exactly what I predicted?
Since I don't agree completely and in every possible way with ConservaRepubLitarians, I must be _____________ (insert petty insult here - in this case, dishonest etc...). Typical tactic.
So maybe you've never written anything that could have been improved upon or clarified? Yeah right.

BTW, thanks for the tip on the ghostery thing but I still get ads. Apparently now that the Miss America Pageant is over, I am somehow better suited to take polls offered by Newsmax or go back to college... Also, I keep getting these little boxes in the upper right hand corner that say things like "Google Analytics". Should I click on them? Then what?
Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".

If you were really an honest, independent, and logical thinker you would have titled this thread "Good Idea Mr. President" instead of giving him credit for doing something that has not happened. Him asking for the authority to do something everyone knows that the Democrats in the Senate will oppose smacks of political grandstanding to me, even if I like the idea.

So let's see. Hmmm.
I like the concept of streamlining government. Guess what? Even if Obama doesn't fire one single worker, I still like the idea. And again, I really like the possibility that other Democrats might actually realize that the citizens want this and perhaps, stop interfering with efforts to do so.
Would I like to see our federal government reduced in size? Of course. I've posted this on several threads and even listed about a dozen agencies I'd dump altogether.
But this isn't about the Republicans proposing streamlining government. If it was, you guys would all be agreeing with me and marveling at the common sense of it. Because I like the idea even when it comes from Obama, I'm now dishonest etc... Yup. Predictible.

Oh and I agree with you that your title would have been better. So it's makes me dishonest and not independent that I didn't come up with the best possible title? Or is it that you're just dying to do exactly what I predicted?
Since I don't agree completely and in every possible way with ConservaRepubLitarians, I must be _____________ (insert petty insult here - in this case, dishonest etc...). Typical tactic.
So maybe you've never written anything that could have been improved upon or clarified? Yeah right.

BTW, thanks for the tip on the ghostery thing but I still get ads. Apparently now that the Miss America Pageant is over, I am somehow better suited to take polls offered by Newsmax or go back to college... Also, I keep getting these little boxes in the upper right hand corner that say things like "Google Analytics". Should I click on them? Then what?

I have been quite clear throughout this thread that the only part of this idea I do not like is folding the USTR, a small and responsive agency that usually does a good job, into the same agency that monitors compliance with trade agreements. I think that anyone can see the problem with this, and even some Democrats have spoken up against it. I would say exactly the same thing if a Republican had proposed it because I base my opinions on my understanding of reality. In other words, I can be wrong, and will be, but when I am I can learn from my mistakes.

My problem with you is ot just from this thread, it is from all your posts. You have a tendency to point at one side and not the other when describing problems. When people point this out to you you respond by accusing them of being partisan hacks. The strange thing I have noticed is that all the partisan hacks are on the right, the left side seems to be filled with reasonable people who can think, even when they disagree with you. I will admit I have not read all your posts, so feel free to point out where you have accused people on the left of disagreeing with you because they are reacting without thinking.

As for Ghostery, it doesn't stop ads, it only stops trackers and cookies, if you turn all the features on. In Firefox it will also block web trackers. Use NoScript and AdBlock if you want to block ads. No Script is especially effective, but it takes extra work to make it work right. I do not know your level of tech comfort. One I recommend as an alternative for my friends who are less than proficient is Yes Script because you have to set it to block scripts manually.
If you were really an honest, independent, and logical thinker you would have titled this thread "Good Idea Mr. President" instead of giving him credit for doing something that has not happened. Him asking for the authority to do something everyone knows that the Democrats in the Senate will oppose smacks of political grandstanding to me, even if I like the idea.

So let's see. Hmmm.
I like the concept of streamlining government. Guess what? Even if Obama doesn't fire one single worker, I still like the idea. And again, I really like the possibility that other Democrats might actually realize that the citizens want this and perhaps, stop interfering with efforts to do so.
Would I like to see our federal government reduced in size? Of course. I've posted this on several threads and even listed about a dozen agencies I'd dump altogether.
But this isn't about the Republicans proposing streamlining government. If it was, you guys would all be agreeing with me and marveling at the common sense of it. Because I like the idea even when it comes from Obama, I'm now dishonest etc... Yup. Predictible.

Oh and I agree with you that your title would have been better. So it's makes me dishonest and not independent that I didn't come up with the best possible title? Or is it that you're just dying to do exactly what I predicted?
Since I don't agree completely and in every possible way with ConservaRepubLitarians, I must be _____________ (insert petty insult here - in this case, dishonest etc...). Typical tactic.
So maybe you've never written anything that could have been improved upon or clarified? Yeah right.

BTW, thanks for the tip on the ghostery thing but I still get ads. Apparently now that the Miss America Pageant is over, I am somehow better suited to take polls offered by Newsmax or go back to college... Also, I keep getting these little boxes in the upper right hand corner that say things like "Google Analytics". Should I click on them? Then what?

I have been quite clear throughout this thread that the only part of this idea I do not like is folding the USTR, a small and responsive agency that usually does a good job, into the same agency that monitors compliance with trade agreements. I think that anyone can see the problem with this, and even some Democrats have spoken up against it. I would say exactly the same thing if a Republican had proposed it because I base my opinions on my understanding of reality. In other words, I can be wrong, and will be, but when I am I can learn from my mistakes.

My problem with you is ot just from this thread, it is from all your posts. You have a tendency to point at one side and not the other when describing problems. When people point this out to you you respond by accusing them of being partisan hacks. The strange thing I have noticed is that all the partisan hacks are on the right, the left side seems to be filled with reasonable people who can think, even when they disagree with you. I will admit I have not read all your posts, so feel free to point out where you have accused people on the left of disagreeing with you because they are reacting without thinking.

As for Ghostery, it doesn't stop ads, it only stops trackers and cookies, if you turn all the features on. In Firefox it will also block web trackers. Use NoScript and AdBlock if you want to block ads. No Script is especially effective, but it takes extra work to make it work right. I do not know your level of tech comfort. One I recommend as an alternative for my friends who are less than proficient is Yes Script because you have to set it to block scripts manually.

You might start with my posts on Unions, Why I won't Vote For Obama or Tebow... And you might also consider how many times The Right will instantly label someone a Lefty if there is so much of a grain of disagreement with the FOX Doctrine displayed.

And as far as saying people are drones, you're right. I probably do that too often. I'll work on it.
Does that mean there are none? Nope. In this very thread you'll see plenty of people who have praised the GOP for wanting to streamline government but now condemn the very concept, because it has been presented by Obama. Or would you contend that there are NO people who have virtually every decision and viewpoint, guided by party or ideology? I see it on The Left and Right all the time.
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People who are easily taken in by stuff like this.

Do you think I'm an Obama supporter? That I'm going to vote for him? Wrong!
The difference between you and me is simple: Whether or not he goes through with this, I like the concept and can acknowledge it is a good idea.
Same with giving small business a voice in our government.
You can't even ackowledge the concepts are good because Obama presented them - therefore they must be horrible and anyone not drinking the kool-aid must be a "Liberal" or "Obamabot".

The difference between you and just about everyone else here, is that just about everyone else here isn't an insufferable narcissist, like you are....This thread is about you trying to gain some cred as an "independent", more so than anything that the Boiking talks about maybe, possibly (most likely probably not) doing.

But it seems that the only thing that exceeds your narcissism is your gullibility...Here we have a prez who has pissed away $5 trillion, signed off on a 2,000+ page medical insurance fascism bill that nobody -including himself- read, a 3,000+ page "financial reform" bill written by two of the biggest crooks in the halls of congress, now suddenly coming to Jesus and talking like the biggest libertarian since Robert Taft, and you start this thread cheering as though he's serious.

This thread isn't about anybody but you, pal.

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