Greatest President Since Teddy Roosevelt

The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Come on, that lion had it coming.

Come on, that lion had it coming.

Yes, Saint Peter.
Trump is the greatest president in 100 years, maybe more.

Something to be grateful for.
President Chickenshit. So true...

I don't see you volunteering to get your butt blown off, Madam.

I'm a 72-year-old veteran. I served my country during wartime - honorably. Also, I'm a guy.
I'm sorry, but all these many years I thought you were a woman. Regardless, thank you for your honorable service to this country.

I'm sorry you're not at peace with the leadership style of President Trump. Most people in your party listened to the usual leftist exaggerations against the right beginning with the Trump presidential bid and damning him after he won the election with threats to impeach him just because they hated him.

You seem to follow party marching orders, and there is no convincing you of anything otherwise. I too was born in 1946 and was horrified to see the liberal left treating veterans badly on their return home from Viet Nam. And it was the Democrats who treated people of any color while I was young with the utmost of disrespect that I can never forget, which is the only reason I never joined the Democrat Party. I visited my neighbor's family when she and my mother wanted me to spend a week with them in the State of Mississippi. The people there were so bent on making sure people of color did not dare to vote that summer, that they put their children up to dirty tricks against them, which I basically went there for nothing, and what they were saying and doing made my stomach turn upside down. They armed their young boys to go down to the polling places with their guns, baseball bats, shovels, and instructions to make sure they frightened blacks from voting, and they hated Martin Luther King. I saw them driving away in a pickup truck loaded with those destructive weapons of mischief. I didn't realize all that was connected to the Democrat Party, but found out about it when I got home. What would have been a fun-filled week meeting people affected me very greatly, so I came home with the childish view that all Mississippi folks were mean, harsh people who but for the grace of God, were not born to be the black people they set out to torment. The only fun I had was watching the women who stayed at home making quilts from factory shirt scraps they'd worked at for a life time. That was the only good thing about my summer trip to Mississippi where the hate in the air was so thick you couldn't cut it with a knife. I came home with pity in my heart for what those black people had to endure. And when I hear Democrats bragging about how much better their ideas are than conservatives, all I can think of is "yeah, right."
One simply needs to look at who’s Trumps enemies to see he is the greatest President in modern history.

Suburban voters especially suburban women. Better educated voters. Voters under 45. Asians. Muslims. Hispanics. Blacks.

Who are Trump's allies. Neo-nazis, white supremacists like David Duke and Republican cows to name a few.
Trump has a very dynamic personality.
He is a reformer and the Swamp Critters are scared and angry.
He is making his mark.

Trump is a offensive, obnoxious egomaniac.
He is filling the swamp with his own creatures. Coal executives in charge of the EPA. Trump doesn't care about big business screwing Americans.
He is making his mark as a totally unfit jackass.
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Okay, so birds. What about all the other animals in the forests they destroy to make the government money? Birds can fly away, these animals cannot.

Since when has Donald Trump given a damn about animals. He wants to do away with the endangered species act.
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Okay, so birds. What about all the other animals in the forests they destroy to make the government money? Birds can fly away, these animals cannot.

Since when has Donald Trump given a damn about animals. He wants to do away with the endangered species act.

Good for him. I've always wanted to find out what condor tastes like.
He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Okay, so birds. What about all the other animals in the forests they destroy to make the government money? Birds can fly away, these animals cannot.

Since when has Donald Trump given a damn about animals. He wants to do away with the endangered species act.

Good for him. I've always wanted to find out what condor tastes like.

I would rather see a condor eat you except it would probably die from your scumbag body.

Comparing trump to Teddy Roosevelt in any way is laughable. You are not living in reality if you think it is even close.
Teddy Roosevelt was a shit president....The prototype of the Bushbot neocon.
Meanie. My great-grandfather rode with him in the Rough Rider days. He was said to be a one-of-a-kind human being, and we have National Parks from coast to coast on account of President Roosevelt. :drillsergeant:


As president, Roosevelt created five national parks (doubling the previously existing number); signed the landmark Antiquities Act and used its special provisions to unilaterally create 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon; set aside 51 federal bird sanctuaries, four national game refuges, and more than 100 million acres' worth of national forests.

There are more National Park Service units dedicated to Roosevelt's life and memory than any other American, including Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the Badlands of North Dakota, where he shot his first buffalo and set up a ranch.
Seizing property from private, productive use for the glory of the state, what a wondrous thing.
Trump has a very dynamic personality.
He is a reformer and the Swamp Critters are scared and angry.
He is making his mark.

Trump is a offensive, obnoxious egomaniac.
He is filling the swamp with his own creatures. Coal executives in charge of the EPA. Trump doesn't care about big business screwing Americans.
He is making his mark as a totally unfit jackass.
Dufus thinks the next President uses the same Cabinet members as the previous.
Teddy Roosevelt was a shit president....The prototype of the Bushbot neocon.
Meanie. My great-grandfather rode with him in the Rough Rider days. He was said to be a one-of-a-kind human being, and we have National Parks from coast to coast on account of President Roosevelt. :drillsergeant:


As president, Roosevelt created five national parks (doubling the previously existing number); signed the landmark Antiquities Act and used its special provisions to unilaterally create 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon; set aside 51 federal bird sanctuaries, four national game refuges, and more than 100 million acres' worth of national forests.

There are more National Park Service units dedicated to Roosevelt's life and memory than any other American, including Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the Badlands of North Dakota, where he shot his first buffalo and set up a ranch.
Seizing property from private, productive use for the glory of the state, what a wondrous thing.
Seizing property from private, productive use for the glory of the state, what a wondrous thing.

So which tribe of American Indians gets it all back, yo-yo man? I'll cheerfully accept my share of the proceeds. :backpedal:
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