Grade Trump's first year

Grade Trump's first year

  • A+

    Votes: 37 31.6%
  • A

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • C

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • C-

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • D

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • D-

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • F

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Incomplete or withdrawal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What you think?

There's no F- so I can't vote.

The level of stupidity here is in the stratosphere.
I gave him a C. His childish antics, lies and twitter battles hurt the de-regulations and the paris accord.
Maybe his new year resolution is too realize his big mouth hurts him more than anything.

Ain't gonna' happen. Sociopaths don't possess introspection. Neither do Merck Manual-certified narcissists.
What you think?

He's a complete failure in every aspect of the job. His is unfit and incompetent & appears to have a Personality Disorder, Cluster B Personality Type, to wit:

"characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

See: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5(5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association

You are probably correct, since when is anybody called messiah. Oh wait, that is not Trump, it was the other guy:Boom2:

He was an embarrassment to the nation, destroyed international relationships, raped the environment and healthcare

As a positive, he did not get us into war and had a strong economy
A - for not fucking up Obamas economy and stock market .. YET.
The economy and stock market that was stagnant until he was elected? lol

stagnant market - NOT HARDLY - IDIOT.
How many record highs have we seen since Trump was elected? :2up:

a lot less than during Obamas terms


You literally have to keep showing them the facts and figures, they either choose to forget or deny in the first place.

Look where the market was when Bush left, hovering just above 7000.

A - for not fucking up Obamas economy and stock market .. YET.
The economy and stock market that was stagnant until he was elected? lol

stagnant market - NOT HARDLY - IDIOT.
I copied you multiple links proving that he had the worst recovery since WW2

seems you like lying or have the memory range of a gold fish

Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs


bite me

Yep, and most of them were part time, lol. Show us how PERSONAL INCOME rose under Obama-) Oh wait, you can't, it fell, lolol......phony-baloney!

Lowered my taxes, then lowered them even more by getting rid of Obamacare's fascist mandate.

He also called out Harvard on their anti-Asian racism even though he never campaigned on that issue.

He's also kept up the fight on illegal immigrants.

Hahahaha....You can use that money you saved on taxes to pay for the yuuuuge hike you're going to see in your health insurance premiums.

Health insurance premiums under obamacare were at $400 to $500 a month with a $6,000 deductible. My son had to take a loan out on his house to pay for his wife's broken wrist, See, AFTER the deductible is paid, obamacare STILL didn't pay for 100% CARE, THAT'S worthless insurance under obamacare.
A - for not fucking up Obamas economy and stock market .. YET.
The economy and stock market that was stagnant until he was elected? lol

stagnant market - NOT HARDLY - IDIOT.
How many record highs have we seen since Trump was elected? :2up:

a lot less than during Obamas terms


You literally have to keep showing them the facts and figures, they either choose to forget or deny in the first place.

Look where the market was when Bush left, hovering just above 7000.

Gee, wonder what would happen if Trump talked the Federal Reserve into QE14 now, lololol! You are either a propagandist, or economically illiterate. In either case, you are ABSOLUTELY a Socialist, so why don't you take your derriere to Cuba where it belongs!

Lowered my taxes, then lowered them even more by getting rid of Obamacare's fascist mandate.

He also called out Harvard on their anti-Asian racism even though he never campaigned on that issue.

He's also kept up the fight on illegal immigrants.

Hahahaha....You can use that money you saved on taxes to pay for the yuuuuge hike you're going to see in your health insurance premiums.

Health insurance premiums under obamacare were at $400 to $500 a month with a $6,000 deductible. My son had to take a loan out on his house to pay for his wife's broken wrist, See, AFTER the deductible is paid, obamacare STILL didn't pay for 100% CARE, THAT'S worthless insurance under obamacare.

His wife's physicians may have billed them for stuff that their insurance doesn't cover: scans, tests, etc. That's how it's always been with insurance companies. You have to stop them and ask. If his wife went to an ER for her wrist, I would bet you any amount of money that docs out of network came by and did a "ca-ching" on your daughter-in-law. Insurance isn't going to pay for out of network docs and treatments.

Tell him he'd better get on back down to the bank and prepare to taken out another loan because it's going to be double next time. Do the math: You take money out of the insurance pool and the insurance companies are going to RAISE premiums on the remaining policy holders, not lower them.

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