Gun owner...first shot kills homem invader...literally, his first shot...

So if a concealed carry guy has less than 10 rds, why do you want the criminal to have more?

I want the good guy to have as many rounds as they want or need...the bad guy will always have what they want or need because they break the law...why would you want the good guy having less rounds than the bad law...
The problem with gun free zones...both good guys had to run to their cars to get their guns to stop the many lives could have been saved if those pistols had been on their hips...since we know that the sooner the killer is met with deadly force the suicide or surrender...

Many students heard the shots. Two who did were Mikael Gross and Tracy Bridges. Mikael was outside the school having just returned to campus from lunch when he heard the shots. Tracy was inside attending class. Both immediately ran to their cars. Each had a handgun locked in the vehicle.

Bridges pulled a .357 Magnum pistol and he later said he was prepared to shoot to kill if necessary. He and Gross both approached Odighizuwa at the same time from different directions. Both were pointing their weapons at him. Bridges yelled for Odighizuwa to drop his weapon. When the shooter realized they had the drop on him he threw his weapon down. A third student, unarmed, Ted Besen, approached the killer and was physically attacked.

Guns they had to race to get...rather than on their hips...

And as to why you don't hear about these incidents in the media....

But Odighizuwa was now disarmed. The three students were able to restrain him and held him for the police. Odighizuwa is now in prison for the murders he committed. His killing spree ended when he faced two students with weapons. There would be no further victims that day, thanks to armed resistance.

You wouldn’t know much about that though. Do you wonder why? The media, though it widely reported the attack left out the fact that Bridges and Gross were armed. Most simply reported that the gunman was jumped and subdued by other students. That two of those students were now armed didn’t get a mention.

So there goes your theory about tackling an armed attacker reloading...guns work a lot better at stopping these guys...
So if a concealed carry guy has less than 10 rds, why do you want the criminal to have more?

I want the good guy to have as many rounds as they want or need...the bad guy will always have what they want or need because they break the law...why would you want the good guy having less rounds than the bad law...

If you can't take out the bad guy with 10 rds you shouldn't be carrying.

Why do you want to make it easy for the the bad guy?
The problem with gun free zones...both good guys had to run to their cars to get their guns to stop the many lives could have been saved if those pistols had been on their hips...since we know that the sooner the killer is met with deadly force the suicide or surrender...

Many students heard the shots. Two who did were Mikael Gross and Tracy Bridges. Mikael was outside the school having just returned to campus from lunch when he heard the shots. Tracy was inside attending class. Both immediately ran to their cars. Each had a handgun locked in the vehicle.

Bridges pulled a .357 Magnum pistol and he later said he was prepared to shoot to kill if necessary. He and Gross both approached Odighizuwa at the same time from different directions. Both were pointing their weapons at him. Bridges yelled for Odighizuwa to drop his weapon. When the shooter realized they had the drop on him he threw his weapon down. A third student, unarmed, Ted Besen, approached the killer and was physically attacked.

Guns they had to race to get...rather than on their hips...

And as to why you don't hear about these incidents in the media....

But Odighizuwa was now disarmed. The three students were able to restrain him and held him for the police. Odighizuwa is now in prison for the murders he committed. His killing spree ended when he faced two students with weapons. There would be no further victims that day, thanks to armed resistance.

You wouldn’t know much about that though. Do you wonder why? The media, though it widely reported the attack left out the fact that Bridges and Gross were armed. Most simply reported that the gunman was jumped and subdued by other students. That two of those students were now armed didn’t get a mention.

So there goes your theory about tackling an armed attacker reloading...guns work a lot better at stopping these guys...

Actually I have several examples of unarmed citizens stopping armed attackers. So it's not a theory, it is fact.
Actually I have several examples of unarmed citizens stopping armed attackers. So it's not a theory, it is fact

And it is a fact that more are stopped by men with guns than are stopped by desperate, unarmed people, trying to stop a gunman with just their bodies...that is not a theory, that is a statistic and a fact...
Victims Released No Charges Filed Against Reno Man In Winnemucca Shootings

Winnemucca Police Chief Bob Davidson says the violence erupted around 2:30 A.M. Sunday when a man entered the crowded Players Bar and Grill. He fatally shot two brothers, 20-year-old Jose Torres and his 19-year-old brother, Margarito. The shooter was later identified as 30 year old Ernesto Villagomez. All three were from Winnemucca.

According to witnesses, Villagomez at some point stopped to reload his high-capacity handgun and began shooting again when he was shot and killed by another patron - a 48-year-old Reno man who had a valid concealed weapons permit.

A crowded bar, and he still reloaded...and started shooting again, when he was shot by a good guy with a gun...

Hmmmm...why didn't they tackle him when he reloaded...

Brain, you have no sense of reality, no understanding of combat...and your desire to limit the ability of good people to defend themselves by arm chair quarterbacking their ammo capacity is just is a good thing you have no say in the matter...and I will do all I can at the ballot box to make sure you never do...
Actually I have several examples of unarmed citizens stopping armed attackers. So it's not a theory, it is fact

And it is a fact that more are stopped by men with guns than are stopped by desperate, unarmed people, trying to stop a gunman with just their bodies...that is not a theory, that is a statistic and a fact...

It might be, but not everyone wants to carry a gun. Most people who want to already do. So having somebody there with a gun will not always be an option. When there isn't somebody with a gun it is CLEARLY better if the shooter has to load early and often.

I love how you constantly support what I am saying:
According to witnesses, Villagomez at some point stopped to reload his high-capacity handgun and began shooting again when he was shot and killed by another patron - a 48-year-old Reno man who had a valid concealed weapons permit.

So if the criminal had a lower capacity magazine he would have fired fewer shots before the concealed carry own stopped him. Reloading gave the concealed carry guy a chance to review the situation and get a good shot on the shooter. A ban on hi cap magazines helps concealed carry owners! Thank you.
So if the criminal had a lower capacity magazine he would have fired fewer shots before the concealed carry own stopped him. Reloading gave the concealed carry guy a chance to review the situation and get a good shot on the shooter.

Are you dense Brain...your theory is that forcing the guy to reload because you magically make 30 round magazines illegal would allow people to tackle in this crowded one tried to tackle him...and he reloaded...and he started shooting again..and then the good guy shot him...

Your whole theory does not work...only when people are forced to use their bodies to stop a shooter because people like you have disarmed them...and act of life or death desperation...because of people like claim that is the optimal way to end the put lives in danger with your poor judgement... didn't hear about this in the national media....why? Because it was stopped at the seen by a good guy with a gun...

Parker Middle School dance shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The shooting began on an outdoor patio, about 20 minutes before the dance was scheduled to end, around 9:40. He shot John Gillette after he asked Wurst to come inside. Before running out of ammunition, Wurst proceeded to enter Nick's Place, where the dance had been held, and subsequently fired and wounded Edrye Boraten, a teacher and two students, Jacob Tury and Justin Fletcher.[1] The shooting ended when the owner of Nick's Place, James Strand, intervened and confronted Wurst with his shotgun, ordering him to drop his weapon and later holding him at bay for eleven minutes. Strand later got Wurst on the ground and searched him for weapons, finding a dinner fork in his sock.[5]

Imagine if this had been one of your gun free zones....and this story verifies what the statistics armed citizen at the beginning of a shooting can stop the attack immediately and save lives...since these attackers...up to now...fold as soon as they meet armed resistance...
Some more stats on stopping mass shooters...

Private Citizens stop 16 of mass shootings Gun Nuts Media

Slightly less than 3% of mass shootings are stopped by armed civilians shooting the attacker.

Why is this 3% number important...because almost all attacks by mass shooters happen in legally created, and enforced, gun free zones...

Imagine if gun free zones did not exist...these shooters would do less do we know...because of the mass shooters who chose their targets and chose them not based on grudges or a connection to the sight...they actively chose gun free zones so that they could not be immediately stopped...

End gun free zones and save lives...
Some more stats on stopping mass shooters...

Private Citizens stop 16 of mass shootings Gun Nuts Media

Slightly less than 3% of mass shootings are stopped by armed civilians shooting the attacker.

Why is this 3% number important...because almost all attacks by mass shooters happen in legally created, and enforced, gun free zones...

Imagine if gun free zones did not exist...these shooters would do less do we know...because of the mass shooters who chose their targets and chose them not based on grudges or a connection to the sight...they actively chose gun free zones so that they could not be immediately stopped...

End gun free zones and save lives...

Did any of them need a hi cap magazine to stop the bad guy? Or was it just the bad guy emptying the hi cap magazine into innocent people?
So if the criminal had a lower capacity magazine he would have fired fewer shots before the concealed carry own stopped him. Reloading gave the concealed carry guy a chance to review the situation and get a good shot on the shooter.

Are you dense Brain...your theory is that forcing the guy to reload because you magically make 30 round magazines illegal would allow people to tackle in this crowded one tried to tackle him...and he reloaded...and he started shooting again..and then the good guy shot him...

Your whole theory does not work...only when people are forced to use their bodies to stop a shooter because people like you have disarmed them...and act of life or death desperation...because of people like claim that is the optimal way to end the put lives in danger with your poor judgement...

No I am saying that having to reload helped the concealed carry guy in stopping him. Also if the criminal had reloaded sooner he would have gotten less shots in before stopped. Also the good guy didn't need a hi cap magazine. You are giving me a lot of examples that support what I'm saying. Thank you.
No I am saying that having to reload helped the concealed carry guy in stopping him

No, from the story...the concealed carry guy having a gun stopped him...and if there had been more people with guns then he could have been stopped sooner since he can't shoot in all directions at once... one tackled him when he reloaded...
Here is a look at how many people are killed when the police stop a mass shooter vs. how many are saved when people at the scene stop the attacker...

Auditing Shooting Rampage Statistics - Daily Anarchist

The average number of people killed in mass shootings when stopped by police is 14.29

The average number of people killed in a mass shooting when stopped by a civilian is 2.33

These are not official stats...but they do match official stats...I need to track down those stats...and when I do I will post them...

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