Here is why Ds have a solid shot at the Senate

LordBrownTrout, post: 20835699
His average growth was 1.5, the worst of all presidents since WW2.

Obama inherited the largest and highest magnitude of any recession since World War II, with 6.5% of jobs lost. Plus the recovery ran in parallel with the task of finishing both of Bush!s unfinished wars.

That type of scenario was faced by no President since WWII. So an avg growth of 1.5 for eight years was decent pace of recovery as far you know.

So why make the comparison that you did?

He spent more than all the prior presidents combined to help and still had minimal growth.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 20836804.
He spent more than all the prior presidents combined to help and still had minimal growth

So what is your point? Two fifths of the stimulus was tax cuts and most economists agree the stimulus was too small for the extensive damage the Great Bush Recession did to the economy.

Stimulus Too Small, by Brad DeLong, WSJ: Fourteen months ago, just after Barack Hussein Obama's election, most of us would have bet that the U.S. unemployment rate today would be something like 7.5%, that it would be heading down, and that the economy would be growing at about 4% per year. ... Well, we have been unlucky. Unemployment is ... not 7.5% but 10%. More important, perhaps, is that the expectation is for 3% real GDP growth in 2010.That leaves us with two major questions: First, why has the outcome thus far been so much worse than what pretty much everyone expected in the late fall of 2008? And second, why is the forecast ... for growth so much slower than our previous experience with recovery from a deep recession in 1983-84?I attribute the differences to four factors:First, the financial collapse of late 2008 did much more damage than we realized... The shock now looks to have been about twice as great as the consensus in the fall of 2008 thought. ...And that leads us to Factor No. 2. The Obama administration envisioned a $1 trillion short-term deficit-spending..., had the administration known how big the problem would turn out to be, it would have sought a $2 trillion stimulus.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Wrong! The Democrats do not have a shot at the Senate. Face it, the overwhelming majority of people are simply not interested in anything the Dems are selling.

Dems keep screaming Russia, Russia, Russia and making ridiculous claims that Trump is actually a Russian spy. And everybody knows the Dems are full of shit. Also, everyone except for the very few people with odd fetishes really don't give a shit about a septuagenarian's sex life. They are sick of the way Democrats keep fap, fap, fapping about the subject on TV.

The Dems are not going to take the senate, period.
O'Rourke is not going to win.

Apparently 9 pts behind is creeping closer to these guys.

A IPSOS/Reuters poll has O'Rourke ahead by 2.

Yes. I'm aware of it. That's the online poll where they questioned "likely" voters from five different states. They also were loaded with Democrats and barely any independents

Tell me, do you think that's going to provide an accurate picture off a Texas Senate race.

The most recent poll using good methods has Cruz with a 9 pt lead

You people had no trouble using Reuters/IPSOS when they said the generic ballot was nearly even. What they found was more enthusiasm for O'Rourke than Cruz. More people saw Cruz as a politician than O'Rourke. There are no good methods except when it shows the results you want. Quinnipiac is actually one of those pollsters who got it wrong. They had Clinton up in places like Pennsylvania and Michigan.

I don't believe the polls. They have been manipulated for years. Martha Coakly up by 15 points on Scott Brown 7 days out and losing by 4 was the start for me.

This one for O'Rourke is just silly. O'Rourke will lose by double digits. But today's poll won't matter in their post election analysis. The only polls that matters to the polling companies are the final polls, where they can brag about their accuracy. It does keep those real clear politics averages looking good though.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Dems all over the U.S. have been pouring money into Beto's campaign. They know Cruz will win. They are hoping to show that a state as red as Texas is vulnerable.

Beto is way too commie to get elected inTexas.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
So are they actually running for office or a gig on cnn like your boy Jordan?
O'Rourke is not going to win.

If Cook rates it a tossup, then it's a tossup!
So flip a coin, then wait for all those newly registered young voters, white suburban women and brown people who Trump's been insulting for 2.5 years to show up. Could get fun!
Except Democrats hate ALL white people.

Only the stupid young white people still vote Democrat.
O'Rourke is not going to win.

Apparently 9 pts behind is creeping closer to these guys.

A IPSOS/Reuters poll has O'Rourke ahead by 2.

Yes. I'm aware of it. That's the online poll where they questioned "likely" voters from five different states. They also were loaded with Democrats and barely any independents

Tell me, do you think that's going to provide an accurate picture off a Texas Senate race.

The most recent poll using good methods has Cruz with a 9 pt lead

You people had no trouble using Reuters/IPSOS when they said the generic ballot was nearly even. What they found was more enthusiasm for O'Rourke than Cruz. More people saw Cruz as a politician than O'Rourke. There are no good methods except when it shows the results you want. Quinnipiac is actually one of those pollsters who got it wrong. They had Clinton up in places like Pennsylvania and Michigan.

There is no point using polls with methods are are guaranteed not to provide accurate results

online polls, for example are always inaccurate

and even an idiot can see that polling likely voters in California about the Texas Senate race isn't going to get accurate results
Considering the romping she was supposed to give trump in those states......yeah, she got landslided.

Considering the 200 million views of fake news from Russian bots and trolls specifically targeting those states with an assist from Little Jared?
Ehhhh NO
Any time Democrats claim to be smart or smarter than Republicans I literally just have to show them posts like this.

You can’t get any more stupid.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Keep showing how childish you are, there will be a red wave in november.

Even Republicans are not buying that.

Trump Sees a 'Red Wave' Where His Party Sees a Red Alert | Rejuvenation Media
No, even liberal women see what your trying to pull. Real victims are offended. See you in november!

You are a lying little weasel. We see what the Republicans are trying. You can sexually assault a woman and get away with it if you are a Republican. A Republican state legislator in Minnesota was forced to give up his re-election campaign because his daughter said he touched her inappropriately.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report

You aren’t seriously going to try and make a prediction again are you?
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Keep showing how childish you are, there will be a red wave in november.

Even Republicans are not buying that.

Trump Sees a 'Red Wave' Where His Party Sees a Red Alert | Rejuvenation Media
No, even liberal women see what your trying to pull. Real victims are offended. See you in november!

You are a lying little weasel. We see what the Republicans are trying. You can sexually assault a woman and get away with it if you are a Republican. A Republican state legislator in Minnesota was forced to give up his re-election campaign because his daughter said he touched her inappropriately.

You people traffic in misery. Who abused you busy bee? Because severe trauma is the only thing that could cause your pyscopathy. Or maybe drugs. But drugs don’t usually lead to this kind of hatred.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Uncle Vlad says, "nyet!" and laughs at your doe-eyed naivety
Here is why Ds have a solid shot at the Senate

So what? So what if you're right? Let's say the D's regain the entire Congress, they've had it before and where did it ever get us? The SNL meltdown? Massive recession? Takeover of banks? Socialization of healthcare bankrupting the nation? Over the past 1.5 years, this country has gained on every front: economically, financially, immigration, trade, foreign relations-- -- -- people are working, making more money, stock market up, more disposable income, illegal aliens down, crime down, trade balances leveling out, Korean nuclear threat, ISIS and other matters better resolved-- -- -- and that is with all the crap Trump has been forced to deal with. Why should I care much less be happy knowing that if the D's get back in total control, they're just going to start the same shit all over again that put us in this mess in the first place that lead to THREE major election losses in 2010, 2014 and 2016?

Put another way, when are you going to start putting country ahead of your own personal politics?

You a funny guy but always wrong Tooby. Trump has done nothing but turn this country into an international embarrassment and add mountains of debt. The economic success is a straight-up continuation of Obama's last 7 years.

So what? Because the Orange Clown needs a CHECK on his most horrific impulses.

Mountains of debt? Lol. Your savior, O, added 9 trillion, and we didn't hear nary a peep from you. Deal with it.

Thought he had added 11 trillion

If you add in the govt fiscal year into september 2017, which was O's budget, its closer to your number.

No, it is further from that number. Oct 2009 to Oct 2017 gives 8.6 trillion added to the debt.

It also puts Trumps’s deficit this FY as possibly largest than any year under Obama. And Trump has the added distinction of doing so in a economic boom.

Sent from my iPhone using
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Keep showing how childish you are, there will be a red wave in november.

Even Republicans are not buying that.

Trump Sees a 'Red Wave' Where His Party Sees a Red Alert | Rejuvenation Media
No, even liberal women see what your trying to pull. Real victims are offended. See you in november!

You are a lying little weasel. We see what the Republicans are trying. You can sexually assault a woman and get away with it if you are a Republican. A Republican state legislator in Minnesota was forced to give up his re-election campaign because his daughter said he touched her inappropriately.
She doesn't remember when, how or where. The four witnesses she said was their. Said it never happened. She waited till they were ready to vote before she came out. Keep it up and when we get a super majority in November. We can get a pro life judge in, instead of Kavanaugh.
Now before you go bitching about polls, The Cook Report is not a pollster. They weigh many factors - poll trends and averages just one of many.

Can't wait to see the gnashing of teeth if Beto wins :19:

In recent weeks, several public polls have shown O’Rourke inching ever closer to Cruz. As of Friday, there is yet another indication that O’Rourke could have a fighting chance come November: the Cook Political Report updated its rating for the race, moving it from leans Republican to toss-up.​

2018 Senate Race ratings | The Cook Political Report
Keep showing how childish you are, there will be a red wave in november.

Even Republicans are not buying that.

Trump Sees a 'Red Wave' Where His Party Sees a Red Alert | Rejuvenation Media
No, even liberal women see what your trying to pull. Real victims are offended. See you in november!

You are a lying little weasel. We see what the Republicans are trying. You can sexually assault a woman and get away with it if you are a Republican. A Republican state legislator in Minnesota was forced to give up his re-election campaign because his daughter said he touched her inappropriately.
She doesn't remember when, how or where. The four witnesses she said was their. Said it never happened. She waited till they were ready to vote before she came out. Keep it up and when we get a super majority in November. We can get a pro life judge in, instead of Kavanaugh.

Kav is about to get schlonged - And no time to appoint, vet, etc anyone else prior to midterms.
We flip the Senate, it's all over but the shouting :)

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