Hillary wins the popular vote

If so what Explains this

If the Popular vote totals are categorically unimportant why are the Right wingers doing the Misinformation circuit...its important because they want to claim they are in the majority when they are not...
Consider :

people who Googled the phrase "Final Election Count" as late as 2 p.m. on Nov. 14.
The first entry in Google’s news category -- above those from news links to the Washington Post and Politico -- was a Nov. 12 post (updated the following day) from a little-known site called 70news.[ a Right wing Propaganda site like Breitbart]

"Final election 2016 numbers: Trump won both popular (62.9M-62.2M) and Electoral College Votes (306-232)," the post’s headline said.

No, Trump is not beating Clinton in the popular vote
PolitiFact‎ - 16 hours ago

"Final election 2016 numbers: Trump won" the popular vote.
Bloggers on Saturday, November 12th, 2016 in web posts

According to its Facebook page, the site launched in August [ I bet Bannon has ties to these folks] and seeks to "share news that matters to you. What liberal media will try to hide, we will uncover.":cuckoo:
Don't forget, the greater the margin of victory, the greater the mandate for the new president to implement his agenda. Trump won, the democrats are feverishly trying to find any way they can possibly claim he either didn't really win or that he has no mandate to implement his agenda, so the Republicans are just batting aside the feeble objections.

His margin of victory was a negative number.
see the mandate is because he also won the congress. No matter how you wish to make yourself feel better, the fact remains it was a mandate. baddaboom :dance::dance::dance:

I don't remember any RWnut talk of mandate when Obama did even better in 2009, do you?
Why should they? It was up to the democrats to say things like "They can come along for the ride, but they have to ride in the back of the bus", "I won", and stuff like that. Oh wait...

So Trump has a mandate and Obama didn't. lol, you're retarded.
Popular vote update. Very detailed information as of November 14, yesterday:

"As of this writing, Clinton is ahead by nearly 800,000 votes, a margin that is likely to expand further as late returns trickle in from California, Oregon and Washington state, all of which are strong Clinton states....."""

No, Trump is not beating Clinton in the popular vote

More than half the country did not want Trump. EC needs to be abolished. They are nothing but a bunch of paid-off hacks and I bet Trump didn't have to pay these lackies very much, either.
Uh-Huh, that's like the losing team in the Super Bowl saying "Hey, they might have outscored us but at least our quarterback threw for more yards than theirs did" .....aka you still lost.

"Look at the scoreboard Buddha, I'm doing just fine" -- Jack Parkman, Major League
Many a superior (at least on paper) team has played a stronger game, only to lose when the other team scored on some high risk plays.
Don't forget, the greater the margin of victory, the greater the mandate for the new president to implement his agenda. Trump won, the democrats are feverishly trying to find any way they can possibly claim he either didn't really win or that he has no mandate to implement his agenda, so the Republicans are just batting aside the feeble objections.

His margin of victory was a negative number.
see the mandate is because he also won the congress. No matter how you wish to make yourself feel better, the fact remains it was a mandate. baddaboom :dance::dance::dance:

I don't remember any RWnut talk of mandate when Obama did even better in 2009, do you?
Why should they? It was up to the democrats to say things like "They can come along for the ride, but they have to ride in the back of the bus", "I won", and stuff like that. Oh wait...

So Trump has a mandate and Obama didn't. lol, you're retarded.
Not my problem the democrats didn't capitalize on their candidate's victory. Oh wait, they did and now we're saddled with obamadon'tcare. You remember, the stool sample we had to pass to find out what was in it?
If so what Explains this

If the Popular vote totals are categorically unimportant why are the Right wingers doing the Misinformation circuit...its important because they want to claim they are in the majority when they are not...
Consider :

people who Googled the phrase "Final Election Count" as late as 2 p.m. on Nov. 14.
The first entry in Google’s news category -- above those from news links to the Washington Post and Politico -- was a Nov. 12 post (updated the following day) from a little-known site called 70news.[ a Right wing Propaganda site like Breitbart]

"Final election 2016 numbers: Trump won both popular (62.9M-62.2M) and Electoral College Votes (306-232)," the post’s headline said.

No, Trump is not beating Clinton in the popular vote
PolitiFact‎ - 16 hours ago

"Final election 2016 numbers: Trump won" the popular vote.
Bloggers on Saturday, November 12th, 2016 in web posts

According to its Facebook page, the site launched in August [ I bet Bannon has ties to these folks] and seeks to "share news that matters to you. What liberal media will try to hide, we will uncover.":cuckoo:
Don't forget, the greater the margin of victory, the greater the mandate for the new president to implement his agenda. Trump won, the democrats are feverishly trying to find any way they can possibly claim he either didn't really win or that he has no mandate to implement his agenda, so the Republicans are just batting aside the feeble objections.

His margin of victory was a negative number.
see the mandate is because he also won the congress. No matter how you wish to make yourself feel better, the fact remains it was a mandate. baddaboom :dance::dance::dance:

Liberals just want to change the scoring system after the game is over because they lost. That isn't OK with you?

Well, sure, you scored more points, but we got more first downs. We win! Oh, you got more first downs? Well, we got more yards of offense ...

The votes are the points.

Who can name all of the other elections in the US where the guy who wins the vote doesn't win the election?
I love your signature. Your ignorant bliss is just adorable. While Obama was in office, Democrats lost hundreds of legislature seats, governorships, and congressional seats, and set up a landslide victory for Donald Trump as well as yet another GOP expansion this last election. But you say, "Good job, Democrats!" While the Democrat party is reeling from this tremendous slap in the face by Americans. And instead of realizing how far to the Left you all have gone, you are now doubling down on stupid, appointing more wing nut radicals instead of moving back to the center where the American people are. Your party is in decline, but keep up the cheerleading.
Yes, Trump is really down in the dumps about this...
Don't forget, the greater the margin of victory, the greater the mandate for the new president to implement his agenda. Trump won, the democrats are feverishly trying to find any way they can possibly claim he either didn't really win or that he has no mandate to implement his agenda, so the Republicans are just batting aside the feeble objections.

His margin of victory was a negative number.
see the mandate is because he also won the congress. No matter how you wish to make yourself feel better, the fact remains it was a mandate. baddaboom :dance::dance::dance:

Liberals just want to change the scoring system after the game is over because they lost. That isn't OK with you?

Well, sure, you scored more points, but we got more first downs. We win! Oh, you got more first downs? Well, we got more yards of offense ...

The votes are the points.

Who can name all of the other elections in the US where the guy who wins the vote doesn't win the election?
I love your signature. Your ignorant bliss is just adorable. While Obama was in office, Democrats lost hundreds of legislature seats, governorships, and congressional seats, and set up a landslide victory for Donald Trump as well as yet another GOP expansion this last election. But you say, "Good job, Democrats!" While the Democrat party is reeling from this tremendous slap in the face by Americans. And instead of realizing how far to the Left you all have gone, you are now doubling down on stupid, appointing more wing nut radicals instead of moving back to the center where the American people are. Your party is in decline, but keep up the cheerleading.

And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

PS, I'm laughing at how stupid you are not to get my sigline.
And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

... and yet the Democrats have lost 3 of the last 4 elections and been decimated at the State and Federal level, that's gratitude for ya, huh? :cool:

So Republicans at the state level get to decide what color their license plates will be. Big deal.
And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

... and yet the Democrats have lost 3 of the last 4 elections and been decimated at the State and Federal level, that's gratitude for ya, huh? :cool:

So Republicans at the state level get to decide what color their license plates will be. Big deal.
They also get to decide if they will expand Medicare in a vain attempt to save obamadon'tcare's exchanges. And they get to decide how many restrictions to put on abortion mills. And they get to decide how much access middle aged men have to girls' locker rooms. You know, all that stuff the left whines about.
And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

... and yet the Democrats have lost 3 of the last 4 elections and been decimated at the State and Federal level, that's gratitude for ya, huh? :cool:

So Republicans at the state level get to decide what color their license plates will be. Big deal.
LOL, Why does it not surprise me that you don't understand how our system of government works ?

Anywho... keep up that Obama cheerleading, it seems to be working out really well for you and your lemming slice.
Hillary can take her popular vote and a couple of bucks and get a cup of coffee at MacDonald's to help her sober up.
His margin of victory was a negative number.
see the mandate is because he also won the congress. No matter how you wish to make yourself feel better, the fact remains it was a mandate. baddaboom :dance::dance::dance:

Liberals just want to change the scoring system after the game is over because they lost. That isn't OK with you?

Well, sure, you scored more points, but we got more first downs. We win! Oh, you got more first downs? Well, we got more yards of offense ...

The votes are the points.

Who can name all of the other elections in the US where the guy who wins the vote doesn't win the election?
I love your signature. Your ignorant bliss is just adorable. While Obama was in office, Democrats lost hundreds of legislature seats, governorships, and congressional seats, and set up a landslide victory for Donald Trump as well as yet another GOP expansion this last election. But you say, "Good job, Democrats!" While the Democrat party is reeling from this tremendous slap in the face by Americans. And instead of realizing how far to the Left you all have gone, you are now doubling down on stupid, appointing more wing nut radicals instead of moving back to the center where the American people are. Your party is in decline, but keep up the cheerleading.

And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

PS, I'm laughing at how stupid you are not to get my sigline.

Damn! If all that is true, how did you fools blow the election so bad?
His margin of victory was a negative number.
see the mandate is because he also won the congress. No matter how you wish to make yourself feel better, the fact remains it was a mandate. baddaboom :dance::dance::dance:

Liberals just want to change the scoring system after the game is over because they lost. That isn't OK with you?

Well, sure, you scored more points, but we got more first downs. We win! Oh, you got more first downs? Well, we got more yards of offense ...

The votes are the points.

Who can name all of the other elections in the US where the guy who wins the vote doesn't win the election?
I love your signature. Your ignorant bliss is just adorable. While Obama was in office, Democrats lost hundreds of legislature seats, governorships, and congressional seats, and set up a landslide victory for Donald Trump as well as yet another GOP expansion this last election. But you say, "Good job, Democrats!" While the Democrat party is reeling from this tremendous slap in the face by Americans. And instead of realizing how far to the Left you all have gone, you are now doubling down on stupid, appointing more wing nut radicals instead of moving back to the center where the American people are. Your party is in decline, but keep up the cheerleading.

And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

PS, I'm laughing at how stupid you are not to get my sigline.
If your signature is sarcastic, then it might command a smigeon of respect.

And the American public isn't buying your line of BS about how great your HNIC did. You see, you can lie all you want, and he can lie during his press conferences about what a great job he did, but in the end, the continued deterioration of the Democrat party as well as this last election puts the lie to your claim. Most people have been alive long enough to know what a V shaped recovery is and know that this isn't what Obama delivered. Nobody believes the lying Left anymore.
Once again I'd like to congratulate Hillary on "winning" the "popular" vote. You can blame her and her campaign's misunderstanding of the Constitution and election process. Talk about planning to fail, go figure. Meanwhile it's "Clinton who has experience."

If Trump wanted the popular vote he'd have campaigned for it. Once again we see an example for why Trump is a success and why Hillary is a drunken failure.

God Bless America.
And while Obama was in office, the economy turned around, equal rights for Americans were strongly advanced against all conservative opposition.

... and yet the Democrats have lost 3 of the last 4 elections and been decimated at the State and Federal level, that's gratitude for ya, huh? :cool:

So Republicans at the state level get to decide what color their license plates will be. Big deal.

If that was true I would still be living in Illinois.

Once again I'd like to congratulate Hillary on "winning" the "popular" vote. You can blame her and her campaign's misunderstanding of the Constitution and election process. Talk about planning to fail, go figure. Meanwhile it's "Clinton who has experience."

If Trump wanted the popular vote he'd have campaigned for it. Once again we see an example for why Trump is a success and why Hillary is a drunken failure.

God Bless America.

lol, Trump once predicted he'd win New York.
Once again I'd like to congratulate Hillary on "winning" the "popular" vote. You can blame her and her campaign's misunderstanding of the Constitution and election process. Talk about planning to fail, go figure. Meanwhile it's "Clinton who has experience."

If Trump wanted the popular vote he'd have campaigned for it. Once again we see an example for why Trump is a success and why Hillary is a drunken failure.

God Bless America.

lol, Trump once predicted he'd win New York.

Hillary once predicted she'd be President.

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