Growing income gap strangles growth

not allowing your employees to also gain from their help in you gleening profits creates stagnation
Would it be that devastaing if America did not have a middle class? Europe had a two class system, upper and lower, for years and people still had children, worked the fields and enjoyed life. If most people were poor there may not be this class warfare thing and most people would be more equal. We have a choice.
Companies are holding onto capital because of the next wave of government
regulations,Obama Care,Cap and Tax.
how can the population buy your product when they have no spare income to buy it with because the profits of that particular year were spread amoung a few percent of the population?

Get a job then!
Or maybe start your own business so YOU can earn a decent living and share in the profits!
Or is it just that you want everything handed to you while you sit on your ass?
dear idiot,

People are not recieving raises even though their efforts as emplyees are what is creating the increased profits by the 1 %.

they helped build the increased profits.
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not allowing your employees to also gain from their help in you gleening profits creates stagnation

The companies are afraid to do much hiring right now, they've been regulated to death and now looking at Obamacare to kick in.

When Romney is elected, i believe this will change. You'll see companies hiring and expanding again, because Romney won't choke them to death with rules that cost them so much of their profits.

If Obama is re-elected, you'll see companies closing their doors...or dropping health insurance because they can't afford it....which is only going to make the economy worse because people will have to spend more on their health than before.
If you want a vibrant economy you have to pay your employees enough that they can also be your customer

So, you want US employers to pay workers more than they would have to pay somebody else who can do the same job just as well for less money. I don't think that's going to happen.

What makes you think an employee will buy his employer's product if he had more money? Won't he shop around for the best deal, or maybe save the extra for the future?
Paying people to be unemployed is a failure. The world will not long support lazy ass Americans any more than it wants to support lazy Greeks or lazy Spaniards.
not allowing your employees to also gain from their help in you gleening profits creates stagnation

The companies are afraid to do much hiring right now, they've been regulated to death and now looking at Obamacare to kick in.

When Romney is elected, i believe this will change. You'll see companies hiring and expanding again, because Romney won't choke them to death with rules that cost them so much of their profits.

If Obama is re-elected, you'll see companies closing their doors...or dropping health insurance because they can't afford it....which is only going to make the economy worse because people will have to spend more on their health than before.

Dear idiot they are seeing huge profits.

that kills your whole meme

hey guys you are ignoring the facts

they are recieving increased wealth and NOT sharing with their employees like was done in the past when we had vibraint economies.

No workers getting raises and even taking cuts to keep their job.

Profits still there but now only going to the CEOs pockets means less purchasing by everyone
not allowing your employees to also gain from their help in you gleening profits creates stagnation

The companies are afraid to do much hiring right now, they've been regulated to death and now looking at Obamacare to kick in.

When Romney is elected, i believe this will change. You'll see companies hiring and expanding again, because Romney won't choke them to death with rules that cost them so much of their profits.

If Obama is re-elected, you'll see companies closing their doors...or dropping health insurance because they can't afford it....which is only going to make the economy worse because people will have to spend more on their health than before.

Dear idiot they are seeing huge profits.

that kills your whole meme

How are they all seeing such huge profits if nobody has the money to buy their products??? Or is it just that YOU can't afford their products? How about SAVING for what you want, or is that just too hard for you to understand? You're the idiot!

hey guys you are ignoring the facts

they are recieving increased wealth and NOT sharing with their employees like was done in the past when we had vibraint economies.

No workers getting raises and even taking cuts to keep their job.

Profits still there but now only going to the CEOs pockets means less purchasing by everyone

The company i work for DOES share their profits....I get a raise every year. Last year was their 50th anniversary and we were doing so well that we got 2 bonus's during the year. When things are good, they share. I'm sure the company i work for aren't the only ones that do this. I'm not saying there aren't some that don't, but your statement that NO WORKERS GETTING RAISES is a bunch of shit....
Marxist cocksuckers like Obama have convinced douche bag morons like the OP that wealth in america is a zero-sum game. Are they this stupid or just lying hacks? .... :dunno:

And if this is true, how many people does TM fuck over every month when she collects rent checks for the slums she owns? .... :dunno:
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We had pretty good growth in the 1920s even though the inequality gap was as great or greater than it is today. The idea that one causes the other is and always will be unsubstantiated. The problem I have with the left is that they want to address the problem by taking from those who have more rather looking for ways to help the have nots earn more. And neither party seems to be too interested in the latter.
What's really strangling growth is more and more people opting out of working and being productive.
Growing income gap strangles growth

who can say with a straight face that when the liberals destroyed the American family( welfare, divorce, abortion, feminism) and created millions of poor single Mom dropouts that didn't cause the income gap

or that ever burgeoning liberal welfare entitlements don't discourage work and productivity and income

or that inviting 15 million minimum wage illegals in for their liberal votes doesn't discourage work and American productivity

or that liberal unions driving 30 million jobs offshore does not discourage productivity and American income

or that huge liberal debts don't enable the Japanese and Chinese to buy our debt rather than our income generating products.

Liberals can say it all with a straight face because they lack the IQ to think.
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