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Half Way There

"U.S. Added 209,000 Jobs in July, Beating Expectations
Economists had been expecting a gain of 180,000 jobs, so the actual data is a sign that the economy is growing faster than other indicators had suggested.

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And for years, the missing ingredient in the job report has been robust wage growth, although pay has occasionally jumped on a monthly basis. Now average hourly earnings are up a decent 2.5 percent on a 12-month basis."

U.S. Added 209,000 Jobs in July, Beating Expectations

What a blessing that the last guy is out.
"US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected
  • The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years.
  • There are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter.
  • Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the April-June period, the Commerce Department said." US second-quarter GDP growth revised up, fastest in over two years

Remember this?
" Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire
"$2 trillion man? Market value added since Trump's election win passes milestone
  • The S&P 500 has added $2.04 trillion in market value since Trump's election last November, said Howard Silverblatt, senior Index analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indices.
  • Tech is up nearly 30 percent since the election, and has also added $1.019 trillion in value to the S&P in the time period, the most out of any sector" $2 trillion man? Market value added since Trump's election win passes milestone

Having intended a review of 'the first hundred days' of the Trump administration......who could have guessed how much this man would accomplish???

So....today, March 10, 2017, being the 50th day.....let's quickly do a summary.

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate | Matzav.com
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speech Donald Trump's Congress speech (full text) - CNNPolitics.com

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises" 152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree." Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare CNBC.com"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!



I'm getting tired of winning!!!!
It's too much winning!!!!

Except for number one. Amnesty is coming and there is no way to put it that's doesn't make a Trump a huge liar considering illegal immigrants were one of the two big issues he started his campaign on, the other being ACA which he failed on bigly. If he signes an amnesty bill trump supporters are going to have a hard time getting folks to be polls again. The job numbers only mean shit to politicians and media types. If people who vote are working and happy they will vote for who the do year in and year out. I don't see any real winning so much as holding his hill for now. I mean, republicans are in power and can't do anything, yet when democrats were in power Half lack Jesus changed the face of the country. At best Trump can be rated as "present" but not much more.
"Trump Tightens The Noose On North Korea With New Executive Order

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday significantly expanding sanctions on the rogue North Korean regime.

“The new executive order will cut off sources of revenue that fund North Korea’s efforts to develop the deadliest weapons known to humankind,” the president introduced at a press conference."
Trump Tightens The Noose On North Korea With New Executive Order

In essence, this order also punctures Hussein Obama's pet, Iran, as Iran has been paying North Korea to be its nuclear test facility.

"U.S. Household Wealth Rises $1.7 Trillion to Another Record

September 21, 2017, 12:00 PM EDT September 21, 2017, 12:22 PM EDT
U.S. household wealth increased in the second quarter to yet another record, driven by solid gains in financial assets and rising property values, figures from the Federal Reserve in Washington showed Thursday."
U.S. Household Wealth Rises $1.7 Trillion to Another Record

Sooooo.......how many want this back?

"Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

That's Hussein's record, March of 2015
"Final reading on Q2 GDP up 3.1%, vs 3% rise expected
  • U.S. economic output grew 3.1 percent in the second quarter.
  • The growth rate was expected to remain at 3 percent according to a survey of economists from The Wall Street Journal.
  • The economy at its core remains stable, as steady job growth and a booming stock market encourage households to spend." US second-quarter GDP growth revised up to 3.1 percent

Amazing, huh?
Trump takes over, and effortlessly turns the economy around.

Hussein Obama couldn't do it with 32 opportunities.
The dunce was as inept domestically as he was in foreign policy.

The open question is who deserves the more generous contumely.....Obama, or his voters.
"The Trump administration announced Thursday that it plans to withdraw from the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) because of the agency's "anti-Israel bias."
"President Donald Trump’s executive order to allow individuals and associations to purchase health insurance across state lines has “the potential to be amazing,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday.

.....“legalizing choice.” The senator said that the proposal would likely provide millions of people currently without insurance under Obamacare the opportunity to obtain “low-cost options.”

....will make the health insurance business model work for consumers, instead of how it now operates, with insurance providers dictating the marketplace.

....a reversal from the broad mandates of Obamacare,..."
Rand Paul Says Trump’s Obamacare Order ‘Has The Potential To Be Amazing’
"During his campaign, President Trump promised pro-life voters that he would support their agenda. And he has delivered.

He reinstated the Mexico City policy; he has cut funding to Planned Parenthood; he has rolledl back Obamacare's birth control mandate. And now a new strategic plan for the Department of Health and Human Services has definitely taken a pro-life turn, with references to protecting life from conception to natural death.

"We are on track to seeing the most pro-life president this country has ever seen," says Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council. "
BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics
"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

62."Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
Tax savings for the industry are expected to be substantial. The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania said utilities will pay $1.1 billion less in taxes this year than if the law had not been enacted, $1.9 billion less in 2019 and more than $5 billion less in 2020.
Numerous state regulatory agencies in the U.S. are similarly cutting rates to reflect lower taxes."

Customers Get A Break As Utilities' Tax Bill Drops
63. "U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month
...the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing that’s primed for further advances, Federal Reserve data showed Wednesday.
Factory output increased at a 7 percent annualized rate in the fourth quarter,..."
U.S. Manufacturing Output Rose in December for Fourth Month

This....since we got rid of that dead weight President, Hussein

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