Has this administration changed your views? Poll

Considering the SOTU, and have you changed your support?

  • 1. No, I'm still supporting Biden and his administration 100%

  • 2. I'm still supporting Biden, but my support is dwindling

  • 3. I'm fed up with the whole mess.

  • 4. Biden lost my support, but I still won't vote republican

  • 5. I've dropped my support for Biden and will be voting GOP in November

  • 6. I normally vote against the democrats, but I'm now supporting Biden.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Nah, Biden is doing good. 7/10 so far. Not great, but good. If he cancels student loan debt like he said, then it'd be a 9/10.
I expected the stuttering shit clown to defile every institution and norm our founding fathers crafted, and the soulless shitstain did not disappoint. The awkward stammering and 45-second shutdowns have been extremely amusing (for the productive half of the country) and shitting its pants at the Vatican highlights his ability to stay in character. He hasn't touched one thing that hasn't turned into shit.... and then died.

Kumala was an unexpected bonus. She's actually dumber than Plugs (although scholars would argue that's not even humanly possible) and seems to have a mind-numbing panic attack whenever she tries to field a question, mumbling like a 4-year old. Who knew she would be such a ridiculous laughingstock when she's on her feet? :laughing0301:

kamala idiot.jpg

Yeah, it was so much fun to see a president's close advisors/friends being convicted of crimes and serving sentences.

No racist talk. No kowtowing to foreign dictators. Biden is so boring. Yeah, miss Rump.
Who was it again who said that poor kids are just as bright as white kids? Or that he didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle? Biden’s been a racist for decades.

As far as kowtowing to foreign dictators, Biden not only enriched his family with bribes from Communists, but is so weak in the face of dictators that Putin took his opportunity.

As far as what’s “fun,” it’s so much fun watching Biden fly infected illegals throughout the country, in the middle of the night.
6/10. Tolerable, which is what I was hoping for. Just that. I had low expectations.

And I'm so glad he's in there. That's how low my expectations were.
Biden has been exactley who I thought he would be.
Not to me. I expected him to be who he’s been for 50 years - a man of mediocre intelligence (now worse due to dementia) who would accomplish nothing. I did not think he would actively work to weaken the country by kowtowing to the America-haters on the far left.
I don’t vote Democrat anymore. Haven’t in many years. I certainly would never vote for Brandon. Or Harris. Or Shrillary Rotten. Or Bernie. Or almost any other Democrap politician presently considered as even an outside contender.

What's your take on Tulsi?
My politics boil down to this:

I seek the greatest ability for people to control their own lives, while limiting their ability to harm others. I believe in egalitarianism, with everybody subject to the same rules, and same expectations. I believe in education, but not indoctrination, and believe all people should be able to form their own views.

It is pretty obvious by this that I do not support the Biden administration which has shown a consistent pattern in opposing all of the above.

People think of the divide in our country as being between left and right. The real divide, however, is between authoritarianism and libertarianism. The most authoritarian element of our society these days is the woke left as represented by Biden, but if it arose from the right, instead, I would oppose it just as strenuously.

When the right had their version of cancel culture, as say against the Dixie Chicks, I was extremely opposed to the right for doing that. That kind of childish nonsense only festers into more BS. And gives the other side a reason to do the same exact thing.

But you, there's the issue of party loyalist that seems to be one of the largest problems in this country. Though most party loyalist won't admit they are one.
In just over a year, a lot has changed. No need to go into all of them. They're listed in every political thread on this site. But honestly speaking, where are you on this, politically?

Where is your option that we NEVER supported Biden, her is an asshole and an illegal president and has wrecked everything he has touched, and that there is no justice or democracy in America until his fraudulent election is fully exposed?
Same shit, different day.

The duopoly is the duopoly and it will never change as long as 2/3 of the country has sold their souls to it

Sold their souls? Don't know where you got the 2/3 number, but I'd dispute it. That's kinda harsh GG, it ain't like there's a 3rd viable option, or that a 3rd party isn't possible. Right now, IMHO over 40% of the country is Independent and probably climbing.
Given what the Republican Party has become I don’t see voting Republican as a viable alternative.

Given what the Democratic Party has become, I don't see voting for them as a viable alternative either. Frankly, if it wasn't for that fucking Trump, IMHO the GOP would be far and away the better choice. At least they ain't trying to change the gov't status quo like the Dems are.
Has the Biden Administration changed my views?


My view at the Grocery Store...


...my view at the gas pump...


...my view on the nightly news...


... and my view of my savings account balance after 8% inflation....

I knew Joe Biden and Kamala were not up to the job which is why I voted for President Trump. But I seriously didn't think it would be THIS bad.
Same here. In fact, the damage being done to our country is SO bad that it has to be a deliberate effort to cause it harm.

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