Hidden welfare

43 Million Americans are on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our horrifying Welfare mess. And then there's all the Corporate Welfare going on as well. The Takers are rapidly gaining on the Producers in numbers. What happens to a Nation when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...Third World Banana Republic. Looks like we're headed there fast.
Honestly, I'd be willing to bet I know at least a tiny bit more about this stuff than 99% of the people on this site.

Because you spend 99% more time on DailyKOS....


Arrogance from the left is a crackup - talk about irony.....

What does DailyKOS have to do with understanding how to use the internet? For the record I've never been to DailyKOS once in my life and you obviously have no clue what the conversation was about.

The only time I ever visited Daily Kos was when they published that headline Patreaus-Betrayus. But even if we did, so? These clowns just can't stand it that we don't allow Fox, WND, et al., to dictate our way of assessing information. That's why the OP was such a shocker. I'm sure it's not headliner information on sites they prefer.
Tell me why should I have to pay more in income taxes when nearly half the people filing pay none or get more back than they paid in?

I pay my share. Last year I paid in over 40K in state and federal income taxes. So don't expect me to feel bad for some fucking deadbeat who didn't pay a fucking penny.

Look at all the contributions the poor make to society. They provide you with cheap labor four your company. They keep your prices low at restaurants, etc..

They are already paying only not in taxes.
What does DailyKOS have to do with understanding how to use the internet? For the record I've never been to DailyKOS once in my life and you obviously have no clue what the conversation was about.

good grief are you STILL going on about how superior your internet skills are to everyone else's?


I have a fb non-friend who has 161 photos of HIMSELF on his fb page. That's it. Flipping through them is like one of those stick-guy animation books....where you flip and it's the same guy in a slightly different pose....

Eric? Is that you????

Honestly have no clue what the hell you're talking about. You ranting about your friend on FB, the other guy is going on about DailyKOS. LOL. WTF.

Um, trolls? They know the tax facts I presented are truth, so that calls for deflection.
Why do the right wingers worship the rich? We all pay taxes, and the poor pay with every purchase. Even those who make little pay on most purchases. What the hell is wrong with a nation in which everyone leads a nice life, and the wealth of that nation is shared. Wealth comes from a sound, constitutional government of the people, it is sure as hell doesn't come from the rich. Again why do the conservatives, and right wingers worship the rich? A rather boring and useless gawd I think.

Warren Buffett : ""[We] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.”

Mr. Buffett said that he made $46 million in 2006 and was taxed at 17.7 percent, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 percent. It's troubling statistics such as these that fuel cries of income inequality and the deterioration of democracy. However, a new paper by Greg Mankiw entitled “Spreading the Wealth Around: Reflections on Joe the Plumber” elucidates a completely different perspective, citing the Congressional Budget Office calculations." Watson Inc: Do The Rich Pay Their Fair Share Of Taxes?: Eliminate Consumer Debt and Build Wealth

Your 30% comment is disingenuous at best.

just because her salary was 60K does not mean her adjusted gross income (what you actually pay taxes on) was 60K. Even if her AGI was 60K not all of it would have been taxed at 30% because we have a graduated tax scale.

Without knowing what her actual tax percentage was at the bottom of her 1040 (and I'll wager it was far less than 30%), your argument is less valuable than dog shit.

BINGO!!! So the great hue and cry from the wealthy having to pay 35% of their income (boo hoo) also does not mean they actually PAY that amount.
43 Million Americans are on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our horrifying Welfare mess. And then there's all the Corporate Welfare going on as well. The Takers are rapidly gaining on the Producers in numbers. What happens to a Nation when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...Third World Banana Republic. Looks like we're headed there fast.

The increase in food stamps was a direct result of the high unemployment due to the economic crash. That is indeed sad. But I'm sure you don't want to go there, because I'd like to see you defend how you expect people with no income would eat. Oh wait, I think it was Reagan who said "Let them eat catsup..."
Tell me why should I have to pay more in income taxes when nearly half the people filing pay none or get more back than they paid in?

I pay my share. Last year I paid in over 40K in state and federal income taxes. So don't expect me to feel bad for some fucking deadbeat who didn't pay a fucking penny.

Look at all the contributions the poor make to society. They provide you with cheap labor four your company. They keep your prices low at restaurants, etc..

They are already paying only not in taxes.
Yes why should people with more money pay higher percentage in taxes? Do they get to use the government agencies more? Or do they get their own road? No, so people are expecting the middle and upper class to not only pay more in actually money, but also at a higher percent. That seems like a lot of bullcrap to me.
This Welfare State cannot be sustained. People are only deluding themselves if they think it can be. Whether it be Corporate Welfare or gross abuses in monstrous Government Welfare Programs,this cannot be sustained. The Takers are on the verge of outnumbering the Producers. When they finally do outnumber the Producers,we will become a Third World Banana Republic. We're headed down that path right now. So don't kid yourself and think things can just go on as they are. It's just can't be done.
This Welfare State cannot be sustained. People are only deluding themselves if they think it can be. Whether it be Corporate Welfare or gross abuses in monstrous Government Welfare Programs,this cannot be sustained. The Takers are on the verge of outnumbering the Producers. When they finally do outnumber the Producers,we will become a Third World Banana Republic. We're headed down that path right now. So don't kid yourself and think things can just go on as they are. It's just can't be done.

I can agree with that.

My point is that not all the takers are poor and not all the producers are rich.
Is it too much trouble for you to READ THE FUCKING LINKS I PROVIDED?

Super rich see federal taxes drop dramatically - Yahoo! News
The top income tax rate is 35 percent, so how can people who make so much pay so little in taxes? The nation's tax laws are packed with breaks for people at every income level. There are breaks for having children, paying a mortgage, going to college, and even for paying other taxes. Plus, the top rate on capital gains is only 15 percent.
There are so many breaks that 45 percent of U.S. households will pay no federal income tax for 2010, according to estimates by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.

You don't even begin to comprehend the bullshit you cut&paste from KOS, do you?

Your link doesn't even attempt to claim that the "rich" don't pay taxes, in fact - stupid, it places the average amount at 17% for those making $345 million. For those who vote democrat (i.e. are mentally retarded) that works out t0 $59 million in taxes.

I would tell you to READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE. but we all know you lack the requisite intellect to comprehend it.
When Bob becomes too sick to afford the insurance payments that have been increased drastically due to his high risk, then what does Bob do?

Wow, your health insurance adjusts every time you go to the doctor? I've never heard of such a thing?

Oh, you're just bullshitting - I get it. You have to tell false and scary stories because communism can't survive the light of facts.

Carry on.
What does DailyKOS have to do with understanding how to use the internet?

Your understanding of how to use the internet appears to be "click on leftist hate site - rinse - repeat."

For the record I've never been to DailyKOS once in my life and you obviously have no clue what the conversation was about.

You obviously are a drone, mindlessly posting idiocy from the hate sites.
Never been there once?

What on earth does that mean? Does that mean you've just never been there? Or you've been there but not in a prime number amount.....

Why do the right wingers worship the rich?

Why do the neofascists worship poverty and failure?

We all pay taxes, and the poor pay with every purchase.

There is no federal sales tax, many states have no sales tax.

What the hell is wrong with a nation in which everyone leads a nice life, and the wealth of that nation is shared.

What the hell is wrong with leftists who have a nice life yet are consumed with jealousy and hatred at the thought that others might have more than they. (Except Oprah, it's okay for her to have more because she cares!)

Wealth comes from a sound, constitutional government of the people, it is sure as hell doesn't come from the rich.

Wealth comes from producing goods that others are willing to work to acquire.

Fascists lack the wits to comprehend this simple fact.
Is it too much trouble for you to READ THE FUCKING LINKS I PROVIDED?

Super rich see federal taxes drop dramatically - Yahoo! News
The top income tax rate is 35 percent, so how can people who make so much pay so little in taxes? The nation's tax laws are packed with breaks for people at every income level. There are breaks for having children, paying a mortgage, going to college, and even for paying other taxes. Plus, the top rate on capital gains is only 15 percent.
There are so many breaks that 45 percent of U.S. households will pay no federal income tax for 2010, according to estimates by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.

You don't even begin to comprehend the bullshit you cut&paste from KOS, do you?

Your link doesn't even attempt to claim that the "rich" don't pay taxes, in fact - stupid, it places the average amount at 17% for those making $345 million. For those who vote democrat (i.e. are mentally retarded) that works out t0 $59 million in taxes.

I would tell you to READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE. but we all know you lack the requisite intellect to comprehend it.

So you obviously did not read the link, or you'd know it wasn't from KOS, stupid. But Ii'm glad you said "[my] link doesn't even attempt to claim that the rich don't pay taxes," because I never said that either. Pass it on to your mom, Allie.
To listen to the right, Americans are demanding that budget cuts be made in social programs to lower the deficit. Ironically, however, they don't want their taxes raised (or touched) that disguise other forms of "welfare" for which they are huge beneficiaries:

Americans Oppose Eliminating Income Tax Deductions

We also hear a constant refrain from the right that 45% pay no taxes at all, attempting to blame the low-income people alone, when in fact that 45% includes many wealthy people who use the existing tax loopholes to either pay no income taxes, or at least lower their tax obligations to near zero.

Super rich see federal taxes drop dramatically - Yahoo! News

So I question whether anyone is really serious about paying down the debt, which will require sacrifice and pain at all levels. The common answer seen in poll after poll after poll is NO.

What's hidden about it?
Why do the right wingers worship the rich?

Why do the neofascists worship poverty and failure?

We all pay taxes, and the poor pay with every purchase.

There is no federal sales tax, many states have no sales tax.

What the hell is wrong with a nation in which everyone leads a nice life, and the wealth of that nation is shared.

What the hell is wrong with leftists who have a nice life yet are consumed with jealousy and hatred at the thought that others might have more than they. (Except Oprah, it's okay for her to have more because she cares!)

Wealth comes from a sound, constitutional government of the people, it is sure as hell doesn't come from the rich.

Wealth comes from producing goods that others are willing to work to acquire.

Fascists lack the wits to comprehend this simple fact.

Fascism equals corporatism. Um that's you guys, dummy.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To listen to the right, Americans are demanding that budget cuts be made in social programs to lower the deficit. Ironically, however, they don't want their taxes raised (or touched) that disguise other forms of "welfare" for which they are huge beneficiaries:

Americans Oppose Eliminating Income Tax Deductions

We also hear a constant refrain from the right that 45% pay no taxes at all, attempting to blame the low-income people alone, when in fact that 45% includes many wealthy people who use the existing tax loopholes to either pay no income taxes, or at least lower their tax obligations to near zero.

Super rich see federal taxes drop dramatically - Yahoo! News

So I question whether anyone is really serious about paying down the debt, which will require sacrifice and pain at all levels. The common answer seen in poll after poll after poll is NO.

What's hidden about it?

Because nobody talks about it as being "welfare," but it is. Aren't all government giveaways "welfare"??

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