He Was A Drumpf Supporter and Racist

Another triggered white male that supports Drumpf and has the ludicrious belief he is superior.

White Supremacists Claim Nikolas Cruz Trained With Them; Students Say He Wore Trump Hat in School


Two classmates said they saw Cruz wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

“I saw him wear a Trump hat,” said Sebastian Gonzalez, a 19-year-old who graduated in 2017.

Ocean Parodie, a 17-year-old junior, said Cruz was politically extreme.

“For example, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” Parodie said.

Josh Charo, a 16-year-old junior who was in JROTC with Cruz, said he often expressed racist beliefs.

“He would always talk about how he felt whites were a bit higher than everyone,” Charo said. “He’d be like, ‘My people are over here industrializing the world and starting new things, while your people [meaning blacks and Latinos] are just taking up space.’”

Again, Fake liberal News...

This makes you look like a Dumb Ass....
Dude, DON'T......don't try to marginalize this boy into anything but a condemned at birth trash can that couldn't get pass his hurt. Everything with you Trump nuts is always fake unless its satisfy's your ego. Get a life!!

Hey Dumb ass…

Get your head out of your ass and face

the TRUTH instead of your cnn, msnbc liberal lying propaganda..

The story is FAKE…

Admit it…

You are a DUMB ASS liberal…
Another triggered white male that supports Drumpf and has the ludicrious belief he is superior.

White Supremacists Claim Nikolas Cruz Trained With Them; Students Say He Wore Trump Hat in School


Two classmates said they saw Cruz wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

“I saw him wear a Trump hat,” said Sebastian Gonzalez, a 19-year-old who graduated in 2017.

Ocean Parodie, a 17-year-old junior, said Cruz was politically extreme.

“For example, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” Parodie said.

Josh Charo, a 16-year-old junior who was in JROTC with Cruz, said he often expressed racist beliefs.

“He would always talk about how he felt whites were a bit higher than everyone,” Charo said. “He’d be like, ‘My people are over here industrializing the world and starting new things, while your people [meaning blacks and Latinos] are just taking up space.’”
It's alway fun to trivialize the murder of 17 innocents, isn't it? Thankfully, they were all whites. Nice going Booker T Washington.
And here is another white male Trump supporter (me) who does not have the ludicrous belief that he is superior.

This guy had problems that had absolutely nothing to do with Trump. Blaming Trump for every bad or stupid thing one of his supporters does is moronic, intellectually lazy and lacking any critical thinking whatsoever.
Except I didnt blame Drumpf for anything. I just pointed out he supported Drumpf and he was a racist. You seem to be lacking reading comprehension in addition to being dumb enough to be a Drumpf supporter.
The kid was the classic recruit to a racist org: social reject, helpless and hopeless, seeking some sort of belonging and some feeling of affirmation/power. I suppose he could have been attracted to Antifa, too, but he wasn't. His politics don't really factor into this, imo.
Florida shooting suspect expressed violent, racist views in private chat group: report

MAGA--Massive Arsenals of Guns and Ammo, egged on by Fox News and Trump.
So what's your point--that the kid gravitated to racists or that Fox and Trump defend the 2nd? Either way, it's lame to blame Trump or the right for it. That will never get us anywhere.

My point is words and rhetoric have consequences...Trump chose to exploit racial and ethnic divisions and hatred...that is coming home to all of us from VIOLENT stoked Trump GIMPS with NRA arranged access to assault weapons

First of all, assault weapons have been banned in this country since 1994 which means that not even NRA members can legally own them. Secondly, the racial divide widened under Obama largely due to the Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin shootings. Thirdly, Trump never criticized or disparaged any ethnic groups. All he did was campaign for better illegal immigration control.
First of all, assault weapons have been banned in this country since 1994 which means that not even NRA members can legally own them. Secondly, the racial divide widened under Obama largely due to the Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin shootings. Thirdly, Trump never criticized or disparaged any ethnic groups. All he did was campaign for better illegal immigration control.

Sorry to say, you're wrong. The AWB of 1994 sunset in 2004. They are no longer illegal, whatever an "assault rifle" is.
Now that we know the nature of Russian interference, this is probably just more of the same.
There should be a bipartisan effort to come up with a solution for the increasing violence in schools. This endless right vs left banter goes nowhere. More funding for mental health would be a step in the right direction, as well as studying why some other countries have better outcomes in school behavior and education than we do. That should be a step in the right direction in making America a better country.
Another triggered white male that supports Drumpf and has the ludicrious belief he is superior.

White Supremacists Claim Nikolas Cruz Trained With Them; Students Say He Wore Trump Hat in School


Two classmates said they saw Cruz wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

“I saw him wear a Trump hat,” said Sebastian Gonzalez, a 19-year-old who graduated in 2017.

Ocean Parodie, a 17-year-old junior, said Cruz was politically extreme.

“For example, he would degrade Islamic people as terrorists and bombers. I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” Parodie said.

Josh Charo, a 16-year-old junior who was in JROTC with Cruz, said he often expressed racist beliefs.

“He would always talk about how he felt whites were a bit higher than everyone,” Charo said. “He’d be like, ‘My people are over here industrializing the world and starting new things, while your people [meaning blacks and Latinos] are just taking up space.’”
It's alway fun to trivialize the murder of 17 innocents, isn't it? Thankfully, they were all whites. Nice going Booker T Washington.
How is pointing out he was a racist trivializing the murders of the innocents?


No all of them were not white. Does the young lady last picture first row look white? How about that kid last picture on the second row? How about the beautiful young lady first in the third row? Nice going clown.
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