Greatest President Since Teddy Roosevelt

All part of their dastardly scheme to corner the real estate market and become the primary landlord for 85% of the country. The evil genius of the plan is that nobody ever suspects the true purpose because it's being carried out on a 700 year sleeping timeframe. If you thought the 2008 financial crisis was bad, just wait until you see what happens when the feds are in complete control of the entire market. We have to act fast, we only have 650 years left to stop them.
You have NFI how much land the feds control in the 11 western states, do you?


And here I thought I was being sarcastic.
You certainly made no indication that you were being so...Emojis and memes can clear that shit up, y'know.
Meanie. My great-grandfather rode with him in the Rough Rider days. He was said to be a one-of-a-kind human being, and we have National Parks from coast to coast on account of President Roosevelt. :drillsergeant:


As president, Roosevelt created five national parks (doubling the previously existing number); signed the landmark Antiquities Act and used its special provisions to unilaterally create 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon; set aside 51 federal bird sanctuaries, four national game refuges, and more than 100 million acres' worth of national forests.

There are more National Park Service units dedicated to Roosevelt's life and memory than any other American, including Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the Badlands of North Dakota, where he shot his first buffalo and set up a ranch.
The national parks and monuments are noting more than naked federal land grabs, something the modern liberoidal excels at....He's also the original meddling interventionist warmonger.

This is true.

You know, private citizens could own much of that "management land" but the government does in the name of "preserving".

But yet they sell all the pines off to paper companies for money, there are no really old-growth trees on management land. They harvest the pines only. To make it worse, they just destroy the old Oaks to get to the pines.

Conservation my ass. Taxpayer-funded government profiteering is more like what it actually is.

Not sure how much Teddy had to do with the way it is. The way it is is fucked up.
This is true.

You know, private citizens could own much of that "management land" but the government does in the name of "preserving".

But yet they sell all the pines off to paper companies for money, there are no really old-growth trees on management land. They harvest the pines only. To make it worse, they just destroy the old Oaks to get to the pines.

Conservation my ass. Taxpayer-funded government profiteering is more like what it actually is.

Not sure how much Teddy had to do with the way it is. The way it is is fucked up.
He's responsible because now ignorant agenda-driven bureaucrats dictate forest policy, rather than than people who look upon trees as a valuable cash crop.
Trump won't visit troops in war zones because he's afraid "people want to kill him:"

Teddy Roosevelt would laugh at Trump's cowardice. President Obama wasn't afraid.

Obama stops in Iraq to see the troops, April 2009

Obama stops into Osan Air Base, South Korea, November 2009

Obama makes his first stop at Bagram Air Base, December 2010

Obama visits the DMZ, South Korea, March 2012

Obama makes his second trip to Afghanistan, May 2012

Obama visits Yongsan Garrison, South Korea 2014

Obama makes what could be his last trip to Afghanistan, May 2014

27 Times the Commander-in-Chief Visited a Combat Zone
Last edited:
This is true.

You know, private citizens could own much of that "management land" but the government does in the name of "preserving".

But yet they sell all the pines off to paper companies for money, there are no really old-growth trees on management land. They harvest the pines only. To make it worse, they just destroy the old Oaks to get to the pines.

Conservation my ass. Taxpayer-funded government profiteering is more like what it actually is.

Not sure how much Teddy had to do with the way it is. The way it is is fucked up.
He's responsible because now ignorant agenda-driven bureaucrats dictate forest policy, rather than than people who look upon trees as a valuable cash crop.

The government profits off the trees. There's a LOT of waste, too.

The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Okay, so birds. What about all the other animals in the forests they destroy to make the government money? Birds can fly away, these animals cannot.
One simply needs to look at who’s Trumps enemies to see he is the greatest President in modern history.

No, all one has to do is look at the narrow band of supporters to realize he's the greatest con man in all of American history.
Trump has a very dynamic personality.
He is a reformer and the Swamp Critters are scared and angry.
He is making his mark.

So now you are calling every, single mother of every, single person in the 'caravan' a bitch? And not only that. You are calling for the soldiers to shoot every, single, one of them.

Sadly - Bush92's slow fade into a raging insanity/senility continues right before our eyes.

I should start a pool so people can pick a day and time when he starts to just drool all day long...occasionally typing out incoherent rants of bile and hatred on his keyboard.

So now you are calling every, single mother of every, single person in the 'caravan' a bitch? And not only that. You are calling for the soldiers to shoot every, single, one of them.

Sadly - Bush92's slow fade into a raging insanity/senility continues right before our eyes.

I should start a pool so people can pick a day and time when he starts to just drool all day long...occasionally typing out incoherent rants of bile and hatred on his keyboard.

The US needs Zero more single mothers.

Also Zero more child-support collectors with 6 baby daddies.

The law should be changed for that, because it's fostering a lifestyle that degrades American society.
Trump is absolutely everything that TR fought against. TR would be ashamed to have Trump in the same party as he was. One was Rough Rider who charged up San Juan Hill the other a 5 deferment coward who choose to avoid service because of bone spurs. Mentioning TR and Trump in the same sentence is a disgrace to TR.
The father of progressivism in America is your idea of a great President?

He shot a lot of animals ...

Newsflash! Endangered species were not widely known of even to the best of good men and women in the early nineteenth century. And they were just becoming aware that those little opium feel-good jars ladies carried around with them were menacingly addictive. You, on the other hand, have all the mistakes of the past meted out as part of the education system we have that seems to zero in on human error of thought.

And his 51 bird sanctuaries established? That's why we can just set a feeder out under a tree anywhere in our yards and enjoy watching a plethora of birds that have sanctuaries along their *hello* migratory paths. ::thanks:

Come on, that lion had it coming.
Meanie. My great-grandfather rode with him in the Rough Rider days. He was said to be a one-of-a-kind human being, and we have National Parks from coast to coast on account of President Roosevelt. :drillsergeant:


As president, Roosevelt created five national parks (doubling the previously existing number); signed the landmark Antiquities Act and used its special provisions to unilaterally create 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon; set aside 51 federal bird sanctuaries, four national game refuges, and more than 100 million acres' worth of national forests.

There are more National Park Service units dedicated to Roosevelt's life and memory than any other American, including Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the Badlands of North Dakota, where he shot his first buffalo and set up a ranch.
The national parks and monuments are noting more than naked federal land grabs, something the modern liberoidal excels at....He's also the original meddling interventionist warmonger.

This is true.

You know, private citizens could own much of that "management land" but the government does in the name of "preserving".

But yet they sell all the pines off to paper companies for money, there are no really old-growth trees on management land. They harvest the pines only. To make it worse, they just destroy the old Oaks to get to the pines.

Conservation my ass. Taxpayer-funded government profiteering is more like what it actually is.

Not sure how much Teddy had to do with the way it is. The way it is is fucked up.
It about broke my heart when multiple fires rampaged through the drought-weakened Yellowstone, as a then-resident of the Equality State where most of the Park resides in its northwest corner. Wildlife losses were exponential when scattered fires came together in one big whoosh that cornered an exponential number of deer,black bears, caribou, elk, moose, and a few bison. We even worried about the chipmunk population. There were so many angry things said in every coffeeshop and restaurant in Casper, and everybody seemed to have a theory on why it got so out of control after burning a 1 or 2 acre controlled area for several weeks. Everyone had his own theory of what made it so awful. We drove through it a year later, after it was put out, and I felt sick just looking at the still-standing black stumps where magnificent trees once stood. The only good thing I saw were the flowers on the forest floors. All the Park Rangers said very comforting things in the lectures we attended, how we would have tall trees back in less than 40 years, and the low growth would set the soil right for the new trees to regenerate. I'm not sure that Teddy Roosevelt's works included forest management among the 35 books he authored, but they say he had an iq well over 140 and was a Harvard graduate.

Night, everyone. Thanks for a very stimulating discussion. I'll be praying for the areas in California that burned down people's homes and businesses, especially those people who lost their lives and the loved ones left behind from such a cataclysmic event, and the restoration of natural habitat and people's lives, which will never be the same due to the terrors they and their children experienced in escaping, many who didn't make it. And for the stationary as well as migratory birds who depended on those forests for shelter and food.and for the little owls that almost went extinct in that area 20 or so years ago. Hope all of them come back to bless us with song and their natural beauty. It will take patience and a lot of years to recover. Bless the beasts and the children.

The Yellowstone fires of 1988 collectively formed the largest wildfire in the recorded history of Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Starting as many smaller individual fires, the flames quickly spread out of control due to drought conditions and increasing winds, combining into one large conflagration which burned for several months.
Meanie. My great-grandfather rode with him in the Rough Rider days. He was said to be a one-of-a-kind human being, and we have National Parks from coast to coast on account of President Roosevelt. :drillsergeant:


As president, Roosevelt created five national parks (doubling the previously existing number); signed the landmark Antiquities Act and used its special provisions to unilaterally create 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon; set aside 51 federal bird sanctuaries, four national game refuges, and more than 100 million acres' worth of national forests.

There are more National Park Service units dedicated to Roosevelt's life and memory than any other American, including Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the Badlands of North Dakota, where he shot his first buffalo and set up a ranch.
The national parks and monuments are noting more than naked federal land grabs, something the modern liberoidal excels at....He's also the original meddling interventionist warmonger.

This is true.

You know, private citizens could own much of that "management land" but the government does in the name of "preserving".

But yet they sell all the pines off to paper companies for money, there are no really old-growth trees on management land. They harvest the pines only. To make it worse, they just destroy the old Oaks to get to the pines.

Conservation my ass. Taxpayer-funded government profiteering is more like what it actually is.

Not sure how much Teddy had to do with the way it is. The way it is is fucked up.
It about broke my heart when multiple fires rampaged through the drought-weakened Yellowstone, as a then-resident of the Equality State where most of the Park resides in its northwest corner. Wildlife losses were exponential when scattered fires came together in one big whoosh that cornered an exponential number of deer,black bears, caribou, elk, moose, and a few bison. We even worried about the chipmunk population. There were so many angry things said in every coffeeshop and restaurant in Casper, and everybody seemed to have a theory on why it got so out of control after burning a 1 or 2 acre controlled area for several weeks. Everyone had his own theory of what made it so awful. We drove through it a year later, after it was put out, and I felt sick just looking at the still-standing black stumps where magnificent trees once stood. The only good thing I saw were the flowers on the forest floors. All the Park Rangers said very comforting things in the lectures we attended, how we would have tall trees back in less than 40 years, and the low growth would set the soil right for the new trees to regenerate. I'm not sure that Teddy Roosevelt's works included forest management among the 35 books he authored, but they say he had an iq well over 140 and was a Harvard graduate.

Night, everyone. Thanks for a very stimulating discussion. I'll be praying for the areas in California that burned down people's homes and businesses, especially those people who lost their lives and the loved ones left behind from such a cataclysmic event, and the restoration of natural habitat and people's lives, which will never be the same due to the terrors they and their children experienced in escaping, many who didn't make it. And for the stationary as well as migratory birds who depended on those forests for shelter and food.and for the little owls that almost went extinct in that area 20 or so years ago. Hope all of them come back to bless us with song and their natural beauty. It will take patience and a lot of years to recover. Bless the beasts and the children.

The Yellowstone fires of 1988 collectively formed the largest wildfire in the recorded history of Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Starting as many smaller individual fires, the flames quickly spread out of control due to drought conditions and increasing winds, combining into one large conflagration which burned for several months.

The Fed does not help. :(

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