Has this administration changed your views? Poll

Considering the SOTU, and have you changed your support?

  • 1. No, I'm still supporting Biden and his administration 100%

  • 2. I'm still supporting Biden, but my support is dwindling

  • 3. I'm fed up with the whole mess.

  • 4. Biden lost my support, but I still won't vote republican

  • 5. I've dropped my support for Biden and will be voting GOP in November

  • 6. I normally vote against the democrats, but I'm now supporting Biden.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Who was it again who said that poor kids are just as bright as white kids? Or that he didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle? Biden’s been a racist for decades.
Oh goody. Are we playing the game of "which old white guy is more racist"? Ok, I'm in.

Let's start with the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination way back in 1970. Or, how about the charges that whenever Rump & family visited his casinos, the bosses would order all black employees off the casino floor? Now, your turn.

As far as kowtowing to foreign dictators, Biden not only enriched his family with bribes from Communists, but is so weak in the face of dictators that Putin took his opportunity.

As far as Biden enriching himself with bribes from Communists - prove it or shut the fuck up. But, I can prove where Rump would rather take Putin's word against our own country's intelligence agencies. Now, that is a case of the orange douche bag kowtowing to his Soviet masters.

As far as what’s “fun,” it’s so much fun watching Biden fly infected illegals throughout the country, in the middle of the night.
Yeah and so did your orange fuhrer. Did you complain then?
Sold their souls? Don't know where you got the 2/3 number, but I'd dispute it. That's kinda harsh GG, it ain't like there's a 3rd viable option, or that a 3rd party isn't possible. Right now, IMHO over 40% of the country is Independent and probably climbing.

The 2/3 is an estimate, 1/3 for the GOP and 1/3 for the DNC.

2/3 having sold their soul to a party leaves 34%, so we are not far off on how we view those that will not vote for the same party every election no matter what
Oh goody. Are we playing the game of "which old white guy is more racist"? Ok, I'm in.

Let's start with the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination way back in 1970. Or, how about the charges that whenever Rump & family visited his casinos, the bosses would order all black employees off the casino floor? Now, your turn.

As far as Biden enriching himself with bribes from Communists - prove it or shut the fuck up. But, I can prove where Rump would rather take Putin's word against our own country's intelligence agencies. Now, that is a case of the orange douche bag kowtowing to his Soviet masters.

Yeah and so did your orange fuhrer. Did you complain then?
All I did was respond to your post claiming that we don’t have a racist president anymore by giving you examples of Biden’s racism.

Beyond that, when leftists like you are so deranged that they refer to the former president as “the Orange Fuhrer,” I know not to waste my time. Add in your lovely “shut the fuck up” (you disgusting people need to learn how to debate with a lady), and you’ve earned a spot on my ignore list.
Fed up with whole mess.
No way can I ever trust the Dimm brand again.
Only half-way trust Repubs as still too many RINO sellouts.
Corruption too endemic, rule of law on life support, morality has headed south; basically we've crapped in our own refrigerator far too long out of greed.

We're finished.
But yet, there is a semblance of significance and self in this knowledge.
It is even somewhat self-liberating!!
Oh goody. Are we playing the game of "which old white guy is more racist"? Ok, I'm in.

Let's start with the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination way back in 1970. Or, how about the charges that whenever Rump & family visited his casinos, the bosses would order all black employees off the casino floor? Now, your turn.

As far as Biden enriching himself with bribes from Communists - prove it or shut the fuck up. But, I can prove where Rump would rather take Putin's word against our own country's intelligence agencies. Now, that is a case of the orange douche bag kowtowing to his Soviet masters.

Yeah and so did your orange fuhrer. Did you complain then?
You're a moron. And your vote reflects that
All I did was respond to your post claiming that we don’t have a racist president anymore by giving you examples of Biden’s racism.

Beyond that, when leftists like you are so deranged that they refer to the former president as “the Orange Fuhrer,” I know not to waste my time. Add in your lovely “shut the fuck up” (you disgusting people need to learn how to debate with a lady), and you’ve earned a spot on my ignore list.
LOL It never fails. Trumptards love it when their orange douche bag dishes it out but when they are on the receiving end, they start whining!! :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for playing the "I'm a lady...how dare you talk to me like that" card. If you want to be treated like a lady, stop lying and you will be treated with respect. Get it now? Now, fuck off.
Knew he was a moron.

Didn't expect him to be quite so good at it though.

So, he's exceeded my expectations.
You’re the one who voted for Biden. Have some self reflection, leftist. :)
It’s surreal, isn’t it? Biden’s massive failures, on multiple levels, are on display for all the world to see, and yet the gullible fools who voted for the disaster keep calling the smart people who didn‘t morons, racists, traitors, whatever.

is this part of the double-down on attacks when your side is shown to be even WORSE than imagined? Is the idea to put the smart people who didn’t vote for Biden on the defensive, or is it just pure deflection?
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It’s surreal, isn’t it? Biden’s massive failures, on multiple levels, are on display for all the world to see, and yet the gullible fools who voted for the disaster keep calling the smart people who didn‘t morons, racists, traitors, whatever.

is this part of the double-down on attacks when your side is shown to be even WORSE than imagined? Is the idea to out the smart people who didn’t vote for Biden on the defensive, or is it just pure deflection?
They are defects. So they don’t see what a logical person sees. It’s like trying to make a bicycle with a broken chain work. It’s impossible. Magnus is a defect. All you can do is mock him and hope there are very few like
They are defects. So they don’t see what a logical person sees. It’s like trying to make a bicycle with a broken chain work. It’s impossible. Magnus is a defect. All you can do is mock him and hope there are very few like
Agree. I’m trying to make sense of someone who is unable to see what is apparent to all thinking people. As you say, let’s hope people like him are few and far between.

What I expect is that as Biden’s poll numbers continue to drop, and the leftists realize that Harris is even more of an imbecile than he is, the leftists will panic and ramp up the attack. Can you imagine the destruction they will treat us to when we take both chambers in November?
If the Dems can pass a bill that guarantees that old folks can have their caregivers paid 100% by the federal government, then I would vote Dem for the rest of my life.

(I am already 84, so ,,,)
Well most of the right-leaning have a small L streak in them....Large L Libertarians are to be avoided.....Think the weed smelling old Ron Paul-bots.
I didn't think anyone would get the small-L, big-L thing. :)
Agree. I’m trying to make sense of someone who is unable to see what is apparent to all thinking people. As you say, let’s hope people like him are few and far between.

What I expect is that as Biden’s poll numbers continue to drop, and the leftists realize that Harris is even more of an imbecile than he is, the leftists will panic and ramp up the attack. Can you imagine the destruction they will treat us to when we take both chambers in November?
You’re trying to make sense of a defect. It’s fruitless.
I didn't think anyone would get the small-L, big-L thing. :)
I've always had a rebellious streak in me that does not allow me to tow a party line but to a certain point.

However I do know enemies of the Republic when I see them and they are on both "sides".....Dems and gop neocons are both equally repulsive to me and the last vestiges of both should be snuffed-out, at least as far as holding office or in any advisory role goes.
I knew Joe Biden and Kamala were not up to the job which is why I voted for President Trump. But I seriously didn't think it would be THIS bad.

You and me both. I kind of figured that Biden's presidency would be close to his vice presidency. He didn't seem like he'd be the kind of person to make waves.

Someone needs to teach him how to play golf.
Fed up with whole mess.
No way can I ever trust the Dimm brand again.
Only half-way trust Repubs as still too many RINO sellouts.
Corruption too endemic, rule of law on life support, morality has headed south; basically we've crapped in our own refrigerator far too long out of greed.

We're finished.
But yet, there is a semblance of significance and self in this knowledge.
It is even somewhat self-liberating!!

I was where you are several years ago. I dropped the democrats, picked up the GOP for a short time when I discovered Ron Paul. That's when I learned the difference between Conservatism and republicanism. Apparently, the GOP has outlawed conservatism. So I dumped them for the Libertarians. Which turned out to be a HUGE waste of time because the disenfranchised democrats infiltrated the LP and screwed it up with all their support for tranny's and druggies over the working class stiffs like me.

I'm probably not even going to vote this time around. I doubt anyone will miss my one little vote.
I've always had a rebellious streak in me that does not allow me to tow a party line but to a certain point.

However I do know enemies of the Republic when I see them and they are on both "sides".....Dems and gop neocons are both equally repulsive to me and the last vestiges of both should be snuffed-out, at least as far as holding office or in any advisory role goes.

Personally, I think every incumbent should be voted out for the next 5 elections. That'll get rid of the establishment and the lobbyist.
But there's too many party loyalist in this country. The vast majority of people who are not party loyalist, don't vote or care anything about politics.

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