Has this administration changed your views? Poll

Considering the SOTU, and have you changed your support?

  • 1. No, I'm still supporting Biden and his administration 100%

  • 2. I'm still supporting Biden, but my support is dwindling

  • 3. I'm fed up with the whole mess.

  • 4. Biden lost my support, but I still won't vote republican

  • 5. I've dropped my support for Biden and will be voting GOP in November

  • 6. I normally vote against the democrats, but I'm now supporting Biden.

Results are only viewable after voting.
The guy that spent his life funding both parties and jumping back and forth between them

you sheep are too much fun

And yet the duopoly you claim to hate went after him like the existential threat to them that he was.

Which makes you either the stupidest fuck on the planet, or a piece of shit liar.
You’re the one who voted for Biden. Have some self reflection, leftist. :)
Reflect what, retard? That Biden beat your orange douche bag like a rented mule?

Beat him so bad that even now Rump is still whining? Sure, I will reflect on that, retard. Sweet dreams. :auiqs.jpg:
Reflect what, retard? That Biden beat your orange douche bag like a rented mule?

Beat him so bad that even now Rump is still whining? Sure, I will reflect on that, retard. Sweet dreams. :auiqs.jpg:
OK Defect and we are all paying for that win. :)
Personally, I think every incumbent should be voted out for the next 5 elections. That'll get rid of the establishment and the lobbyist.
But there's too many party loyalist in this country. The vast majority of people who are not party loyalist, don't vote or care anything about politics.
I think there needs to be:

a) 12-year limits for Congress, two terms for Senate and six terms for Congress. Goodbye Nadler, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, etc.

b) mandatory retirement at 75. Goodbye, see above. ^^^

c) an immediate dismissal to any congressperson who says America is a horrible country and the entire system needs to be destroyed. Goodbye AOC.

4) an immediate dismissal to anyone who celebrates his or her congressional victory by draping themselves in the flag of a foreign country. Goodbye Tlaib.

5) an immediate dismissal for any congresspeople who rally for votes for death and destruction to an ally in favor of Islamic terrorists. Goodbye Squad members (tried to kill Israel’s Iron Dome.)

6) an immediate dismissal to anyone in an elected position who cannot score at least 28 on the MME exam (a very basic screening test for dementia), with such questions as “what day of the week is it” and “what city are we in now?” The test should be administered annually.
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While I talk about Joe just like they talk about Trump, I refuse to honestly look at personalities. Instead, I look at where they want to take this country, and that goes for those in Congress also, because usually each party votes as a bloc. When they don't, look at what each party does to them, think Mansion and Mcain.

In all fairness..............I don't want to generate HATE for Joe Biden. While he is the figurehead, it is those people underneath him really guiding where we are going, or trying to have us go.

Both sides of the aisle should agree that under Trump, he was the force. Like where we went or not under him, it was 80 to 90% him. He didn't listen to very many people at all, not even his own party. He just tried to ramrod everything through.

Under Biden, it is totally different. It is a consensus. He is being hammered or rewarded for decisions/ideas made far below the office of President. To believe otherwise would have to have you think that this guy who seems very removed, is the one sitting there 18hrs a day deciding how to guide the nation. Even a lot of Democrats do not believe he is capable of it, and most of us concur.

And so, if accept that fact as a probable reality and do not like the direction the country is going in, it should tell you how important November 2022 is. These people are helping guide his thought process, even though he is the one taking most of the heat. Get them, out of there! We then may see, the Democratic party moderate some.
Nah, Biden is doing good. 7/10 so far. Not great, but good. If he cancels student loan debt like he said, then it'd be a 9/10.

I read 1/10, but you're a coward Democrack, so you chose 7/10 to save some face from the fact you're a fuck-up.

I also read you can't take care of your own shit and desire someone else pay for your useless education.
I didn’t vote for Biden and seriously doubt if I will ever vote for a Democrat again. To me it seems the Democratic Party seriously wants to weaken our nation rather than make it a better place to live. With the Democrats in charge we are getting run away crime and inflation. Plus we are the verge of a war with Russia that might end up with an exchange of nuclear weapons. I will have to quit drinking beer because I can’t afford the gasoline to go buy it.

If Trump runs again I will vote for him. If he doesn’t run I hope DeSantis is the Republican candidate for President. If Romney were to run as the Republican candidate I would just not vote for President. (This would be a much better nation if Romney and Hillary were to just go away.)

Hopefully the Democratic Party will lose big time in the Midterms and the 2024 election and shrink from a big tent to a little teepee.
The guy that spent his life funding both parties and jumping back and forth between them

you sheep are too much fun
If you are referring to Trump, he is neither a Republican or a Democrat. He is his own Party. He just hijacked the Republican elephant and rode it hard to beat Hillary on her Democrat ass.

That’s why so many people like Trump. They don’t like either major party because both are full of corrupt politicians like Hillary and Joe Biden.
Nope, Trump is a total outsider. He is hated by the establishment (Swamp critters) of both Parties.

Trump has spent his whole adult life rubbing elbows and being best buds with the establishment. Hell dude, Bill and Hillary were at his wedding.
Trump has spent his whole adult life rubbing elbows and being best buds with the establishment. Hell dude, Bill and Hillary were at his wedding.
Sure. Trump is a businessman. You play nice with politicians so you can ask them for favors in the future. You even donate to their campaigns so they owe you.
I'm a libertarian, too, but there is an irrelevancy problem. So I pose as a Republican for the duration.
There are no Republicans any more. Only Trump cultists. Anyone who does not kowtow to Trump is labeled a RINO and punished.

The GOP is dead. Extinct. No more.

"I've got a slug."

When the right had their version of cancel culture, as say against the Dixie Chicks, I was extremely opposed to the right for doing that. That kind of childish nonsense only festers into more BS. And gives the other side a reason to do the same exact thing.

But you, there's the issue of party loyalist that seems to be one of the largest problems in this country. Though most party loyalist won't admit they are one.
I see you are not wearing a flag pin, terrorist lover!
Sold their souls? Don't know where you got the 2/3 number, but I'd dispute it. That's kinda harsh GG, it ain't like there's a 3rd viable option, or that a 3rd party isn't possible. Right now, IMHO over 40% of the country is Independent and probably climbing.
It's not opinion. It is a fact that over 40 percent of the country is Independent. We are ready for a new major party that isn't batshit insane.

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