Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Many ameican conservatives, and now even libertarians, dont believe in democracy

Have you noticed when you pull things out of your ass, they generally stink?

I'd like to see you back this up.
ever heard conservatives bleat out the saying "we're a republic not a democracy" now sometimes tacked on with "democracy = mob rule".....there is my evidence

Gasoline is great stuff for making your car go, but it sucks for drinking. Democracy is great when government has to make a decision, the problem is that all government decisions are imposed on us by force. government sucks, so we should keep it's control over our lives to the absolute minimum possible.

Liberals, on the other hand, think government should run everything. That's how we know they are all insane.
alwayz with the straw man "liberals think government should control everything", you keep stuffing youll get there someday
What do you mean, "not seeing much"? You will have to be clearer. The United States was the first Constitutional Republic, and has always had an electoral college and senate.
Not seeing much aout the electoral college and for that matter the senate...within the definition of Constitutional Republic.
Which definition? A Constitutional Republic by definition is a Republic that governs within the confines of a constitution.

The senate and electoral college are institutions proscribed within our Constitution. So I don't know what you aren't seeing.
A constitutional republic is created by, and limited by, the constitution under which it is formed: and is controlled by Law; and is representative in its nature.

Is there any part of the constitution that cannot be changed?
The Constitution can be amended, but no one disputed this. In fact I mentioned the high vote threshold for the amendment process in my previous post. What is your point of contention exactly?
My assertion within this issue is the difference between the reasons why the founders thought an electoral college, AND a senate, were needed...and begin discussion regarding whether or not the electoral college is warrants the disproportiante influence it creates for the everage voter in Wyoming, over that of the voter in California
I disagree somewhat on this...despite so called disproportianate influence..."flyover" country still gets little attention from presidential candidates and from the washington establishment. Smaller states could use even more influence, I think they are generally less corrupt than the big staes so it would benefit most americans too.
Not seeing much aout the electoral college and for that matter the senate...within the definition of Constitutional Republic.
Which definition? A Constitutional Republic by definition is a Republic that governs within the confines of a constitution.

The senate and electoral college are institutions proscribed within our Constitution. So I don't know what you aren't seeing.
A constitutional republic is created by, and limited by, the constitution under which it is formed: and is controlled by Law; and is representative in its nature.

Is there any part of the constitution that cannot be changed?
The Constitution can be amended, but no one disputed this. In fact I mentioned the high vote threshold for the amendment process in my previous post. What is your point of contention exactly?
My assertion within this issue is the difference between the reasons why the founders thought an electoral college, AND a senate, were needed...and begin discussion regarding whether or not the electoral college is warrants the disproportiante influence it creates for the everage voter in Wyoming, over that of the voter in California
I disagree somewhat on this...despite so called disproportianate influence..."flyover" country still gets little attention from presidential candidates and from the washington establishment. Smaller states could use even more influence, I think they are generally less corrupt than the big staes so it would benefit most americans too.
I'm really exhausted by a lack willingness to discuss the topic, from others, and that's not your fault.

But what I'd like to research more...was why the founders thought the electoral college was needed, then compare those needs with our reality today.

I still have some reading to do though, and after that I'll maybe start a thread focusing on that one question.
Link to my mistake, liar?

I was talking about McCarthy, you posted some off-topic nonsense about Hollywood writers
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...
Which definition? A Constitutional Republic by definition is a Republic that governs within the confines of a constitution.

The senate and electoral college are institutions proscribed within our Constitution. So I don't know what you aren't seeing.
A constitutional republic is created by, and limited by, the constitution under which it is formed: and is controlled by Law; and is representative in its nature.

Is there any part of the constitution that cannot be changed?
The Constitution can be amended, but no one disputed this. In fact I mentioned the high vote threshold for the amendment process in my previous post. What is your point of contention exactly?
My assertion within this issue is the difference between the reasons why the founders thought an electoral college, AND a senate, were needed...and begin discussion regarding whether or not the electoral college is warrants the disproportiante influence it creates for the everage voter in Wyoming, over that of the voter in California
I disagree somewhat on this...despite so called disproportianate influence..."flyover" country still gets little attention from presidential candidates and from the washington establishment. Smaller states could use even more influence, I think they are generally less corrupt than the big staes so it would benefit most americans too.
I'm really exhausted by a lack willingness to discuss the topic, from others, and that's not your fault.

But what I'd like to research more...was why the founders thought the electoral college was needed, then compare those needs with our reality today.

I still have some reading to do though, and after that I'll maybe start a thread focusing on that one question.
I think part of it was just making it easier to organize/count votes. But it also supported state power, power of state legeslatures.
does sound like a good thread to start.
Link to my mistake, liar?

I was talking about McCarthy, you posted some off-topic nonsense about Hollywood writers
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy

The more you post, the dumber you appear. Don't try to be glib, you're not smart enough.
I was talking about McCarthy, you posted some off-topic nonsense about Hollywood writers
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...


You're the Biggest FUCKING MORON ON USMB!!!!



I was talking about McCarthy, you posted some off-topic nonsense about Hollywood writers
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy

The more you post, the dumber you appear. Don't try to be glib, you're not smart enough.

What did Senator Joe McCarthy do to Lucille Ball, Freddo?
I was talking about McCarthy, you posted some off-topic nonsense about Hollywood writers
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...

Joe McCarthy was a US Senator, tell us how he ran a HOUSE Committee that started over a decade before he even became Senator

I can forgive you being ignorant the first time because that's the lie the Progressives have been telling us for generations, but you should know better by now

It's a lie!
Once you decide government can make our choices for us just because they can when we have harmed no one then what they do with that incredible power are just the details. You justify everything the left wants legally. You just again want something different. BTW, you can't enforce traffic laws on people's personal property. That analogy is a failure from go.
It's the classic conservative/libertarian argument. I would lean to less control over people by government and it would mean less help from government. Want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet? Fine, but don't demand hospitals pick up the tab if something happens. I think a libertarian would agree with that.
Helmets are a great question. I actually am OK with helmet and seat belt laws ... on public streets. When we ceded power to government to build roads, we ceded power to regulate them. I don't want wind driven cars that start and stop with the gusts on public roads. I don't want cars that are shedding parts and may fall apart in front of me. Private roads are an entirely different situation. But do you see what I mean? You cede power to build, you cede power to regulate for public use.

I totally agree with you on hospitals though.

But, what about dropping all drug laws? Would you really want a meth lab next door or quick easy access to meth. Many more addicts will be the result and that will have an impact on all of us, like it or not. There needs to be a line somewhere.

If I want to ensure that doesn't happen, I can do something like buy in a planned community which bans meth labs. Other than that, I can only hold them accountable if they do harm to me. No, government should not be involved in banning drugs. But doing drugs is no defense for what you do on them.

Take a bow Stein!

I'd like to thank the contributor for her time... and in proving that absent God, there is no potential for morality.

Says who? .

Says the record of this discussion, wherein you claimed that one doesn't need to recognize God, or the reasoning central to the understanding that God IS, to be moral; wherein Stein explained that if you claimed morality, your claim would inherently rest within the Judea-Christian understanding, and that is of course, because Judea-Christian understanding, serve reason... and have for thousands of years built the culture around you. A culture which is slowly decaying as people turn from that understanding... .

You then returned to do precisely that... . Your denial of that record, notwithstanding.

And THAT is why I love the text forum and why the Left is quickly falling out of love with this media. That pesky record... it just doesn't revise well and is so "delusion resistant".

And where is the misunderstanding? When the police raided the home of Richard and Mildred Loving they did so in the early hours of the night in hopes of catching them having sex....as interracial sex was a felony.

Are you saying that felonies aren't crimes? Or that this law didn't enjoy majority support in Virginia...where it passed easily?

Right. Now show that most Americans supported that, which is what you claimed.

Lets clarify a point first: what did I 'not know what that means'. Because you just agreed with me on criminalization.

Yes, if you know what criminalization means, you would not have made the ridiculous argument that you did that "most" Americans want to criminalize it. If you want to claim rather than not knowing what criminalization means you just made a ridiculous, unsupported sweeping statement about it then I would accept that.

Ah, I see your confusion. You just changed the tense of my argument. I said the majority *supported* criminalizing interracial sex. I didn't say most Americans want to criminalize it.

If you want to claim that you don't understand the difference between past and present tense rather than intentionally misstating my argument, I'd accept that.

I understood what you said just fine, skippy. Interracial marriage was legal for most Americans in 1967 when the supreme court ruled. You are full of shit when you say the majority wanted it "criminalized." Whether or not people wanted it recognized, the number of people who wanted people arrested for it was in no way a majority.

Back up your crap.
It's certainly notthe only one without ethics though.

Really, that's not my understanding - please enlighten me.

If I could enlighten a liberal then you would have to buy my book to find out how I do it. I'm more likely to learn to levitate elephants. The problem is you don't want to be enlightened, you want free stuff and to be unburdened of your personal responsibility.

Fuck you. If anyone needed evidence you're an asshole, and a liar, you've provided it.;

Liar? Back that up.


"The Supreme Court’s greatest assets are its integrity and the public’s trust. Yet while the Code of Conduct for United States Judges binds every lower federal court judge, and every state judge is subject to a corresponding code of ethics, the nine justices of the Supreme Court are not subject to any binding code of ethics. Both to help ensure ethical conduct by the justices and to reassure the American people of the integrity of the Court, our highest court must be held to a code of conduct."

- See more at: Supreme Unaccountability The Nine Federal Judges to Whom No Code of Ethics Applies

So, here in Red and White is my back up. You are now free to cut and run as most RW lying jerks usually do when faced with reality!

How does that make me a "liar?" And as for your little girly snit, pull down your dress, your twat is showing.
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...


You're the Biggest FUCKING MORON ON USMB!!!!



Freak out, brainwashed dingbat. lol
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...

Joe McCarthy was a US Senator, tell us how he ran a HOUSE Committee that started over a decade before he even became Senator

I can forgive you being ignorant the first time because that's the lie the Progressives have been telling us for generations, but you should know better by now
It's a lie!
He started and led the bs, ridiculous witch hunt, shyttehead. I never said he ran HUAC, just inspired and led it down a road to disgrace.
Hitler and the Nazis were fanatical Socialists. I know that blows the minds of the Socialists/Communists on this board, but it is the truth. Fascism was born of Socialism. Communism, Fascism, and Socialism are Totalitarian ideologies. They're really the same ideology in the end.
Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...


You're the Biggest FUCKING MORON ON USMB!!!!



Freak out, brainwashed dingbat. lol

^ ProgDuppe doesn't know the difference between the House of Representatives and the US Senate.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...


You're the Biggest FUCKING MORON ON USMB!!!!



Freak out, brainwashed dingbat. lol

^ ProgDuppe doesn't know the difference between the House of Representatives and the US Senate.
And a liar too. Very impressive.lol
I was talking about McCarthy, you posted some off-topic nonsense about Hollywood writers
321 artists had their lives ruined, aasshol

Their lives were not ruined by McCarthy, numskull. Furthermore, most of them were members of the Communist Party.
Innocent people were devastated by McCarthy.
Lucille Ball was a huge success in spite of him.
McCarthy died of alcoholism at 48.

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy

The more you post, the dumber you appear. Don't try to be glib, you're not smart enough.

Freddo, what did Joe McCarthy do to Lucille Ball?
McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Lucille Ball

That's one of the many Progressive Big Lies about McCarthy
She and Desi were investigated with a lot of innuendo...split hairs much? McCarthy had nothing to do do with HUAC? Give me a break...He was the leader and started the whole disgraceful mess...


You're the Biggest FUCKING MORON ON USMB!!!!



Freak out, brainwashed dingbat. lol

^ ProgDuppe doesn't know the difference between the House of Representatives and the US Senate.
And a liar too. Very impressive.lol

Tell us how Joe McCarthy ran a House Committee.

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