Gun Control question for liberals?


Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

First of all, cars are not a right like defensive weapons are.
Second is that cars require training in order to learn complex traffic laws, unlike weapons.
Third is that cars are intended to be used in public, where weapons are usually for home defense.
Forth is that they do constantly confiscate cars unless you pay annual extortion fees for licensing, emissions testing, mandatory insurance, etc.

Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.
Why confiscate cars? Our government needs its little slaves to drive to work and do its bidding.

Firearms are a direct threat and check on government power. Cars serve the almighty government.

Why indeed.

Let's watch an instant replay.
HIM: "Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation."
ME: "Then why haven't they confiscated cars?"

Let me know if what I just did there begins to sink in.

Again, they HAVE essentially confiscated all cars, and they then simply rent them back to you as you pay fees.
Try to make your own car and drive it on public roads without paying licensing fees or emissions testing, and see how long they allow you to do that?
So are you saying cars or any other property for that matter for which the government has a record of has never been confiscated by the government so we have no need to think registering guns would lead to confiscation?

I've got two of them in my driveway right now. They've never been 'confiscated'.

Matter of fact I've owned cars all the way back to the 1960s that were never 'confiscated', yet they were all registered.
How'd that not happen?

Oh wait --- maybe the premise is fucked up. But I already proved that.
So what?

Is it your assertion that the government has never confiscated a registered vehicle?

I don't care about your anecdotes because we all know there is more to the world than the limited number of things you may have experienced.

Great. Build your own strawman and then knock it down.

I don't have an assertion here, Evelyn Wood. Flush does. And I flushed it down the crapper where it belongs.

Don't like it? Tough shit. Prove it wrong or watch it swirl down the toilet.

All I have to do is prove that the government, state or federal has confiscated a registered car right?

No. You have to prove that the only reason any government (state included) required car registration was to confiscate them. That was the claim.

Yes, the purpose of car registration is so that government can more easily confiscate the car if you don't pay the extortion they demand.

What do YOU think car registration is for?
Flush does. He sat on this board forty-three posts ago and claimed the only reason it registers ANYTHING is to confiscate it.
Here is what he said:
You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.
Let me fill in the context for you in parenthetical format:
Registration (of firearms) is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation (of firearms). It is none of your business (what firearms I own). If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue (that still does not require the registration of firearms). Until then (when I have used a firearm in a crime) mind your own business.

Then, you started talking about car registration, which is a completely different animal all together.

Then, I said that I would agree to registration in the same fashion as that done for cars. Any firearm that we intend to carry into a government building will be registered with the State government.


GOOD GODS :banghead:

Learn to pronounce
  1. used to refer to a thing, no matter what.
    "nobody was saying anything"

IS or IS NOT a car a "thing"?


We all know what the word "anything" means. Posting that definition is exposing you as a disingenuous twat.

Again, "anything" when used in that context referred to the PURPOSE of registering firearms, not the object to be registered (the firearms themselves). "Anything" did not refer to any object and could not reasonably be interpreted that way.

"Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation."

In reading that sentence, one would need to mistakenly believe that "a step toward confiscation" would be an object or item to be registered. Such a fucked up interpretation is only possible if you are a gun-grabbing commie (see the bullshit interpretation of the 2A).

Registering guns is not done for any reason but as a step toward confiscation, as history has repeatedly proved.

So, you did nothing but ATTEMPT to muddy the waters and act a fool. You PROVED nothing.

Now, continue to attempt to confusing the issues. I will correct you, like always.


But, again, I will agree to gun registration in the same fashion that cars are registered (only guns intended to be carried in a government building will be registered at the State level).

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
Registration is necessary....
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for the state to have on record the owner of every firearm within its jurisdiction.
Except in the case of the state enforcing the confiscation of same, of course.

No one wonders why the anti-gun loons want universal registration
You keep just quoting the parts of my list that help you make your misbegotten points.

Is that how you maintain your twisted world view, by ignoring things that don't support it?
I did not make it up.
You did.
No state requires a DL for transfer of title - they require ID, which does not have to be a DL
Second, I really don't care what you've got in your house....
As you want to require a license for simple ownership/possession of a firearm, and you seek universal registration of all firearms so owned, your statement, above, is a lie.
As soon as you take that weapon out on the street you better be licensed.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity of this.
Oh gosh! You caught me! Ever single one of the dozens of other lists I've made in this thread is a lie. I want gun confirmation and nothing else!

Dumbass conservatives.... Smh.

Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired. Cars get confiscated if you have a suspended license, get a DUI, or it's stolen.

Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired. Cars get confiscated if you have a suspended license, get a DUI, or it's stolen.

I'm sure guns have been confiscated on those bases as well, or any number of other things.

But ALL cars were never confiscated, were they. Not if they didn't have issues.

Now, if Flush wants to twirl his guns with no rules, he's gonna have to grow up, isn't he.

Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired. Cars get confiscated if you have a suspended license, get a DUI, or it's stolen.

I'm sure guns have been confiscated on those bases as well, or any number of other things.

But ALL cars were never confiscated, were they.
All guns have been confiscated in other countries not long after a registration.


History is NOT on your side, bro.


Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired. Cars get confiscated if you have a suspended license, get a DUI, or it's stolen.

I'm sure guns have been confiscated on those bases as well, or any number of other things.

But ALL cars were never confiscated, were they. Not if they didn't have issues.

Now, if Flush wants to twirl his guns with no rules, he's gonna have to grow up, isn't he.

Let me put it this way: If we didn't have registration of cars, and the Democrat leadership was ultimately wanting to take all cars off the road except government vehicles, I would be suspicious about them suggesting we register our vehicles as well.

Registration of your car not only proves ownership, but in many states like mine, it proves you paid for your license plates or tags. Also, each state requires your vehicles be registered in their state if you decide to move there. You can't do that unless you prove it's your vehicle.

What is the first thing a cop asks you when you get pulled over? Can I see your license and registration please?

Registration is necessary for enforcement of many needed reforms.

You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired. Cars get confiscated if you have a suspended license, get a DUI, or it's stolen.

I'm sure guns have been confiscated on those bases as well, or any number of other things.

But ALL cars were never confiscated, were they.
All guns have been confiscated in other countries not long after a registration.


History is NOT on your side, bro.

I doubt that, but *ALL CARS HAVE NOT*, Dumbass.
You are confused. Registration is not necessary for anything except as a step towards confiscation. It is none of the government's business what guns I own. It is none of your business. If I use a gun in a crime then it becomes a law enforcement issue. Until then mind your own business.

Izzat right.

How come cars haven't been "confiscated"? They've had over a century to do it.

Yanno what, this is a perfect illustration of why I compare gun fetishists to babies with their pacifiers.

Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired. Cars get confiscated if you have a suspended license, get a DUI, or it's stolen.

I'm sure guns have been confiscated on those bases as well, or any number of other things.

But ALL cars were never confiscated, were they.
All guns have been confiscated in other countries not long after a registration.


History is NOT on your side, bro.

I doubt that, but *ALL CARS HAVE NOT*, Dumbass.
Who gives a fuck?

Go start a thread about registering cars. It's fucking irrelevant here.

Registration is necessary....
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for the state to have on record the owner of every firearm within its jurisdiction.
Except in the case of the state enforcing the confiscation of same, of course.
No one wonders why the anti-gun loons want universal registration
You keep just quoting the parts of my list that help you make your misbegotten points.
Is that how you maintain your twisted world view, by ignoring things that don't support it?
Thank you for confining that you cannot demonstrate the necessity for the state to have on record the owner of every firearm within its jurisdiction.
I did not make it up.
You did.
No state requires a DL for transfer of title - they require ID, which does not have to be a DL
Second, I really don't care what you've got in your house....
As you want to require a license for simple ownership/possession of a firearm, and you seek universal registration of all firearms so owned, your statement, above, is a lie.
As soon as you take that weapon out on the street you better be licensed.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity of this.
Oh gosh! You caught me! Ever single one of the dozens of other lists I've made in this thread is a lie. I want gun confirmation and nothing else!
Dumbass conservatives.... Smh.
And thus, you concede the points you tried to make. Again.
'License guns like we license cars' he said. !! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired.
They have? Pulled out of peoples' garages and stuff?

No, if you get caught driving them. They will however tow your car off of your property if the car doesn't have current plates. In my state, they issue a new registration each time you buy your stickers or plates.
Cars have been confiscated if they are not registered or the registration expired.
They have? Pulled out of peoples' garages and stuff?
No, if you get caught driving them.
Well, sure - if caught driving them on the road.
They will however tow your car off of your property if the car doesn't have current plates.
On what grounds,and in what state? You don't need to register that's not driven on public property.
The tenure among most Liberals is that they don’t like private citizens owning guns. Yet, if you had your way and everyone turned over their guns, that would leave police and criminals having guns. Liberals are also the first to attack the police. How is it you are okay with police having guns and how would you get guns from criminals?
I am more liberal than not. Most of my friends are the same. See you at the range. (it was LE day today)
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The tenure among most Liberals is that they don’t like private citizens owning guns. Yet, if you had your way and everyone turned over their guns, that would leave police and criminals having guns. Liberals are also the first to attack the police. How is it you are okay with police having guns and how would you get guns from criminals?
I am a liberal and I own four guns. WTF are you talking about?

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