Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

Hitlerism was militaristic, nationalistic, capitalistic, racist, and totalitarian. Anywhere but Liberal fascism/Beck World, that's far right wing, brainwashed a-holes.
dear you cant be capitalist and totalitarian.

Welcome to your ABC's. Try college.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.
The essential definition of governmental types is whether or not they believe in Democracy .... quite a few conservatives dont, therefore:

Communism = Conservatism :D

of course thats idiotic given that conservatives believe in very liminted govt thus empowering the people while liberals believe in exact opposite.

Do you understand?
Hitlerism was militaristic, nationalistic, capitalistic, racist, and totalitarian. Anywhere but Liberal fascism/Beck World, that's far right wing, brainwashed a-holes.
dear you cant be capitalist and totalitarian.

Welcome to your ABC's. Try college.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??
Yup, and our wonderful constitution was designed for an agrarian society. .

dear we know as a liberal you oppose outdated Constitution and outdated Founders so no surprise liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb! You are very honest. Most liberals will try to claim the Founders were liberal!

Can you straighten them out? With all of your education you are a well qualified to do it don't you agree??
The wonderful constitution is the guide for all the laws the founders, very liberal in their time DUH, could not have foreseen.. Russia would have gotten the bomb in a couple of years anyway, and most of their help came from a german socialist/commie working for the BRITS. The Rosenberg executions were RW overkill.
Hitlerism was militaristic, nationalistic, capitalistic, racist, and totalitarian. Anywhere but Liberal fascism/Beck World, that's far right wing, brainwashed a-holes.
dear you cant be capitalist and totalitarian.

Welcome to your ABC's. Try college.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??

I cannot remember "liberals" snuggling up to Hitler. All I remember is Henry Ford and Prescott Bush. The latter's company had its assets seized in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act, which is ironic for a progenitor of two Presidents...
Hitlerism was militaristic, nationalistic, capitalistic, racist, and totalitarian. Anywhere but Liberal fascism/Beck World, that's far right wing, brainwashed a-holes.
dear you cant be capitalist and totalitarian.

Welcome to your ABC's. Try college.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??
certainly not for Hitler.
The wonderful constitution is the guide for all the laws the founders, very liberal in their time DUH, could not have foreseen..

too 100% stupid as always. The Founders looked at all of human history and knew HItler Stalin and Mao were coming again and again so gave us a blueprint for very very limited govt to avoid it. Liberals sinned like Adam and Eve.

Do you understand now? Ever think of college?

Welcome to your first lesson in American History:
19)Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

-20)History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

-21)I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

-22)I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

-23)My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

-24)Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

-25)Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

-26)The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.
dear you cant be capitalist and totalitarian.

Welcome to your ABC's. Try college.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??
certainly not for Hitler.

The Liberal-Fascist Axis

"Shaw idolized Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

– Jonah Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism” (2007), p. 134

“The Soviet Story” was a revelatory “documentary on progressivism.” In a revealing excerpt, George Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright and literary critic was filmed in the early 1930s openly defending Hitler, mass murder and genocidal eugenics. The documentary explains liberals’ love affair with fascism, saying: The left supported Hitler not because he deceived them. They knew Hitler would kill. He said he would. In fact, it was why they supported him.

Read more at The Liberal-Fascist Axis"​
The Rosenberg executions were RW overkill.

absolutely!! giving the worlds most liberal man(Stalin) a nuclear bomb was no biggie!!

See why we are postive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance and evil? What other conclusion is possible?
dear you cant be capitalist and totalitarian.

Welcome to your ABC's. Try college.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??

I cannot remember "liberals" snuggling up to Hitler. All I remember is Henry Ford and Prescott Bush. The latter's company had its assets seized in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act, which is ironic for a progenitor of two Presidents...

That's because you are an ignorass

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

by Jacob G. Hornberger .October 29, 2003

One of the best examples was Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, which in large part mirrored the economic policies that Hitler was implementing to get Germany out of the Depression. That’s why it’s not a coincidence that the photograph of the man with the pointy helmet on the U.S. Social Security Administration’s website is not Thomas Jefferson but rather Otto von Bismarck, the “iron chancellor” of Germany. Social Security, which the Roosevelt administration enacted in the 1930s, had originated with Bismarck, who himself had gotten the idea from German socialists in the late 1800s. Social Security was also a key part of Hitler’s economic program.
Thus, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Hitler, as a National Socialist, also embraced such other governmental measures as public (i.e., government) schooling, national health care, public works, national service, a national youth corps, conscription, government spending to achieve “full employment,” government-business partnerships, wage and price controls, government regulation of private businesses, national highways, financial subsidies to private businesses, and a strong military-industrial complex to combat communism and terrorism.
Masters in History, concentration in 20th century and Hitler. You, brainwashed shyttehead?

of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??
certainly not for Hitler.

The Liberal-Fascist Axis

"Shaw idolized Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

– Jonah Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism” (2007), p. 134

“The Soviet Story” was a revelatory “documentary on progressivism.” In a revealing excerpt, George Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright and literary critic was filmed in the early 1930s openly defending Hitler, mass murder and genocidal eugenics. The documentary explains liberals’ love affair with fascism, saying: The left supported Hitler not because he deceived them. They knew Hitler would kill. He said he would. In fact, it was why they supported him.

Read more at The Liberal-Fascist Axis"​
The Economist (and everyone else but Beck etc): "Absolute drivel". Lots of people were fooled for a while, by 1935 or so, not so much lol. Out of context Pubcrappe, chump.
Last edited:
Ed, it's okay if you occasionally don't think about Hitler and Stalin and Mao.

Unless it gives you emotional comfort, of course, which seems to be the case. Still, you don't always have to share. You can obsess about them quietly.
of course if true you'd know that our liberals spied for Hitler Stalin and Mao because they were big govt liberals. Why did you think our liberals spied for them?
idiot. Hitler? lol.

you think liberals spied just for Stalin??
certainly not for Hitler.

The Liberal-Fascist Axis

"Shaw idolized Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

– Jonah Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism” (2007), p. 134

“The Soviet Story” was a revelatory “documentary on progressivism.” In a revealing excerpt, George Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright and literary critic was filmed in the early 1930s openly defending Hitler, mass murder and genocidal eugenics. The documentary explains liberals’ love affair with fascism, saying: The left supported Hitler not because he deceived them. They knew Hitler would kill. He said he would. In fact, it was why they supported him.

Read more at The Liberal-Fascist Axis"​
The Economist (and everyone ele but Beck etc): "Absolute drivel" Lots of people were fooled for a while, by 1935 or so, not so much lol. Out of context Pubcrappe, chump.

hardly drivel but the repeated basis of human history. Thats why our Founders made all forms of liberallism illegal in America. ISIS or Stalin or Hannibal were all just liberals with different central govt scams, to our founders.

Do you understand now?

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