Greatest President Since Teddy Roosevelt

Comparing trump to Teddy Roosevelt in any way is laughable. You are not living in reality if you think it is even close.
Of course they are. TR’s critics called him “ that damn cowboy in the White House.” Both from NYC, both had wealthy fathers, both share the right to use military in our hemisphere.
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Okay, so birds. What about all the other animals in the forests they destroy to make the government money? Birds can fly away, these animals cannot.

Since when has Donald Trump given a damn about animals. He wants to do away with the endangered species act.
Quote from Trump on that? He didn’t want to hold up Keystone Pipeline for a gecko.

So now you are calling every, single mother of every, single person in the 'caravan' a bitch? And not only that. You are calling for the soldiers to shoot every, single, one of them.

Sadly - Bush92's slow fade into a raging insanity/senility continues right before our eyes.

I should start a pool so people can pick a day and time when he starts to just drool all day long...occasionally typing out incoherent rants of bile and hatred on his keyboard.
Give me an old M60 and I’ll do it myself. These people are criminals. Go back and make changes in your own nation.
Trump is absolutely everything that TR fought against. TR would be ashamed to have Trump in the same party as he was. One was Rough Rider who charged up San Juan Hill the other a 5 deferment coward who choose to avoid service because of bone spurs. Mentioning TR and Trump in the same sentence is a disgrace to TR.
TR stood for the working man through the free market...but wanted a fair market as well. Trump stands for same. TR was opposed to Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs In 1912 election. Trump is certainly not a socialist and he and Teddy opposed the radical idea of socialism.
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?
He was not the father of progressivism. Don’t equate the old progressive movement to the socialist idea of today espoused by the DNC. When a socialist tries say they are progressive it makes my laugh. Progressive era died by 1924. Then came FDR liberals followed by LBJ neo-liberals followed by Obama’s socialist takeover of Democratic Party.
Trump is absolutely everything that TR fought against. TR would be ashamed to have Trump in the same party as he was. One was Rough Rider who charged up San Juan Hill the other a 5 deferment coward who choose to avoid service because of bone spurs. Mentioning TR and Trump in the same sentence is a disgrace to TR.
TR stood for the working man through the free market...but wanted a fair market as well. Trump stands for same. TR was opposed to Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs In 1912 election. Trump is certainly not a socialist and he and Teddy opposed the radical idea of socialism.
TR took on his own class and became known as the Trustbuster. Trump increased membership in Mar-a-Lago by $100,000.00 and continues to this day to wine and dine with his fellow billionaires there and to brag about how much money he is making them in tax breaks.

TR was a founder of the environmental movement who protected and expanded our natural parks. Trump seeks to destroy TR's legacy by opening our parks to drilling and environmental degradation.

TR was an avid reader. Trump can't read over 240 characters and hasn't read a book since LBJ was president.

TR was a man loyalty. Trump thinks loyalty is a one street to him alone.

I could go on and on. As I said it is a disgrace to utter the name TR and Trump in the same sentence. They are nothing alike.
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?
He was not the father of progressivism. Don’t equate the old progressive movement to the socialist idea of today espoused by the DNC. When a socialist tries say they are progressive it makes my laugh. Progressive era died by 1924. Then came FDR liberals followed by LBJ neo-liberals followed by Obama’s socialist takeover of Democratic Party.
You obviously do not know your history. TR was the original progressive. He was behind many laws that we would consider liberal today.
Any president who was not born in Boston has nothing to do with our constitution.
it was written in Boston .
Trump was born in New York.
Sometimes, when something is started by Republicans, people make the mistake of thinking it's supposed to be that way.

Sometimes, when something is started by Republicans, people make the mistake of thinking it's supposed to be that way.

What any of this have to do with George HW Bush?
Any president who was not born in Boston has nothing to do with our constitution.
it was written in Boston .
Trump was born in New York.
It was written in Philadelphia. Summer 1787.
They must have strong arms. Look at this guy:

Sometimes, when something is started by Republicans, people make the mistake of thinking it's supposed to be that way.

What any of this have to do with George HW Bush?
G HW Bush is considered a faux conservative by today's Trumpian standards as is TR. I voted for G HW B.
Sometimes, when something is started by Republicans, people make the mistake of thinking it's supposed to be that way.

What any of this have to do with George HW Bush?
What does it have to do with a soldier holding an umbrella for Obama?

Imagine TR preparing for San Juan Hill and then sighing "oh for goodness' sake, I can't do this, it's raining"
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Sometimes, when something is started by Republicans, people make the mistake of thinking it's supposed to be that way.

What any of this have to do with George HW Bush?
G HW Bush is considered a faux conservative by today's Trumpian standards as is TR. I voted for G HW B.
G HW Bush was a war hero. And he drove Saddam out of Kuwait without taking us into Iraq.
His problem was the mess left to him from Reagan.

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